Mutual attraction weight gain

chapter 3

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Claire weighted in the lobby for Nat. She was thinking, “Gee I hope Nat is not some slob and show up wearing jeans and an old t-shirt.” She saw Nat’s car pull in. “Yes, he is wearing a blazer and a tie.” Claire thought to herself. Nat pulled up and left the car running and went into the lobby. He nearly fainted! Claire was a vision! She looked adorable, the short little black dress, white stockings, black pumps, make up and pearls, combined with Claire’s plump tummy bulging against the material of the dress, lifting the hem, just a little and the dress’s material clinging to her round bottom.

Nat could only stammer, “Oh my god, Claire you look awesome! Wow!”

Claire looked up as Nat came in. He looked very nice in the dress shirt, tie, kakis and blazer. She loved that his belly was pushing down his belt. “Nat you look very handsome tonight, too!”

Claire asked, “Nat where are we going tonight all dressed up?” “Claire, we are going to one of my best customer’s restaurants Anthony’s over on Fifteenth Street.” “Nat that sounds wonderful, I really feel like Italian tonight too!”

They drove over to “Anthony’s” and went in. Nat had made a reservation so their table was ready as soon as they got there. The owner, Anthony, Tony to his friends, showed Nat and Claire to their table. Tony, like Nat, was an FA, he immediately liked Claire. Tony graciously seated Claire and Nat, “Nat welcome! I will get you bread and olive oil, please look at the menu and I will be right back.”

Both Nat and Claire were thinking to themselves what the rich, heavy food would do to each other’s waist line. “Claire, what are you thinking of?” Claire giggled, “Nat, the lasagna looks awesome, I just love cheese and Italian sausage, that’s what I am having. What about you?” “I am going to have the ravioli, the sausage stuffed ones.” “Oh that sounds good too!” said Claire.

Tony came back with the warm, right from the oven bread and olive oil. “So what have you two decided?” “Tony, Claire will have the lasagna, the meat and cheese one, and I will have the sausage stuffed ravioli. Oh, and a side of garlic bread and what wine do you recommend Tony?” “Nat I have an excellent Merlot, for you two, the wine is one me tonight.” “Tony thank you!”
Nat and Claire ate their salads and two loafs of bread while weighting for their entrees to arrive. They talked while sipping on wine and dipping the warm bread in the olive oil. Nat and Claire were getting more and more comfortable with each other every minute they spent together.

Their entrées arrived and both were startled by how large the plates were and how much rich food was on them too. Neither one was disappointed, the food was fantastic. They each were watching the other eating, getting aroused by watching and eating themselves. Tony had had their entrees prepared on the largest plates they had knowing how Nat felt about eating and obviously, that Claire shared his passion for food too.

Nat and Claire drank their wine while taking bite after bite of the heavy rich food. The wine loosened up their appetites and their personalities, letting both of them shine for each other. It took them nearly an hour to devour the huge portions, they both were stuffed, but neither wanted the evening to end. Tony came over to the table to clear. “You have done my chef proud tonight! Such wonderful appetites, you must have some of our famous cheese cake and home made caramel sauce.” Nat had already undone his belt and un-zipped his straining kakis, Claire could feel her tummy bulging onto her thighs, but they didn’t want to disappoint the other, so . “Tony we would love to some cheese cake and caramel!” announced Nat.

Tony left to get their desserts. “Oh Nat I am so stuffed, but I feel wonderful, this has been the best first date I have ever had!” gushed, a rather bloated and flushed Claire. “Claire, I am having a great time too! You look so beautiful right now!” “Nat you look great too, your shirt buttons look like they are about to pop off!”

The cheese cakes arrived and Nat and Claire dug in, knowing that if they just picked, they would never be able to finish the rich desserts.

They both slouched back in their chairs when they were done. Nat loved looking at Claire, now with her nearly distended belly bulging out, up against her pert boobs. Claire could not weight for one of Nat’s buttons to pop off of his straining shirt.

Tony came over to the table, “Well you two look like you really enjoyed our food tonight! Nat do you need any help.” Tony was trying not to stare at Claire’s bulging belly and thick thighs now exposed by her dress riding up on her belly. “No Tony, I got it, I think Claire and I can manage. Thanks though!”
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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