Garden of giants

chapter 6: acceptance - by sylvia

I woke up to the orange bulb caressing my lips and gently moving itself into my mouth which I groggily opened for it, ready and eager to drink. While sucking the viscous liquid down, I felt a cool breeze make its way across my skin and through my hair. I wriggled slightly to get more comfortable within the growth and started to daydream.

I thought about Cailan. I rembered when we first met and how the Chimera he fought had left him terribly wounded. I remembered that even in the face of death while I tended to his injuries, the man couldn't help but make jokes and tell stories about his travels. In that moment, I knew I had found my lover and I believe he knew it too.

I won't soon forget the time before we left on our adventure when he tried to make me a statuette of the village deity.

"You can use it as a prayer focus!" He said confidently. "That way you have a backup in case you lose your other one. Never hurts to be prepared!"

It was probably the most tainted depiction of our deity that had ever been made. There was no way I could've used it properly without cursing myself. Regardless, it became my most treasured keepsake and the most beautiful thing I owned.

Despite all these fond memories with him, I wondered how he would look at me as I am now. The days I've spent being constantly fed have made me undeniably fat, although fat would surely be an understatement. Maybe a couple pounds here or there would have been barely noticeable, but now there was no mistaking it. While my face could probably pass off as just a bit rounder, the rest of my body is unrecognizable compared to how it was before. Part of me desperately wishes he's still out there and will soon save me from this, but then another part is unsure if it would just be more embarrassing if he saw just how big I've gotten. If he found his way to this tree and looked up, he wouldn't see the spry, thin healer he met from the nearby village. He would see a fully naked sow being pumped fuller and fuller as the vines would try their best to hold her up. Even despite the shame, I still can't resist devouring the liquid that is being poured into me. I mean, I've already more than tripled in size, what will quadrupling matter? I might as well really enjoy it. Of course, telling this to myself every time is probably the reason I've gotten this massive so quickly.

As I continued to drink, my belly had soon filled itself to capacity and the bulb slowly retracted, leaving me alone for the time being. Feeling uncomfortably stuffed, my mind began to wander further on the subject of Cailan and I thought about the special night we had shared in the ruins. I missed the way it felt and began playing it over in my head, trying to recreate the moment. Just like at the end of every feeding recently, I felt a kind of euphoria and it wasn't long before I became turned on from my daydreaming. My hips, large and wide, were rocking back and forth as my legs trembled beneath them. I closed my eyes and imagined him touching me.

As I did so, the vines around me started moving as well, gently rubbing and caressing my body while I writhed around. While surprised initially, I didn't object to it. They slowing began at my neck, tracing all the way down the valley in the middle of my back that formed from the weight I had gained. I let out a soft moan. The tips of the vines found their way in between the rolls of my back and slipped through to my swolen breasts, rubbing and teasing them. Soon, my entire fattened body was being handled by the growth and stimulating areas that I never knew could arouse me so hard. It was almost as if me being bigger had awakened certain pleasure spots that hadn't been there before. As it continued, I started to pant heavily and my most sacred of areas had become fully drenched. Desperate, I opened my legs and tried pushing my enlarged hips down to find something to grind on but there was nothing but space beneath me. I was starting to go insane before I felt a rouge vine climbing its way up my left leg. It was taunting me, just barely touching where I needed it. After moments of absolute torture, it gave me what I wanted and pushed inside. I could feel it within me, going hard until I had reached a climax. As it continued to take care of me after my surge of relief, I looked and saw that my skin began to shift and change color. The skin on my body was turning into a light green while the areolas on my breasts darkened into a much deeper shade. My hair had even changed to a dark green as well. The vines soon stopped and abruptly retracted back into their positions, letting my boobs and belly drop back down which made my entire body jiggle before coming to rest. I thought I was starting to figure out what this tree was trying to achieve by fattening me, but as of now, I really have no clue.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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SilverPathfi... 2 years
I am always happy to find a new fantasy story on this site.

I was a little surprised by the switch between 3rd person and 1st person between chapters, but your prose is good, and the foreshadowing during the ruin exploration was clever.
BulletSpire 2 years
Great story, keep it going.