Like mother like daughter

chapter 3

The sun rose over the dark green valleys of Riverside Falls, signaling another day of hard work for all of its citizens. Tough blue collar folk rose from their humble abodes; the trashmen did their rounds, the businessmen trudged to their drab offices and the single moms tended to their yelping children. They all yearned for a day when maybe, somehow, they'd win the jackpot, they'd get rich and they'd watch all their problems fade away.
Thankfully, Carmen Mendez wasn't like any of those nasty undesirables. She was loaded, gorgeous and didn't have a single ounce of anxiety in her pretty little head.

The latina parted the bushy bedhead from her clear caramel face, yawning as she sprung her pajama-covered body forth from the frilly pink covers. What came next was arguably her favourite part of the day.
Stripping out of her wooly onesie, the Latina took a minute to narcissistically check out her bare naked body. She began to stretch and tilt, posing in all sorts of provocative and erotic positions. She slowly swayed her slim waists back and forth as she proudly stared at her picturesque model bod. She grasped a generous handful of her darkened tits, faintly cackling with prideful smirk. It was always essential that Brookside royalty of such status and stature as herself be reminded of how great she truly was daily.
Having had enough of hyping herself up for now, she went upon finding the ideal outfit for the day ahead. She always gave a great deal of thought and consideration into finding the perfect combination of clothing each morning, which really said something when realising Carmen never really did much introspective thought about much at all. Carmen always had strategy in place for any particular scheme of high school bitch-themed politics she could plan to enact on any given day. Carmen wasn't blessed with intelligence in a lot of things in life, but one thing she sure was a connoisseur of is winning a boy over, and fashion was her partner in crime each successful time she did so.
Today's flavour of the month was Brock, so she was determined to swoon him today with something.. skimpy. Yes, skimpy would do the trick. She meticulously selected each aspect of her outfit, concocting a stunning ensemble of irresistible seduction. She settled on an incy-wincy red crop top (that only really did a job covering her chest), skin tight black jeans that clung to her perky butt, and a pair of 400 dollar white Hi-Tops she had recently bought online with daddy's credit card.
Stepping down the creaky stairs to the kitchen below, she scanned around the marble island to see what she could snatch for a quick breakfast. She was feeling extra hungry today, so Carmen decided to grant herself a little cheat day today with her servings; snatching not one, but TWO kiddie size granola bars.

"Have a great day at school pumpkin, love you!"
The father exclaimed lovingly to his daughter as she exited Carlos' jet black Range Rover by the front of the school. Carmen could only grimace out of embarrassment as she stepped out, quickly strutting towards the doors away from her uncool dad.

Entering into the marble floors of Brookside High, Carmen couldn't help but let out a sigh of pure joy. She began to strut her stuff down the hallways, grinning as the subordinate freshmans in her way parted like the Red Sea. Cat calling and jeers from the occasional horny onlooker only strengthened her confident swagger as she made her way to her locker No. 316. As she opened her little rectangular tin, she was quickly flanked by her group of minion cliq-mates, taking no time start bickering away amongst themselves over all sorts of bitchy high school gossip. It was only a matter of time the jocks caught word she had arrived, and quickly a horde of Brookside elitists swarmed across the width of the narrow corridor. Carmen just couldn't get enough of the serotonin coming from the barrage of praise and admiration, even finding satisfaction in the odd grope from an overbearing jock.

Throughout all this commotion, one petite-framed, spectacled academic just wanted to get to locker 314. Abigail Swanson slipped and shuffled her way through the crevices of footballer shoulders, having to withstand and tolerate the jostles, nudges and mean spirited sniggering of the bullies. She wanted nothing more than to go feral somehow on these skanks and douchebags, but she just was too quiet and reserved to do anything of that sort outside the realms of her blissful imagination.

