Slave to her desire

chapter 7

The haze slowly lifted as the black receded from Ace’s eyes bringing grey blurry outlines into his vision. His arms were held up and outstretched, and as sensation returned he could feel his feet only partially contacting the hard cold ground below. As more feeling returned he could feel soreness in his arm joints, straining from the weight of holding him aloft. Anger and frustration now boiled up at blowing his chance to escape. He was back in his basement dungeon and he could only guess what “Jamie” had in store for him now.

Before Ace could continue down that train of thought a crack bellowed through the air followed by a searing sharp pain across his back. “GODDAMN YOU, YOU ***” Ace roared. His outburst was met with another thunderous crack and more pain.

“You were doing so good baby, then you had to go and ruin it!” emitted from the familiar rich breathy voice of his captor.

“No, YOU ruined everything, I want my life back!” Two more cracks accompanied with searing pain, but the building rage within him dulled it.

“I’m your goddess, and a goddess is unbound by the desires of her playthings.” She said, and Ace could hear her smile through the words.

“You’re no goddess, just a twisted bitch named Jamie Macon.” Ace spat.

Before the words could finish leaving his lips, bright lights clicked on with an audible electric hum, scalding Ace’s eyes. “You’re not worthy to speak the name of the goddess”. A cacophony of lashes flowed, the whip flaying the skin of Ace’s back. How long this went on for Ace could not determine. He no longer cared and his pure rage had numbed him to the effects of his punishment. He could feel the blood run down his back and the sounds of it dripping onto the floor below. His eyes closed tightly but the bright piercing white light still penetrated his eyelids.

Then, with no indication the whipping came to an abrupt halt. He felt a soft hand rub across his stubbled jaw, cradling his head. “You’re so strong, I don’t think that this is the way to get through to you.”

Ace opened his eyes to see Jamie standing next to him, topless. Her massive breasts sagging down onto her colossal belly. The wide dark nipples captured his attention. He could see just a trace of veins through the creamy caramel skin, and faded stretch marks, displaying the gluttony used to achieve their form. She smiled at him and he inhaled her perfume. She pressed her bountiful chest into his face rubbing her hardening nipples across his mouth. Ace felt his cock twitch as the soft supple flesh pressed against his face burying him in soft tissue.

He felt his balls cupped in Jamie’s hand, being teased and massaged. He grew in length as his mouth salivated. Before he could take her stiff bosom into his mouth to taste and suck she pulled away. As she did so, Ace watched her bountiful rolls shift as mountains of flesh quaked and jiggled. Jamie bent over and pressed her cellulite riddle checks which jutted out far past the base of her back into him. She sent a slight twerk through herself causing her ass to ripple and bounce against his crotch, bringing him to full mast. Ace could smell the musk of her moist glistening slit between the overstuffed cheeks and fought with himself to resist thrusting back attempting to enter her.

She pushed back even farther, and stuck her rear out even more. Ace could feel her wet lips against the tip of his member as she slid them up and down against it. Just as Ace was about to give in and thrust into her she pulled away in a flash denying him. His cock ached with denial and anticipation.

As she circled around behind him he felt a sharp jab, knowing he would soon be out cold again. As Ace once again faded out he could hear something being rolled against the ground next to him, and caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a box before fading away.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 5 months
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BootyProotie 2 years
Reminds me of some fantasy Norbit stuff hahaha
LeDebonaire 2 years
Haha, is that a good or a bad thing for you?
BootyProotie 2 years
Pretty good smiley
Dutchbbwlover 2 years
Are you gonna continue this story? Would love to read more !
LeDebonaire 2 years
Yeah, I just need to find some free time to work on it, sorry for the delays, I haven't forgotten!
Dutchbbwlover 2 years
Are you gonna continue this story? Would love to read more !
Dutchbbwlover 3 years
Love this story! Written great
Littlejohnboy 3 years
Great description of being ridden by a SSBBW. This is exactly how it feels. If you get this opportunity, go for it. It is an unbelievable experience!
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Intriguing start. You write well.