No more gymnastics

chapter 5

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Sally and Jill were giggling anticipating the fun they were going to have with Melissa. Jill looked over at Sally, “You know, we might gain weight doing this. I mean if we are there for lunch, and we are spending the night at Melissa’s house, do you think she wants us to eat with her all day?” “Oh I don’t think we could gain much weight in one day. My mom told me that Anne gained all that weight in six months. We’re not eating for that long.”

Jill, Sally and Carol eat supper late, but all three ate a lot more than they usually did, their stomachs were so stretched out from the massive amount of food they eat at lunch. Jill and Sally hung out the next day, not doing a whole lot, but both of them were hungry all day.

Finally it was time to go to Melissa’s for the birthday “binge/party”. Carol told the girls, “Now you two be careful, don’t eat too much. I know Anne and Melissa will want you to eat as much as they do, be polite, but try not overeat, okay?” “Kay, Mom don’t worry it’s only one afternoon and night.” “I know, just be careful.” Sally kissed her mom and she and Jill got of the car and went up the walk for what would become the most exciting and erotic day they had ever had. Carol dropped the girls off because Anne had invited them over the following day and she didn’t want two cars at Anne’s house.

Anne met them at the door, she hugged both girls, shoving her soft belly into them. “Melissa and I can’t weight to get to the buffet, all the padding and outfits that go over the padding are in her room.” Jill and Sally giggling went down to Melissa’s room.

“Hey you two, quick let’s get you dressed, take off your shirts and jeans. Jill and Sally pulled off their clothes. Melissa handed them each a padded pant, they slipped on giggling. She then gave the belly/boob part and pulled that on too. They picked out the stretch pants and shirts that would cover them and put them on.

Melissa giggled, “You two look so awesome, nice and fat! Look in the mirror!” Sally and Jill turned, they were stunned, looking back at them were two fatties, fat round thighs, bubble bottoms, huge round pot bellies, they belly bumped and shrieked, “Oh God look at us, we’re so fat! This is awesome!” Jill and Sally were poking each other padded belly, still giggling. Anne came in. “You two look so adorable, nice and round and fat, you look like Melissa and I!”

Sally and Jill were so enamored by their “costumes” they missed Melissa and Anne’s innuendo. “Well ladies shall we get in the car and go eat?” Melissa, Jill and Sally, belly bumping each other and patting round booties, followed a very gleeful, waddling Anne to the garage.

They pulled up to the buffet and the four of them waddled in. Most of the other patrons at the buffet were overweight or obese, so a fat woman and three obese girls pulling up was no big deal. Anne paid the fees and they all headed for the food lines.

Melissa and Anne made sure that Sally and Jill’s trays were over flowing with only the richest most fattening foods. Jill and Sally just started eating and eating and eating. Melissa and Anne gorged themselves, all the while keeping their protégés plates and trays full of rich foods.

Jill and Sally loved waddling around feigning bumping into chairs and tables with their padded booties, thighs and bellies. They also had no idea how much they were eating. The padding seemed to be very comforting and hiding any bulges and bloating. They even teased Melissa that they were getting bigger than she was.

Melissa was in hog heaven, gorging herself, while watching her skinny little friends, stuff themselves silly with rich food, looking so rotund in their padding. Anne too, was nearly engorged with food, but she was enjoying watching Jill and Sally cramming food into them, she just kept eating.

It was nearly seven thirty in the evening, when all four were finally sated. Anne’s belly was pushing down the waist band of her stretch pants, bulging out in front of her, she was a little worried about fitting behind the wheel of the car to drive her fatties home. Melissa’s pants were sagging too, unable to contain her engorged belly. Jill and Sally were sitting giggling, rubbing their padded bellies teasing each other how fat they looked.
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Chubbyndn 2 years
When is the rest of the story coming out? I can't wait to see how big all 3 girls get and the moms