My grilfriend's girlfriend

chapter 9

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"Hailey?" I said when the door opened and a dark silhouette entered.

"Shut up," Tanya said, "Move your ass."

"Did they throw you out?" I asked, partly surprised, partly entertained, partly still sleepy.

"No," she replied, the way you say yes. "Emma is working on a project and your nerdy cutie is helping. Apparently, I was a distraction, trying to feed Emma raspberry 'ponchiki' and spreading the jam all over her keyboard. She can no longer type A without it making a squeaking sound. Kind of like this," she stabbed me with her finger.


“So I was exiled into your cell. They said I should go and bug you. And here I am."

I moved aside, she lay down and grabbed my entire blanket. After I pulled it back, she kicked me and stole it again, then turned, supporting her blonde head by her hand, looking down at me only a few inches above my face. Even in the low light, I could still see the familiar grin.

"Do you wanna talk?", she poked my cheek, then she tried to put her finger into my nose. "Or we just fuck?"

"Again?" I said slightly horrified, moving her hand away from my face.

"What do you mean again? We didn't fuck since yesterday. Or was it this morning?"

"Where do you get the energy from? You must be seriously full of my ... oh, do you think that is where you get all the energy from?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Billy Half-Spoon. I just get really horny these days, seeing Emma growing so big and yummy. She will reach 450 soon and I am about to go supernova. Yay!” She grabbed my nose and wiggled it furiously.

“I know, Hailey told me," I said, trying to push her hand from my face again, "They weigh themselves every week. Emma is getting huge."

"Your cupcake isn't bad either. What is she 180 now? She is gaining even faster than Emma did at that weight. You will blink and she'll be triple-size." Tanya snapped her fingers next to my ear. "Get in shape boy, or she'll murder you with her ass."

"I don't think she wants to get that big."

Tanya laughed. "Wanna bet? I know her sweet, innocent type. "She won't stop until she becomes the biggest girl in the house."

"I'm not making any more stupid bets with you. And why are you touching my dick?"

"Because it is funny. Your Hailey has nice fattening effects on Emma too. She doesn't just talk about 500 now, she talks about 'after 500'."

"That's very nice, but can you please stop squeezing me down there? I'm not a rubber duck."

"Rubber duck? You'd better keep a close eye on Hailey. She will soon fill this room. Quack, Quack." She squeezed me.
Not letting go of her hand, Tanya twisted her head, trying to judge the size of the room in the dim light. She smothered my face with her hair.

"She said she wants to reach 300 by next year." I spat a few strands of Tanya's hair out of my mouth. "And please stop stroking me."
I said the last part in a much more mellow voice. It sounded like I didn't actually mean it.

Tanya grabbed my hand and pulled it under the blanket. "Feel free to join."
She wasn't wearing any panties. After living together for months, the velvet touch felt very familiar. If it helped her focus and Emma finish her project, then why not? And since my girlfriend was okay with it...

Hailey admitted that sometimes she felt a bit jealous of the way I looked at Emma's growing body. So Emma suggested that it would be better for all of us if I just stick only to feeding her, even when we were having fun in their room together.
Strangely enough, Hailey wasn't just fine with my encounters with Tanya, she actually encouraged them.
"I love how she keeps your brain drained so you are not thinking about sex all the time and we can actually do fun stuff together," she told me the other day as we were leaving the cinema. "And apparently, you also keep Tanya at bay so Emma and I can do fun things too, like shopping for clothes, which you two find boring." Hailey was right on the first part, but I wasn't sure how much I kept Tanya at anything.

"I bet you ten bucks,” Tanya said, “that your honey bunny can reach 400 in a year if I have my way with her."
I could already tell from her throaty voice that whatever I was doing with my fingers under the blanket was working. Keeping her at bay, at least for a few minutes. Hailey and Emma would be so proud.

"Okay," I breathed out. She knew exactly what to do with me too. It was a bit scary how easily she could put my brain on hold.

"But - you - can't - interfere," she said with difficulty, breathing deeply and making each word sound like a separate sentence.

"I won't, I won't." My eyes were rotating back into my skull.

"Keep going." She licked her lips, then she tried to bite my ear. "I'll make her so fucking huge," she whispered, "You’ll be horny all the time, like me."

"Okay," I exhaled. The sound of her voice pushed me really, really close.

"I'll make her so fat she can't even walk," she cried as she began kicking and jerking, digging her fingernails into my arm and sinking her teeth into my shoulder. I was literally on the verge of exploding. In one swift motion, she tossed the blanket aside and flipped around the bed like a dolphin.

"You don't have to --" I sighed as the heat of her mouth surrounded me, consuming me and devouring me deeper.
And then I felt a gentle bite and I simply, and unapologetically burst inside of her with all my concentrated energy. Boom, boom, boom! Boom. In an instant, all sounds became louder and clearer, and my brain began to process information again. Our neighbours were smoking weed on the balcony, snickering, and Hailey just opened the freezer, asking what ice cream Emma wanted. The answer was chocolate, I knew that before she even replied.

