Hailey's predicament

  By Abol

Chapter 3 - the conversation(s)

Andrea- So, mom, how did you do IT?

Margo- Do what, honey?

Andrea- Well, you know. How did you gain mobility again? I mean it honestly looks like the weight YOU lost somehow got transferred to US!

*Andrea motions towards the ladies in the living room*

Margo- What weight did I LOSE, honey? That’s impossible for this family, remember? If anything I gained some more.

Andrea- Mom? You were close to weighing ¾ of a ton!! That made you FUCKING IMMOBILE!! You’re saying that you don’t remember that?!

Margo- I’m sorry, I don’t. However, I did have the weirdest dream a few weeks ago, though. It was very similar to what you are saying at the moment.

Andrea- What else was in the “Dream”?

Margo- Heh, well do I have a story of one VERY trippy dream for you!

Andrea- Well, spill it!!

Margo- Okay, Okay! Jeez! So, where do you even want me to start?

Andrea- Isn’t it obvious?! The beginning!!

Margo- Alright...so! It started with me eating this huge pile of just straight up junk food. I was visibly getting bigger and I could feel myself getting heavier and my clothes were getting even tighter than the beginning of the dream.

Andrea- Okay, what else?

Margo- After I was done with the mountain of food, obviously, my clothes had exploded off of me and I was the size of a ballpark blimp, okay? Then, Lilly’s husband, Justin Baker, walked in the room with a really nice woman who went by the name, Kryntal.

Andrea- Never heard of her, but okay. Proceed.

Margo- The next part is kind of fuzzy, but I remember them standing on the sides of me and saying something, but I just can’t remember exactly what it was that they were saying. Next thing I know, I’m in my bed-

Andrea- Were you still dreaming when you were in said bed?

Margo- Yeah.

Andrea- Oh, okay.

Margo- Anyways. I was in bed, but I was no longer the humongous size that I was at the beginning of the dream, I could move unlike the beginning, and then that’s when I woke up.

Andrea- What?! That’s it?

Margo- Yeah, that’s all of it, I mean I don’t think I need to give a detailed description of the stuffing portion, seeing as how I really couldn’t due to the fact that I could only see my boobs, belly, and arms that were shoveling the food into my mouth. Oh, here's an unneeded detail as well, I think I was able to see a really small belly roll. Actually, now that I think about it, that may have been my chin.

Andrea- So, JUSTIN was there? Okay, I think I’m gonna give him a call, I’ll be right back. Thanks for the info, though!

Margo- Sure…

[*Margo worryingly watches Andrea leave to call Justin*]
[*After a few second of the phone ringing, Justin picks up*]

Justin- Hey, Annie! What’s up?

Andrea- Hey Justin! Ah, nothing much, just wanted to ask a few questions about a few weeks ago!

Justin- That’s kind of random and specific, but okay. Ask away!

Andrea- Okay, first question! Mom just told me about a very specific dream she had a few weeks ago. A dream that had YOU in it. She said that she was basically a blob at the beginning, but at the end, she was in an INTACT bed. Do you know anything about this dream? Remember, I know what you’re capable of.

Justin- Hmm, let me think. Yeah she told me about the same dream last week. Also, what do you THINK I’m capable of?

Andrea- A few years ago, you told me that you could project yourself and others into someone else's dreams, so did you do that?
Justin- Yeah, I entered her dreams because I hadn’t seen her in a long time.

Andrea- Oh, okay. That’s nice of you to visit her. But, that brings me to my next question. She mentioned that a woman named “Kryntal” was with you, who is she?

Justin- Oh, she’s my sister. She never met Margo, but I had always talked about her to Kryntal.

Andrea- That’s odd, but okay. We’re almost done, but has my mother ever weighed close to ¾ of a ton?

Justin- How do I put this… Yes, yes she was.

Andrea- Then when did she lose the weight? I mean she’s still fat, but she’s mobile now!

Justin- Uhh, about three weeks ago…

Andrea- You mean when she had the dream?

Justin- I’m gonna be honest with you. That “Dream” was less a fantasy than reality.

Andrea- So, hypothetically, she lost the weight overnight? How the fuck does one do that?

Justin- Well, you see Kryntal is a witch, so she was able to transfer the weight from Margo’s body.

[*A moment of silence went by as Andrea processed what was just said*]

Andrea- Okay, since you’re basically magic, I’m not THAT surprised. However, here’s the last question that I have for you. So, since it IS a transfer, the weight has to get moved somewhere else, right? Where did the weight get moved to?

Justin- Ah, the answer to that question is gonna piss you off. You really wanna hear it?

Andrea- Yeah, especially now!

Justin- Okay, well, prepare yourself.

Andrea- Just answer the damn question already!

Justin- Alright, jeez! When the weight gets transferred from the body, depending on the size of the person getting weight removed, Kryntal needs one or more bodies to spread the weight. Seeing that there were several vessels that she could transfer the weight to, she used them all.

Andrea- Who were these people?

Justin- Well, umm, they were you, Hailey, Kaitlyn, Amy, Lilly, and Kasey…

Andrea- Ah, you know what, I kind of saw that coming.

Justin- You did?

Andrea- Yeah, I mean how else would mom be able to drop all of that weight while the rest of us gained the same amount when added up. I get that could be due to genes, but we ALL ballooned, ESPECIALLY Kaitlyn. She’s the biggest in the family now, you know that right?

Justin- Yeah, I had Kryntal do that as sort of payback for what she did to Hailey. You know, making her 400 pounds a few years ago?

Andrea- Well thanks for that! Thanks for answering my question!

Justin- Yeah, anytime! So, how’s life been?

[*The two spent the next 10 minutes catching up before Andrea went back inside to officially start of this Girls day that was planned*]
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 2 years
I like the concept and story.
fun read
There are way too many characters to keep up with. pick 3 and leave it there.
Abol 2 years
After reading this story so far, comment some feedback on how I can improve my stories (How I write them)!