Abigail was not composed of the typical bookworm build of a nerd you'd imagine roaming the halls of Brookside. You wouldn't think of it at first, but behind her concealed cardigan, there was quite the surprising figure. Similar enough to Carmen, she possessed a perfectly flat stomach complimented by rounded, modestly-sized breasts. But it didn't take the school quiz bowl team to notice her eye-catchingly sizable bottom half. Through the visage of her stocky sweatpants, the girth of her thighs spanned long and wide across and past her poultry middle. So far, no jock has managed to provide an exact measurement of her rear end to their comrades just yet. Her size has somewhat of an urban legend amongst the guys in the locker room.
Oddly, though, was that every boy that had tried to court her throughout her years in Brookside had all been outright rejected, regardless of whom or what they were in school society. Many assumed as a result she may be Evangelical, a girl determined maybe to stay abstinent in a cesspool of sex and sin. This was the furthest thing from the truth to her, but why waste a perfectly good alibi to keep them all at bay?
Despite all these attractive qualities, Abigail took every opportunity to cover up all of her curves. Much to the mystery of most in her classes, she always restricted her flowing strawberry blond hair to a low effort ponytail, tried to make her thighs less juxtaposedly big and regularly covered her torso in something baggy. The Brookside elite were not used to and did not tolerate such levels of rejection towards them, and so Abigail became one of the bullies' most reoccurring victim.

"Look, four eyes is back!"
A cliq-mate whispered maliciously around the huddle as a peeved Abby finally got to her books.
Abby tried to drown out and ignore the subsequent barrage of jokes and insults being thrown her way, but when she didn't give the bullies the satisfaction, the crowd shuffled more and more forward and the voices became too loud to handle. The casual remarks became more and more like frustrated, angry loud insults and things started to get minorly physical. The hall monitors, knowing their role, turned a blind eye to the ordeal.
"HEY, we're talking to YOU! YEAH, YOU!"

Somewhere amongst all the abusers, Carmen stood by and stayed uncharacteristically silent. Instead of joining in like she always enjoyed to, she just stared at the girl in distress with a rare showing of guilt and hidden concern.
It went on for what felt like days in Abby's mind, but it was all but crammed into three agonising minutes before thankfully being saved by the bell. The mish-mash of bullies were forced to disperse, and the suspects swiftly entered and blended with the others making their way to class, chatting away like they had just finished an errand.

What only remained at the lockers now was the two girls and their books. Abby locked eyes with Carmen and stared a gaping hole right through the Latina in pure rage. She wiped her face of a few loose tears and approached her with pure fiery aggression, pressing her thumb firmly into Carmen's bony shoulder blade.

"What happened to you?"
Abby cried out to her.
"We were BEST FRIENDS, we were closer than that, even! We were so close for so long and now you just treat me like I don't even EXIST!"
Abby bellowed. Carmen tried to splutter out any type of word from her mouth, but she could not muster a single word.
"Nonononono NO. You don't get to say ANYTHING. You've had plenty of time to say something, ANYTHING to me, for THREE YEARS, but you didn't do Jack SHIT."
By now, a growing crowd of students and teachers alike had stopped commuting through the halls to listen in whatever juicy drama was unfolding.
"What am I, huh? Too much of a NERD to you now?? Too uncool to invite me into your little slut squad, huh?! TELL ME."

Carmen's mind was going into a total meltdown, her head darting from one side of the hall to the other. On one side, she saw everyone wondering why someone so godly as herself be letting someone of Abby's social status belittle her so much. The jocks, the nerds, and even the teachers were awaiting what she was gonna do. Then she looked back to Abby, on the verge of breaking down herself, someone who she used to love so much now detest her so passionately.
She then snapped back into reality, seeing everyone looking at her with perfect silence.

She shouted with a vile slap that echoed right around the halls and in through the cracks of the nearby classroom doors. The strike was met with a chorus of 'Ooh's and 'Ah's among some cheers from sections of the crowd. Abby caressed her cheek for a brief moment, looking back to Carmen with a mixture of shame, sadness and disbelief. Carmen could only look away in shame as many started to swarm the two to praise Carmen and shun the nerd. Abby rushed away frantically to escape it all, being taunted with jeers, taunts and nudges galore along the way. Carmen had no time to process anything that had happened, there was no time for that. She had no other choice but to equip her pretty little face again, and go back to chatting with her pretty little friends.
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Lioneladlan 2 years
when will this story continue? I'm really waiting for it
Apessoviettammy 2 years
Please continue this
Tablesofacha... 2 years
I really lik
E this story!