Tanya was sitting up, wiping her lips with the look of someone who just swallowed three big lemons and then flushed it down with a cup of vinegar.
"Yes, I had to, dummy. We don't want your girlfriend's little butt permanently stuck to the sheets, do we? And between us girls, you kinda taste -," she paused, her eyes scanning the room for the right answer, "- not entirely nauseating." She looked down at me, a sparkle in her eye. "Did you know girls can tell what men ate by their taste?"

"Really?" Bracing on my elbows, I tried to absorb some cool energy from the air. "So what did I eat?"

"Let me see." Tanya put her index finger in front of my face in a 'wait' gesture, opening and closing her lips a few times, moving her tongue around her mouth.

"Hailey!" she shouted triumphantly, bursting into laughter.

"You bastard," I said and threw a pillow at her.

"Wanna kiss, wanna kiss?" She threw me back and pinned my arms against the bed, climbing on top of me.

"Go away from me, you perv," I jerked my head furiously from left to right, trying to keep her mouth from getting any closer to me.

"You men are fucking hypocrites," she grinned, straightening and arching her back, exposing the bottom of her round boobs from under her shirt. "You want your girls to be mindless sperm buckets, but when the ball is in your mouth you act like cowards, crying and begging for forgiveness. Do you have any idea how long it took me to numb my gag reflex so I could please that fucking asshole jerk who called himself my boyfriend, only to leave me for a girl with bigger tits? On that day, I vowed never to let a man touch me again. Since then, I never have. So wanna fuck again? Hands-free this time, like adults?"


Tan ya giggled. "You should see your face." She was rubbing her pelvis against my belly in small circles. "I am just messing with you, Josh. You are limp like a dead fish. And smell like one too,” she sang the last part with a Happy Birthday melody.
“Josh,” she continued when she stopped humming, “you are so lucky that you are not a fat girl. Or just a girl, because I would fatten you like a whale. A fucking sperm whale," she spread her arms wide, accidentally tripping Hailey's Triss Merigold figure off the shelf. She climbed down from me, picked it up, and poked me with it. "Hey, dead fish, let's flush down your awful taste from my mouth with some beer and we can check on our lovely fatties. Perhaps we can sneak some cake into their expansive bellies to make them even fatter, what say you, brave feeder roommate? Shit! I have to start secretly feeding Hailey or I will lose my ten bucks. I shouldn't make bets when I’m too horny."

"I wasn't paying that much attention, so let's forget about it," I said. I didn't have much energy left for Tanya's crazy bets, no matter how intriguing they might be. However, a cold beer sounded nice.

When she finally found her panties under the blanket, she stood up and offered me a hand.

"No way," she said, pulling me up to my feet. "Your girl will be 400 in a year, put that on your flaccid dick if it ever gets hard again, or I'll turn exclusively straight. And no, you don't want that because I'd be nagging you to buy me flowers, and we would get married and have fifteen super ugly children because I fear straight Tanya would be so into breeding, industrial milking, and all those other weird things that occasionally pop into my head."

As she opened the door from my room, she turned back, grabbing my hand again and pushing it over her left breast, stroking the back with her thumb. “You know what? When I get old and bored with fat chicks, I'll let you knock me up if your 650-pound wife wouldn’t be super offended. Maybe our kids won't be so ugly after all. From this angle, you have a cute nose."

In all those months, this was the sweetest thing she ever said to me. I almost kissed her, fortunately, I quickly remembered why I shouldn't.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Viewerr 7 months
This story is so fun! As a polyamorous person I really enjoyed reading these characters building relationships based on what worked for them, convention be damned. smiley Would LOVE to see it continued!
Letters And ... 1 year
Some nice quippy dialogue and the characters have real personality. Good stuff!
Cablegurue 1 year
TheGreatFatsby 1 year
This story is my Half Life 3
Doublesizer 1 year
I will continue, but now I actually need to read the story, because I have no idea what was going on.
Cablegurue 1 year
Please continue soon
SLewTalks2U 1 year
Seriously been looking forward to this story continuing for almost a year! Love it!
Charfire2002 1 year
This is a really good story. I hope you have plan to continue it.
Chriskin8 1 year
Recently re-read this any plans to continue soon?
Fluffylove 2 years
love the story please continue
Chriskin8 2 years
Super excited for this to start back up, hopefully soon!
TheGreatFatsby 2 years
Am I crazy or did this story get updated but leave at the same spot?
GrowingLoveH... 2 years
What a wonderfully enticing cliffhanger!

You’ve filled this story so full of possibilities. I love the characters and want to know the answer to Taunya’s question and the consequences of that answer
Charfire2002 2 years
I'm really enjoying this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Justenjoy 2 years
Is this story over?
Chriskin8 2 years
Super excited for more content hopefully you recover your writers mind soon!
Lordaltros 2 years
I really like this story. It's cute and the characters have personality.
Math Machine 2 years
This is now one of my favorite WG stories.

Tanya's definitely my favorite character. I didn't think she'd be at first, but she is.

One criticism, though, why don't you ever use contractions?
Doublesizer 2 years
I am just taking a bit of break, but don't worry, the story will continue. The girls needs to grow bigger, damn it!
AlreadyStephen 6 months
Are you okay Doublesizer?
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