Mutual attraction weight gain

chapter 5

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They got back into Nat’s car and drove to another one of his customers, a little bakery/donut shop on Seventh. They got a dozen donuts, because the next stop was another customer’s restaurant, known for southern cooking, serving only breakfast and lunch, but also known for massive portions.

Nat and Claire pounded their donuts. They got to “Patsy’s” and the owner happily added Nat’s name to the “weighting” list, she winked at Nat after being introduced to the delightfully plump Claire. Claire was rubbing her belly now holding five donuts (she let Nat have the last two), the waist band of her stretch pants was cutting in to her belly. Claire was thinking, “I wonder how much weight I have gained in the last day?” Nat notice Claire caressing her belly, he chuckled, “Claire, you okay?” She giggled, “Just checking to make sure I have plenty of room!” She gave her belly a poke, making it jiggle.

The owner called Nat’s name and they followed her to a quiet table in the corner. Nat said, “Perfect! Please bring us two cups of coffee, cream and sugar, and a plate of baguettes, please.” “Certainly Nat, here are the menus.” She responded walking away to get Nat’s request.

In minutes the coffee and baguettes arrived. Nat and Claire laid into the warm, greasy, sweet pastries. Claire giggled, “Nat these are awesome. What are you going to order?” Nat wiped his mouth and replied, “Oh, I’m going to have the French toast, it is really good and they serve huge portions too.” Claire giggled, “Well in that case, I will have that too.”

They placed their orders, finished off the baguettes and got a refill on their coffees. While weighting for their orders they chatted. Claire asked, “Nat, I don’t want this to sound too forward or weird or anything, but, do you mind that you are kind of heavy?” Nat sipped his coffee, “Claire, I don’t mind being “heavy” in fact I love being overweight and even obese. I love food, I love to eat and I love being fat!”

Claire started crying, not upset but happy. “Oh Nat, that’s fantastic! I have wanted to be fat and eat all I want since I was a little girl! My mom and dad are both obese and they were very supportive and encouraging of my appetite.”

Nat smiled, “Claire, I have an idea, let’s just totally let go today and eat all we can stuff into ourselves!” “Oh Nat that sounds awesome!” There orders arrived and Claire and Nat gorged themselves!

They struggled up after paying the check and leaving the amazed waitress an excellent tip. They staggered to Nat’s car. Both heavily got in, “Where to next?” asked Claire rubbing her belly. Nat looked at Claire’s belly nearly bursting out of her straining stretch pants and patted his own engorged belly. “Let’s go by Wal-Mart and get some bigger lingerie for you and underpants for me and some bigger eating clothes, what we’re wearing will not last much longer.” Claire patter her belly, “Great idea!”

The drove to Wal-Mart, Nat bought some knew bikini cut briefs, extra large. Claire bought some XXL bikini panties and a package of XL granny panties and XXL sweat pants . After checking out, they went to the snack bar and ordered six hot dogs and two large orders of French fries. They pounded down those on the way to Nat’s condo to change into their new bingeing clothes.

Nat pulled on an extra- large bikini brief, in just the brief and went over and belly bumped Claire. She had just pulled on a pair of the XXL bikini panties. Nat said, “How about we go hit that buffet place over by the highway, the food there is pretty good and it is all you can eat, too!” Claire poked Nat’s belly and patted hers, “Sounds great, I’m starting to get hungry again, too!”

Nat and Claire binged for two hours getting totally stuffed. They both sat back, slouched in their chairs, both bellies distended with rich heavy food. Claire burped, “Burp, oh excuse me, Oh Nat I feel so fantastic right now I am so stuffed, it feels so wonderful to be this full!” “I know Claire, my belly is so full it is hard as a rock!”

They staggered to Nat’s car, both cradling their distended, bulging bellies. “Where are we going Nat?” Nat chuckled, “We need some exercise, how about my place?” “Oh Nat what a fantastic idea! I have never made love this stuffed before it going to be awesome! Hurry up let’s go!”

They got to Nat’s condo and staggered/waddled up to his unit. Once inside, they stripped off their t-shirts and pants, now just in briefs and panties, they commenced some fore play. Bumping bellies, fondling plumps bottoms, boob, moobs, and love handles the couple giggled and laughed. On the bed, kissing of bellies, boobs, and cheeks and caressing each other’s plump “rolls”.

After a serious “work-out” they lay spooning. “Nat, I want you to meet my parents!” “Claire, I want to meet your parents, and you need to meet mine!” Claire giggled, “We better meet them soon, before we get too fat!” She poked Nat’s belly, causing it to jiggle. Nat reached over and patted Claire round bottom cheeks, making shake like Jello, “Isn’t that the truth!”
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