Hailey's predicament

  By Abol

Chapter 4 - a change of plans

While in the living room, the women decided to split the day into groups. An interesting decision, but something that they wouldn't regret in the near future. As what might be obvious, the groups were the daughters and the mothers. Hailey, Amy, and Kasey decided to stay in and chill at the house. Lilly Andrea, Margo, and Kaitlyn chose to do the exact opposite and go shopping at the nearby mall. Shortly after others left, Amy ordered 30 pizzas, 30 lava cakes, and 5 one liter bottles of Dr. Pepper for the 3 of them. “Why did you just order so much food when there’s only 3 of us here?!” Amy asked with complete and utter shock. Amy and Kasey looked at Hailey with confusion, but Amy spoke up, saying “Well it’s around lunch time, and we’re hungry.” The statement was followed by Kasey nodding her head in agreement. It was then when Hailey asked her question again. “Okay, I get that, but why did you order so much food? I mean, we won’t be able to finish it all… w-will we?” Amy and Kasey looked at each other and then back at their “skinny” cousin, proceeding to look her up and down, then they realized what was going on. “Oh, that’s right, you are never allowed to just let go of yourself, well at least not too much, huh?” Kasey asked playfully. In response, Hailey looked at herself up and down in a nearby mirror then looked back at them and said “I guess not, you guys definitely did!” “DAMN RIGHT we did, it’s called freedom!” Amy said, causing the three to laugh for a short while. “But seriously, to answer your question, she ordered that much food because it takes a lot to fill up these guts nowadays, you know, since we’ve gotten so fat! To think of it, I don’t think we’ll be full after we finish.” Kasey stated while poking at the giant mounds of dough that they called their stomachs. While they waited for the food to arrive at the house, the three girls just chilled in Kasey's room, since it was the biggest/easiest to fit all three of them comfortably. When the food did arrive, they all moved into the living, putting the food on and around the table since the table couldn’t hold it all. Each of them took a pizza, a bottle of soda, and several lava cakes for themselves to start off with. After they took their pizzas, Kasey and Amy each went to a separate couch and Hailey took the very large recliner at the back of the living room.

------------- Time skip of 30 minutes -------------

“Wow! I can’t believe I ate 2 WHOLE pizzas!” Hailey said with a slight hint of excitement in her voice. “Yeah, but you really went all out on those cakes! Better be careful, you might blow up to our size! HAHA!” Amy said with a strong amount of teasing. “She’s right, you know, our eating habits usually tend to rub off onto others.” Kasey added with seriousness. “HA- oh, you’re not jo-” Amy interrupted with “Hey! Let’s go back to my room to chill some more and let this food settle into fat! Mkay?” After that, they walked back to her room, however, Kasey and Amy walked with a slightly more noticeable waddle than they did before the food. A little bit after they had got to the room, the doorbell rang, confusing the trio since their parents had said they wouldn’t be back for a while. Since she was the oldest, Amy got up, with some help, and waddled to the front door, opened it, and saw that a red heart shaped was resting laying on the doormat. There was an envelope on it that read “To: Kasey From: Lucas”. Knowing what it was and who it was for, Amy brought it back to her cousin as fast as she could, which wasn’t really “fast” at all, it was more of a slowed speed walk. When she got back to the room, Kasey asked who was at the door, she then looked up and saw that Amy was holding something behind her back. Curious, Kasey asked what she was holding. Amy took the box out from behind her and said “Look what Lucas brought you!! You know, you’d think that he would know that you would need AT LEAST 3-5 more of these to fill that gut of yours. Even after the amount of food you just shoveled into your mouth a little bit ago!” Kasey, somewhat offended, said in response “Oh, shut up! He’s just showing his love!! Plus, this gut is at least 3 times smaller than yours! To add onto that, he already stopped by and dropped off these.” Kasey pointed a chubby finger at a stack of donut boxes at the corner of her room. The same stack that Hailey had already found and was digging into. “Ah, I see, so he is treating you right! He’s gonna make you fatter than me! HAHA!” Amy remarked. “You know what? You’re probably not wrong. I don’t care though, so yeah.” Kasey said acceptingly. Meanwhile, when she was chowing down on the donuts, Hailey watched her cousins, seeing just how fat they were, also seeing that they had a tan line from where their clothes used to be, but due to their bodies expanding, their clothes covered less of their bodies. She also felt that she got bigger from her little pig out in the living room
Descr iptions of the Trio’s Appearance

Starting with her bottom half, Amy wore simple black boots and a tight pair of grey sweatpants that barely fit her and looked painted on, which shouldn’t happen with SWEATPANTS. Moving up to the clothes that were sort of covering her top half, Amy wore a slightly dark pink shirt, a light yellow jacket that she said stopped being able to zip 300 pounds/2 years ago. The jacket had a Grey Shelby logo on the back of it.

For shoes, Kasey wore a pair of light grey vans. For pants, she wore navy blue jean shorts that she couldn't zip or button up, due to the asset that stuck out in front of her. As a top she wore her mothers pink varsity jacket from when her mother was about 150 pound lighter, but it was still tight and looked like it would burst off of her at any moment.

The only difference that Hailey’s outfit has applied to it is that her jeans were 5 times tighter than before and her shirt had rolled up a decent amount, showing the bottom of her stomach that had grown a good amount.
While holding a donut, Hailey thought to herself “If I keep eating these, I really will be as fat or even fatter than them!” She didn’t know if she liked that or not. Stopping her eating for a little bit, she wondered “Do I really want to get that fat, or should I let them eat the rest of these?”
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[Well, what should Haile do? Should she continue and become the fattest in the family? Or should she let Kasey and Amy fatten up even more, possibly ending up having a combined weight of around 1,500 lbs.]
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 2 years
I like the concept and story.
fun read
There are way too many characters to keep up with. pick 3 and leave it there.
Abol 2 years
After reading this story so far, comment some feedback on how I can improve my stories (How I write them)!