Like mother like daughter

chapter 1

It was a cold Saturday morning on the soccer field of Brookside High. The first week of back to school had concluded, and so most students and teachers had returned to their homes. The gloomy, dark blue tint of the 7AM sky tag-teamed with the harsh frost conditions to give the school's senior soccer squad a rude awakening. For most school sports teams, unforgiving weather such this would have been enough to retreat to their nice warm beds, but that would not up to the standards of the mighty Brookside Bulldogs.

The pride of their school, the Bulldogs have housed many-a-prestigious alumni and have racked up a plethora of silverware year after year throughout their rich history. Among those accolades include a golden era in Brookside during the 80s, where they won several National titles, things the Bulldogs have just about failed to repeat since then. Despite that, the Bulldogs are by far the most prestigious and dominant school of their state. They are known by many as trailblazers of excellence and grace on and off the field, and no one possesses these qualities more in the team than their current captain and star striker, Carmen Alvarez.


Carmen is blessed with the perfect blend of a toned physique needed for high performances in any type of weather, but also a curvaceous figure that has boys from all over school swoon over the young Latina whenever she confidently struts her stuff down the halls. She is blessed with rich, long dark chocolate brown hair, striking brown eyes and a jaw chiseled by the Gods. Her slim, flat midsection compliments her modestly sized breasts, but the combo of her thighs and ass juxtaposes from her petite 120lb frame in all the right ways.

Of course with having all these gifts, Carmen was bound to form an ego the size of a house. Getting quite comfortable with the Queen Bee treatment she has been getting since entering Brookside, she uses her high social status from her sporting successes and looks to get her way, in many ways.

Using her rep alone, she can attract attention from any and all jocks she wants, and when needs be, seduce the occasional nerd with her mature Mexican accent when her grades slack. She's your stereotypical "bitchy popular girl"; sassy, nasty and stuck up on her proverbial high horse. Her Latina skin keeps her with an amazing bronze tan, even when she's stuck in her room all day texting boys or following the newest makeup tutorial.

A personality such as this in the Bulldogs dressing room, though, would be sure to be sure to make her unpopular among her teammates, no matter how popular she was on the outside. But Carmen's enthusiasm, care and tireless work ethic make all the girls respect her as a player and a teammate, at least. She truly was the envy of all her classmates.

2019-20 had been a blast for Carmen and her teammates. Having the Rivers Sisters, Caroline and the younger sister Paige, control the back line as center backs was a great help to the team as the two rarely made mistakes between them.

Midfielders Rachel Stringer, Jordyn Mills and Jaime Benson were vital parts of the team's successes over the year with their free-flowing, unselfish passes across the pitch (and of course to Carmen whenever she screamed at them to). All three of the girls got their chance since the Porter Twins, McKenzie and Madison were dropped from the first team because of "fitness and weight issues".

But who really shined last year was, of course, their star player Carmen. After replacing the teams' former star player, Greta Anderson, who had graduated two years ago, she grasped the brass ring and burst onto the scene with style and grace. In her first season, she scored 13 goals in just 8 games in what besides was a pretty disappointing season for Brookside, only reaching the semi finals of regionals. But when awarded the role of captaincy at the start of 2019, it spurred her on to score even more. She went on to score 28, the record for any player in the whole region had ever scored, smashing Greta's previous record of 23. It wouldn't take a genius to predict that if Carmen stays on the right track, she may fufil the potential many of her elders believe she has; to make it pro.


After performing a personal warm up alone on the Astroturf pitch for a few minutes, Carmen quickly grew restless of her team still chit-chatting in the dressing room. Having enough, she stormed back towards the cozy building, where the squad was still in the process of getting ready.

"C'mon guys! You're all late!"

Carmen shouted angrily to all her teammates as she stormed back into the dressing room.

"Don't worry we already checked. The new coach hasn't arrived yet."

Right back Taylor Adams said with a cool head, trying to reassure her and the others.

"Yeah don't make a big ol' scene about it!"

Jenn Gardener, the lazy but loveable substitute retorted with a chuckle. The bench player's sedentary lifestyle meant she didn't have the best physique, but her bubbly attitude made her well liked by all who played with her.

But Carmen didn't take the joke lightly. Being the captain of twenty or so teen girls was quite stressful for her, and the fact that it was freezing cold meant she was in no mood to be taking orders by some ***.

"Oh shut it, porker! If the selectors knew about all the Hershey's you've been stuffing in your gearbag you wouldn't even be in the squad to train here today!"

She spewed with venom, the chatty atmosphere in the densely packed room chopping down to size in an instant as a deafening wave of silence took its place. Everyone looked to Jenn. Her joyful expression turned to utter despair as the nasty remarks hit like a ton of bricks to her fragile self esteem. Sensing all of the locker room staring at her, she dashed towards the bathrooms with some friends of hers following to check in on the audible weeping that quickly started.

"Oh she'll be fine! Her second breakfast is coming up soon, that'll cheer her up again." Carmen retorted to the concerned murmuring. The remark got a few sniggers from Carmen's little clique in the far corner, which made the little smirk the Captain was hiding behind her stern face break out. She always found joy in belittling fatties. I mean, she had it coming right? She's a total lardass, she's like, 160 pounds! She only has only herself to blame, for having no sort of self restraint or control.

Remembering what Taylor said about the coach, Carmen decided to chill for a bit before the new coach arrived, joining her clique mate cronies in their reserved corner of the locker room. They snickered and giggled amongst themselves about any and all sorts of gossip they could think of. When they got onto the topic of Jenn's weight, Carmen couldn't help but think of her own mother, Gloria.

"Geez, speaking of lardasses with no self control.."

Carmen thought to herself with a grimace.

"I bet Mamas sitting by the fire, thinking of me freezing to death and laughing her *** off right now... or she could just be in bed pigging out again, ugh. I will NEVER gonna turn out like her."
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Lioneladlan 2 years
when will this story continue? I'm really waiting for it
Apessoviettammy 2 years
Please continue this
Tablesofacha... 2 years
I really lik
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