Slave to her desire

chapter 5

Ace grabbed hard around the trunk like thighs of his jailer and pulled himself into the enormous rear end trying his best to force his way past the hulking ass that blocked access to her plush slit. Her upper back was short and covered in deep rolls that sat above the tremendous shelf her behind formed. He pumped his hips hard sending tides through her fat and clapping the two dimpled cellulite ridden cheeks. A smear of frosting fell from her mouth and down her round face as she ate from a large sheet cake like a pig from a trough. Between his lunges and bites of cake she moaned with pleasure. Beads of sweat misted Ace’s forehead as he found the right position to angle slightly upwards hitting her spot just right. She bucked forward letting out a scream that transitioned midway into a burp. Unphased Ace continued his assault and in no time she was screaming “ACE, YES BABY, DEEPER, HARDER.”

His whole groin was covered in her essence as he pulled away, his load successfully delivered. He had not been tied up again after their first feeding session and they had several more, combining various sexual and sensual acts with her eating. He used this new found freedom to play innocent while beginning to plot his escape. Knowing he had weakened after being held for so long he used his abundant free time to exercise, doing pull ups, planks, squats, and other prison workout techniques to build his strength again. The stairs led to a door that appeared to be deadbolted into place in two spots from a cursory inspection.

When his captor was away he took a mental note of the time it averaged for her to return again. Guessing roughly between ten to fourteen hours after she had her fun with him to be the most likely time for her to be out of the house, he would explore slowly during that time frame. He had been provided better meals and a few changes of clothes, as well as access to a small shower that had been tucked away in the corner of the basement he hadn’t been able to see.

He would daydream of the outside world. Of being in the sunshine with his girlfriend, simply going for a walk, or being home working on his car in the parking lot outside their apartment. In the present he saw the dark eyes of his “Goddess” cast their gaze on him, her ever present mischievous smile on her lips. “That was wonderful, I’m glad I didn’t have to even ask for that.” she said as the brushed his cheek with her hand. Not saying anything else she warbuled up the stairs and left him alone in his extensive cell.

_________________________________ ___________________

What Ace guessed to be the proper amount of time had passed. He crept slowly up the stairs of his prison to the door to get a better look at the locks. There were two deadbolts on either side of the handle itself. The door itself was reinforced and he would be unable to break it. In addition, the hinges were located on the other side. But he found one thing that had been overlooked. The handle had screws facing his side. He slowly slunk down the stairs and went into the shower. He pulled a ring off of the shower curtain and snapped it in half, and using a sharp metal edge on one of the corners began to file down the tips to form a makeshift screwdriver.

Going back up the stairs he pressed his ear against the sealed crack of the door to see what he could hear. It was dead silent. Ace took a breath and focused himself, slotting the makeshift tool into the first screw head and began to twist counterclockwise. It was a poor fit and he had to reduce the tension, lest he break the curtain hanger, but it was working. Slowly and deliberately he worked the first screw out of its socket. He placed the screw on the step below him and began to work the next screw. This one was more stubborn, requiring him to push harder into the head to get any torque. His hand slipped and Ace cursed as it scraped part of the makeshift screwdriver head away.

He took another breath and began anew remove the screw. After minutes of slow progress the second screw came loose. He pried the handle loose and peered inside, He was in luck, there was a small gap inside the door where he could access the deadbolts. He began to stick his hand inside to see what he could do when he heard a muffled bang on the other side of the door. In quick succession this was followed by the ominous pounding of heavy footsteps. Ace quickly fumbled to retrieve the handle and slot it into place. The footsteps drew nearer as he slotted the first screw in and began to turn. He must have turned too hard on the screw as it slipped from its holding and tumbled down into the basement.

“Fuck” he grunted. He grabbed the other screw and tried again. Working quickly as possible he screwed it back into place as the pounding footsteps paused just outside the door. With not a moment to lose he had one screw in place securing the handle. Knowing he was likely out of time he bounded back down the stairs hiding his makeshift tool and hoping the screw that had fallen wasn’t somewhere in plain sight. He sat down on the couch and tried to appear as if he had been lounging and wiped the sweat from his brow.

The bolts on the door released and the door swung ajar as his captor stood atop the steps looking down at him. “I’ve had such a rough day baby.” She sighed to him. “I’m glad I have you to come home to everyday, you really brighten everything up.”

“Glad you’re enjoying it you sick bitch.” He thought to himself, uncrossing his leg to try and appear more open.

She made her way down the stairs, wearing her work uniform from the diner. She looked at him like she wanted to say something as she came within a few steps, but just flashed a smile instead. “How about we watch some TV together and just relax.” She said as she spun around with surprising speed and agility as she planted herself right in his lap.

The sudden impact sent most of Ace’s breath out of his lungs as she shifted her massive rear to get comfy. She used the remote to turn the TV on and let out a sigh of relaxation. The pressure of all her weight on him was squashing him, and at more than twice his width her thighs spilled over his own, as her fluffy arms acted like airbags blocking him in. “Ace baby, I’m not wearing any panties…”

As she said this she wiggled a bit on top of him, almost like a pavlovian dog he hardened instantly. “You’re becoming such a gentleman.” She giggled.

She raised slightly and came down again completely enveloping his shaft. Ace’s eyes rolled back into his head. He grabbed at the sides of her torrential belly, its soft creamy flesh making him even harder. “We’re going to be here awhile, so pace yourself.” She said as she just began to gently rock, with the most minimal of effort.

Using half of his effort just to breathe and resist the great weight on him, he shoved back as best he could, slightly eager to feel her soak him again.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 5 months
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BootyProotie 2 years
Reminds me of some fantasy Norbit stuff hahaha
LeDebonaire 2 years
Haha, is that a good or a bad thing for you?
BootyProotie 2 years
Pretty good smiley
Dutchbbwlover 2 years
Are you gonna continue this story? Would love to read more !
LeDebonaire 2 years
Yeah, I just need to find some free time to work on it, sorry for the delays, I haven't forgotten!
Dutchbbwlover 2 years
Are you gonna continue this story? Would love to read more !
Dutchbbwlover 3 years
Love this story! Written great
Littlejohnboy 3 years
Great description of being ridden by a SSBBW. This is exactly how it feels. If you get this opportunity, go for it. It is an unbelievable experience!
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Intriguing start. You write well.