Like mother like daughter

chapter 3 (cont.)

Back in the living room of the Mendez household, Gloria and her husband Carlos were spending some much needed quality time together by having some lunch.

"Mmmmmmmrgh*CHOMP*uuuurgh..&quo t;
Gloria emitted what seemed to be some beastial moan within all the melted mozzarella cheese being fed l into her mouth. You see, 1-on-1 lunchtime between Mr. and Mrs. Mendez was much.. let's say.. different to one of the prototypical American couple.

"Tell me about the time we went to that McDonald's in Denmark" Gloria mumbled through the handfuls of fries being fisted into her gaping mouth by her willing husband. Carlos chuckled with a sigh.
"You always love that story, don't you? Well alright then. Remember that one time a few years ago when we got the kids off our hands cus' of camp? We decided to travel all over Europe that summer. Great places over there; Cork Butter Museum, Bruges Fries Museum, you loved the Cologne Chocolate Museum a lil' too much looking back, if you saw the look on that tour guides' face! I had so many things planned for us to do; the Eiffel Tower, maybe a romantic canoe ride in a mountain lake, but I could never get your lardass away from greasy fast food for more than one day without you raising all hell. Everyday you'd drag my ass to a McDonald's and take whatever those poor foreigners had in those grills. I swear I spent more time during that trip looking at you chow down triple cheeseburgers than I physically went outside. BUT DEAR GOD WAS IT HOT. I mean- don't get me wrong- you were big back then, real big. But you weren't big enough for me. Seeing you destroy your clothes with sauce and soda and all that ice cream, seeing you expand in real time before my very own eyes, sweet jesus. All those people disgusted, all the children staring at you, you must've been so embarrassed- you must've been as turned as I was.."
Gloria laid in her chair as she closed her eyes and entered a reminiscing/daydream state. She rubbed her belly as a supremely obese woman's variant of pleasuring herself, knowing she probably couldn't reach over her bloated, distended gut to her pants.

"Ah ah ah.. you haven't cleared your plate"
Carlos replied, getting up from his chair and standing over his wife, reaching over and guiding more delicatessen into her groggily opening mouth.

"Pretty sure an ambulance was called in one time because they thought your groans and moans was friggin' childbirth! I mean, who could blame them when they saw that rock hard bloated laying across the diner couch.
Near the end of the trip our last destination was Copenhagen. You do love some beer, don't you? How else coulda' belly like that get so round.. and so big.. and so soft…"
Carlos lost his train of thought for a second, as he couldn't help but me transfixed on his magnum opus of tanned fat and cellulite that was Gloria globular gut.

"Uh- Oh! Silly me, got a little off track there.. where was I?"
"Denmark, Carlos."
Gloria grumbled, annoyed she had to snap back to reality.

Quietly opening her bedroom door, Isabel groggily yawned and stretched herself out, allowing a thin layer of stomach chub to peak out of her pyjama top. Thankfully she inherited height from her fathers' side, so she wasn't stubby fat like her mother. She had reasoned to herself this morning that it was perfectly fine and OK to weigh 200 pounds at her height, as her "extra weight" had distributed fairly across her body so far. So she felt no need or fear to lose it all all at once if she so decided. Well, she was "tall" as in still below 5 foot 10 but it's the self confidence that counts.
Tip-toeing down the stairs, she made sure she didn't wake up any people sleeping, not knowing she had awoken a few minutes past noon.
Sneaking down to the marble kitchen floors, she fished out a box of Lucky Charms and decided to say "fuck it" and began chugging the delectable treats downwards. Mid chug, however, she heard some strange noises emanating from the living room next door. Interestingly enough, there was a slidable small window between the walls. She never had a use for it before, usually it was only used by Carlos back in the day to call everyone for dinner. But maybe she could use it for more mischievous means…

Opening it up slowly, the strange sounds became more clear, but became a lot more strange.

