Garden of giants

chapter 5: realization - by sylvia

I don't know how long it has been since I first became entangled in these vines. If this were a different situation in which I were simply stuck, I would have died long ago from predators or starvation. No, the dilemma I was in held me high above the forest floor away from any other dangers and continued to over-nourish me if anything. My stomach is constantly bulging out, continuously testing the limits of how much more I can fill up. Night and day the vines feed me until they feel that I'm just about to pop, only stopping to let me catch my breath or to sleep. While I have grown rather tolerant of whatever it was the fruits did that made me drowsy, my new sedentary lifestyle has sapped my energy away on its own and left me exhausted after each feeding.

Every day for what I believe has been the past week, I could feel parts of my body begin to push at the seams of my clothing. Soon after having this feeling, the tree would twist its vines to remove the piece of my outfit that was too tight on me. Soon enough, I became too big to fit anything. As of now, I am completely naked.

In my foolishness and possibly denial, it is just today that I have finally realized what this thing is doing to me. My breasts are swelling to the size of cantaloupes- almost double what they used to be. I can feel my back starting to form soft rolls which have started to peek through the vines formed around me. My ass is widening at such a rate to where the growth is constantly having to readjust where it holds me. My thighs and arms are becoming thicker and my face feels more rounded. While these are all noticeable changes, the most apparent of them is my now oversized belly. Along with my stomach bulging out from the constant feedings, the fat that has been forming around my once toned abdomen is rounding me out to the point where I can always see it from beneath me. Although I can't see my sides, I can feel them getting thicker as they fill out over the vines that wrap around my waist.

While I haven't yet figured out why, I know now that this thing is trying to make me fatter. I say 'trying', but it is pretty clear given how big I've gotten that it's getting exactly what it wants. It doesn't help that I cant help but crave the thick juice it pumps into me. I always try to tell myself to fight back, but any plan to resist vanishes the moment I see the orange bulb start to drip in front of me. I always open my mouth wide, inviting it in so I can suck as much of it down as my stomach will allow me to. I would be lying if I said that I didn't like it, or even that how fat I've gotten isn't from my own doing. No more denial - I have to face it. This tree is making me bigger with no intention of stopping and I can't help but comply.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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SilverPathfi... 2 years
I am always happy to find a new fantasy story on this site.

I was a little surprised by the switch between 3rd person and 1st person between chapters, but your prose is good, and the foreshadowing during the ruin exploration was clever.
BulletSpire 2 years
Great story, keep it going.