No more gymnastics, part three

chapter 5

Five weeks later;

Katie and Jill were over at Carol and Sally’s house. Katie and Carol were in her kitchen drinks lattes. Katie had put on thirty pounds, other than a modest little pouch of a belly, all the weight had gone to her bottom cheeks and thighs. Her fat booty now sagged over the bar stool she sat on talking to Carol. Katie was wearing stretch pants that were so tight they material was transparent showing off her bikini panty. Her husband loved it.

Jill and Sally were out by the Jacuzzi sitting on the edge wearing very tight bikinis. Sally’s belly, now sagging nearly to her knees, lying on her plump, round thighs, jiggled with any movement. Jill’s amazing fat booty now was nearly two feet wide, splayed out on the edge of Jacuzzi, her thighs were now bigger around than her previous waist had been. Jill was having trouble now just walking.

Sally giggled, “Jill can you imagine me with this huge belly on the un-even parallel bars? I’m so fat now, I can’t even mount the bars.” Jill laughed, “Sally can you imagine me on the balance beam with this huge fat booty of mine? I can barely walk my thighs are so fat!” They both were laughing poking and prodding each other’s fat.

Carol looked up, “Katie, I wonder what the girls are laughing about?” Katie looked over admiring her daughter’s huge round booty splayed out and her best friend’s massive pot belly, “Do you suppose they’re teasing each other on how fat they are?”

Two Weeks Later:

School had started and the faculty, staff and student body were all stunned at how fat the three petite former gymnasts now were.

Melissa was so obese that she had to use a scooter. Sally’s belly was so large she wore maternity clothes just to cover it. Jill now waddled, struggling to keep up with her obese friends.

Before any teasing or fat shaming could take place, Melissa got a boyfriend who would be the girls “protector”. Eddie was six foot eight inches tall, he weighed over three hundred and fifty pounds and was the star center on the school’s football team. He was the reason after decades of being at the bottom of their league the football team was poised to make a run and the state championship. Therefore, nobody messed with Eddie or his huge girlfriend or her fat friends.

It helped with Melissa and Eddie’s relationship, that Eddie’s mom weighed over three hundred pounds, used a scooter herself and was so thrilled that she found, finally a girl fat enough for her Eddie. The girls has a wonderful, fulfilling senior year.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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