"..Problem was, you had ate so many damn Egg McMuffins that your *** was crammed in the booth, so they couldn't *technically* kick you out until you wanted to help them squeeze you out"
Carlos was still in the process of feeding Gloria whatever he could find on the table, inserting pudding and pork and all sorts of other pig products. Gloria was helpless and too bloated to be able to move nor resist, but one could assume she didn't really want to do either of those things. Isabel was disturbed to say the least, quickly closing the window to where it was before.

"..That's what fat people do for fun?"
Isabel whispered to herself, wishing she she had been born without eyes. Not wanting to be there anymore, she swiftly took some small snacks and headed back upstairs, and by "some small snacks" it was several bowls worth of tortilla chips to stuff that traumatic memory under several pounds of guacamole.

"That story always works like a charm"
Carlos smiled, slotting in the last sausage in through Gloria's lips.

"Am I big enough for you now, babe?"
Gloria joked with a grin.

"Oh honey, not even close."


Carmen and her growing group of cronies left their classes and met up together once more as the final bell rang throughout Brookside High. Carmen had all but forgotten what had happened in the morning, she didn't have a whole lot of memory space in that airhead of hers.

"D-Did you see the team sheet on the noticeboard?"
A squeamish freshman piped up within the crony group. Carmen stopped in her tracks and her plastic smile turned to a grimace.

"Uh.. No??"
Carmen snapped back.

"Why would I even care? I know, as well as everyone else knows that the name 'C. MENDEZ' is as set in stone as.. uh.. something cool that's also stone. Don't you all know that?"
All the cronies nod in unison.

"So why would you even ask that question? Why are you even ASKING a question? What even is your name??"

"M-My name is Tabitha! I've been carrying your books for 4 wee-"

"IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS. Know your role and shut the fuck up, damn."

Suddenly, a blond freshman sprinted down the halls en route to the group. She didn't have much method to her madness, bashing into the occasional student before apologising profusely and picking up everything they dropped, before sprinting again. Once she finally reached the girls, she began to tap on the shoulder of Carmen with extreme enthusiasm, which only irked Carmen further.

"Who the fuck do you think you arOH HELLO SASHA!!! HOW ARE YOU?!"
Carmen exclaimed as she turned around, forgetting for a moment to act nice around this one.

"I made the team!!!" I'M STARTING!"
Sasha squealed excitedly, hugged and shakely Carmen around like a ragdoll.

"...Wait what?"
"That must be wrong. We're both strikers, and we only play with one striker. We only play with me."
Carmen said with a deteriorating passive aggressive tone.

"This is probably some MASSIVE misunderstanding, I totally agree. Let's go see the sheet together, ay? I'm sure we're both there working together on it!"
Sasha said apprehensively, retreating back a few steps. Seeing Carmen's foundation-caked face becoming progressively more unhinged, she began to use her hands like Chris Pratt would tame a velociraptor.

"Yeah! Sure! Show me!"
Carmen said as she firmly gripped Sasha's hand like a stress ball as she led the way, her nice-girl demeanour on a thread.

Sasha cautiously brought her over to the all powerful bulletin board. She blessed herself one last time as she turned the last corner and finally directed her towards the paper wall.

"There you go! Now please let go of my hand!"

"Sur e!"
Carmen said cheerfully, her eyes locked in on the board. Sasha took no chances and quickly scampered off home, thankful to live another day on God's green earth.

Carmen stood as still as cement she looked over the 11 players over and over again. Over and over again. Over and over again.


Where the hell was she? Surely this was some sort of mistake, some sort of typo, some sick September fools' joke even! If she wasn't any of the first eleven names, then where the flying fuck was she?

Closing her eyes, she laid her head back for a few seconds. She chuckled a bit to herself for a few seconds, then she laughed hysterically for about half a minute. Well it wouldn't if she'd have a look done there as a little joke.
Oh no.

"I'M ON THE BENCH?!?!?!?!?!"
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Lioneladlan 2 years
when will this story continue? I'm really waiting for it
Apessoviettammy 2 years
Please continue this
Tablesofacha... 2 years
I really lik
E this story!