A girl's dream

  By S67

chapter 3: tuesday

128 lbs (58 kg).

Chloe still felt pretty full when she woke up at 7 A.M. Her belly was round and heavy. She was a bit breathless.

Knowing that her daughter was pretty hungry in the morning, Chloe's mother decided to make her a hearty breakfast as usual. It was her day off so she had plenty of time to cook.

When Chloe headed to the kitchen, she saw plates filled with food on the table.
10 slices of greasy bacon, 6 fried eggs, 7 slices of toast, 20 thick pancakes covered with tons of butter and melted chocolate.
It was obviously too much for one person but her mother didn't care.

"Hello, sweetie!", said her mother tenderly. "Come sit, please. Breakfast is ready. Enjoy!", she added with a smile.

Chloe didn't need any other warning to start digging. She ate with haste, feeling grease on her fingers and crumbs of toast on her face. Her mother was surprised to see her daughter eat that fast.

It took her 20 minutes to eat everything as if knowing that the rich food would make her gain weight gave her more motivation to stuff her face.

"If I had known that you were so hungry this morning, I would have made more food for you, honey", said her mother after patting her daughter's full belly.

Panting, Chloe said:
"That would be a great idea, mom", she agreed. "I think I lost a few pounds recently. You don't see it but I'm really skinny", she lied, hoping that her mother would help her fatten her up involuntarily.
"Oh my!", exclaimed her mother, surprised. "It's not good for your health if you're too skinny", she said, worried. "I'll make you more food for breakfast, lunch and dinner just in case. I expect you to eat as much as your father", she ordered.
"Yes, you're right, mom.", replied Chloe.
Her father used to eat 3000 calories daily so from now on she would eat twice as much than before. She couldn't wait.

"Chloe, don't forget to bring some snacks with you, OK?", asked her mom.
"Yes, mom. Thank you", she said, after taking several family size bags of M&M's, multiple candy bags and a lot of chocolate bars from the closet.
She returned to her bedroom and put everything on her bed, eager to eat.

An hour later, she felt like she was about to pop. Her bed was covered with empty wrappers and empty bags of sweet snacks. She was having a painful bellyache and put a hand on her belly to rub it. Her mouth and fingers were also covered with chocolate.

At 11 A.M, her mother texted her to inform her that lunch was ready.
She had made tons of homemade French fries and double cheeseburgers.
There were two salad bowls full of French fries and the cooking pot was filled to the brim with greasy burgers. There were at least 15 cheeseburgers in it.

Groaning, Chloe sat down at the table, and started to eat under her mother's watch. She would make sure that her daughter wouldn't leave the table without eating everything.
After gorging herself, Chloe felt huge and stuffed. She couldn't even move. Her mother cleared the table and smiled when she looked at her overfed daughter.

I'm going to make her healthy again, she thought.

"Honey, do you have some room for dessert? There's a jar of vanilla ice cream in the fridge", she asked.
"Yeah I do", she lied after burping. Honestly, she was too full but she had to gain weight. She couldn't stop now.

After finishing her massive lunch, she went to bed and slept for a few hours.

She woke up at 6 P.M for dinner. Her father wasn't at home yet. It was only her mother and her for tonight. After having ordered 5 large pepperoni pizzas for Chloe and made two salad bowls full of spaghetti bolognese, her mother chose to go to bed and leave her daughter alone. She left an entire Black forest gateau in the fridge for her that she had bought earlier at the supermarket.

After eating the 5 pizzas and the two salad bowls full of spaghetti bolognese, Chloe felt nauseous. She was sure she was going to throw up. But then, while looking for soda in the fridge, she saw the massive gateau and started to eat in with her hands like a fat pig.
Panting, she took big handfuls of cake and shoved them greedily in her mouth, not paying attention to the crumbs of cake on her face. She wasn't aware that her T-shirt rose above her belly button.

After finishing it, she went to her bedroom to masturbate and felt asleep, feeling huge.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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That Purson 2 years
More chapters?
Karenjenk 2 years
This was a fun read - 8
it stared out kind of realiztic and then turned way fantasy... 40 pizzes????

i like it though
StefanSkorp 2 years
Hot story, hoping for more chapters 😊