Garden of giants

chapter 7: a symbol of growth

A little more than 7 months have passed since Sylvia's first introduction with the tree that now held her in its grasp. Upon arrival with Cailan, she stood around 5' 6" at 153 pounds, maintaining a slim and defined figure. Since then, the vines have done well to constantly feed and alter her growth, allowing Sylvia to not only grow fatter, but larger as well. At the end of this long period of time with nothing but total submission to her growth, Sylvia had become around 9' 2" at a massive 867 pounds. She was huge - a towering, naked woman with green skin and hair that was soft and vibrant. More appropriately, she was a giant.

Sylvia continued to suck down the thick bulb juice with as much fervor as she had 7 months ago. After she had become completely stuffed, the bulb retracted and she heard a familiar voice within her head.

"Be proud, young one. Be proud, for you have become the fruit within my garden." The voice echoed within Sylvia. "You have become plump and bountiful - a symbol of life to all the forest denizens. Go now, and create a new line of giants to dwell and thrive in my garden."

The vines proceeded to shift around Sylvia similar to how they did when she was taken before. The growth lowered her down from the tree top into a large, newly formed cavity at the base of the tree trunk with a great stone structure build around it. Sylvia recognized it as similar to the abandoned ruins she visited with Cailan. Soon she could see the forest floor and the forest people who had previously ambushed them all standing around the new hall. The vines lowered her through the ceiling and into the base of the tree cavity where they finally let go and receeded.

This was the first time in more than half a year that she was able to move on her own and didn't have vines holding her still. Surprisingly, she was able to lift herself and get up at her own leisure though it was still somewhat difficult given her massive size. As she walked, there was no way she could go without producing a large thump sound with every step despite her best efforts. She trudged over to an oversized mirror she found hanging on the wall on the other side of the room and finally saw the result of all her feeding. She knew she had to be massive, but seeing it herself made her nothing short of awestruck. Her hands moved down her body as she pinched and felt all the weight that piled onto her. Overall, the fat had formed in a more round and pronounced way rather than being flabby, making her look like an exaggerated depiction of a fertility goddess. She turned to look at her side profile, which turned out to be least forgiving of her endulgence. Shocked, she didn't know what she was expecting. In one moment, 7 years worth of carelessly feeding had come to her attention. She then turned around and stomped back to her giant seat within the tree trunk to sit and think.

Within a few minutes, an older man in tribal clothing entered the hall and stood before Sylvia. He then knelt down and spoke from a groveling position, "Your greatness, if I could have a moment of your time."

Confused, Sylvia simply nodded her head, unsure of what was supposed to happen next.

"I am called Tillus, a keeper of the garden." He said still on his knees. "I speak for the people of the forest in saying we are thankful for your arrival. We understand you may have questions, which I pray I am fit to answer for you."

Frozen in place, Sylvia took a moment to digest Tillus' presence before erupting into anger. "Why am I here? Why ME of all people? I still don't even know who you people are! Why did you attack us?? Why am I so fat???"

Tillus couldn't help but feel uneasy being at the the receiving end of a angry giantess, but tried his best to explain. "Please, your greatness, we never meant any harm. The forest is an ancient one that had once been the home of a great race of giants. These giants brought life to the land and stood as a symbol of nature and growth! Unfortunately, that race of giants died out long ago because the people had forgotten about how important life was. Societies grow, wars are waged and nature has always been used to fuel the demand. My people and I came to the forest to see that life would be restored again, and that meant bringing back the giants. We waited for years for someone with a pure heart to come to us, and the moment you stepped foot into the forest, the spirit of the trees chose you! So don't you see-"

"Where's Cailan?" Sylvia interjected.

Tillus fell silent. He then proceeded to stand and make his way to the main hall door to take his leave. Moments later, another man walked in and knelt before Sylvia. It was Cailan.

Sylvia cheeks started becoming a rosy red behind her greenish skin as she could help but feel overwhelmingly embarrassed of how big she was now. Cailan's jaw couldn't help but drop as he saw the new Sylvia sitting before him. She was... Magnificent. Truly no other woman on this plane looked nearly as great as her to him.

"Sylvia, you're s-so..." Cailan could barely get through his words without stammering.

"I know..." She said looking down. "I'm so fa-"


Sylvia's face turned from pure shame to total surprise. Perhaps she heard him wrong? Maybe this wasn't the real Cailan. No, he said it.

Cailan continued, "After they attacked me, they brought me back to their camp to talk. I didn't want to hear it at first and I initially tried fighting them again, but then they brought me back to the tree and the spirit spoke to me. He reassured me that you were safe and explained what you would do for the world. I'm... I'm just glad I get to see you again."

Sylvia's eyes began to well up and she started to cry. "Cailan, I'm so glad I get to see you again too. You have no idea how much I've missed-"

"Of course, Sylvia. I'll always be here with you! Also forgot to mention, another bright side of being in your position is that you always get free food! Being a symbol of growth isn't just a title, you know."

Through the doors came many tribesmen with offerings of food they had found and hunted for in the forest. They proceeded to set them at the table in front of Sylvia and gave their thanks to her.

Sylvia took it all in albeit hesitantly. "Well, I mean... This is definitely a lot to get used to and it's still a little weird, but I trust you Cailan. And I guess I am pretty hungry." She laughed.

"Of course, my greatness! Well, I better be off, I have some things I need to take care of around camp. See you soon!" And without waiting a moment longer, Cailan left Sylvia to her feast.

Upon closing the door, Cailan was now outside the hall and met with Tillus and a man covered in markings. In the blink of an eye, Cailan vanished into thin air and the man with markings breathed a deep breath of relief.

"Are you sure this was the best way to convince her? I don't know how long I can do this for the foreseeable future." Said the man with markings.

"It pains me to start the new line of giants with such a blatant lie, but she wasn't going to do anything if I didn't give her Cailan." Tillus said

"Well, be it a lie or not, I suppose she is flourishing from it. As long as she continues to grow, so will the garden." The two then made their way into the great hall to partake in the feast and give thanks to their new giantess.

Sylvia proceeded to shovel the tributes into her mouth as if she hadn't eaten in years, unaware of the lies being told behind her back. The only thing she was concerned with at the present moment was where she was supposed to get a drink for all these tributes. As she looked around, an orange bulb lowered down to the side of her, dripping as it always did before. Without hesitation, she smiled, grabbed it with both hands and filled her belly with the liquid, content with her new life as a giantess.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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SilverPathfi... 2 years
I am always happy to find a new fantasy story on this site.

I was a little surprised by the switch between 3rd person and 1st person between chapters, but your prose is good, and the foreshadowing during the ruin exploration was clever.
BulletSpire 2 years
Great story, keep it going.