Mutual attraction weight gain

chapter 6

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“Nat, Honey, I’m hungry.” Nat chuckled, “How about pizza, I don’t feel like getting dressed to go out again, besides it more fun to stuff ourselves in our “undies”. We can watch each other belly bloat up.” Claire giggled, “Oh that sounds like fun!” Nat called and ordered to large cheese and pepperoni pizza, a couple liters of regular soda, bread sticks, and cinnamon sticks and extra frosting. He pulled on his sweats and a t-shirt to answer the door and pay for the delivery.

Nat and Claire then laid into the pizza, bread sticks, soda and cinnamon sticks, getting total stuffed and engorged. They lay cuddling on the couch caressing each other belly and bottoms, marveling at being totally stuffed for the third time in just one day! Claire spent the night, neither of them were in any condition to get dressed or drive.

On Monday, both Nat and Claire’s co-workers noticed obvious signs of weight gain. Claire dress was straining around the waist and the hem was riding up on both her belly and bottom cheeks. Nat’s gut bulged out in front of him, he had to push his belt way down under his belly to buckle it.

Claire called Nat’s cell. “Hey, God I feel so fat today! It is awesome, everyone is staring at me, my dress looks like it is going to burst off of me any minute!” Nat laughed, “I wish I could see! I look like a dam duck, my belly is bulging out in front of me, I can’t see my feet at all!” “Nat I talked to my parents, they want us to come over for dinner tomorrow night, it that okay with you?” “Claire that’s sounds great, when can I pick you up?” “Nat pick me up at five thirty, Mom and Dad like to eat early.”

Nat picked Claire up promptly at five thirty the next evening. “Nat you are going to love my parents and I know they will adore you!” Claire was wearing a short dress, the waist tied up high beneath her plump breasts, the dress was short even before Nat and Claire’s weight gain epiphany . Nat belly was bulging over his belt, but he found a shirt he could button up.

They pulled up to Claire’s parent’s house. Nat helped Claire out of the car, catching a good shot of her panties as the short dress rode up on her belly. She giggled, “Enjoying the view?” Nat poked her belly, “Always!”

Claire’s dad opened the door. “Hi pumpkin, it’s great to see you! This must be Nat. We have heard so much about you!” Claire’s dad gave Nat’s belly an approving look. He was the same height as Nat, but at least fifty pounds heavier. Nat and Dad shook hands, “Pleased to meet you sir.” “Please come in Nat.” “Dad wear is Mom?” “She is in the kitchen Claire, why don’t you surprise her.”

Claire and Nat went in the kitchen. Her mom was stirring a pan on the stove. She was shorter then Claire, but nearly seventy pounds heavier. She had a huge wide bottom and a very pronounced belly.

“Oh here you are Claire, dearest. This must be Nat. Oh he is so handsome!” Claire’s mom was a serious FFA, she loved guys with big bellies and butts. She really liked Nat immediately. She hugged Claire and then Nat. “Welcome dears, dinner is almost ready, I hope everyone is hungry! Nat, why don’t you go into the den and visit with dad.”

As soon as Nat left the kitchen, Claire’s mom could barely contain herself. “Honey, you are so right. He is very handsome and he is so nice and heavy. He must be well over two-fifteen. My Claire, you have been a good girl, you have gained more weight! It looks so good on you! Look at your lovely tummy and round plump thighs. No wonder Nat fell for you so quickly dear, you are beautiful !” Claire giggled, “Thanks Mom, Nat and I have really been eating a lot since we met.” Claire patted her belly.

Nat went into the den and saw his future. Claire’s dad was sitting on the couch, his massive belly sagging over his thighs nearly to his knees. “Sir, I am Nat, Claire’s friend.” Oh, Nat pleased to meet you, forgive me for not getting up, but its’ a bit difficult for me.” “Certainly sir, please stay seated.” “Nat would you like a beer?” “Oh yes please.” Dad opened a mini-frig, within easy reach of his place on the couch and handed Nat a beer and got another for himself. Nat and Dad watched television for a while, Nat cleared his throat, “Dad I would like to ask Claire to marry me. I absolutely adore her.” Dad smiled, “Well Nat I want you to know what you are getting into. Have you gained weight since you started to date Claire?” Nat patted his burgeoning paunch, “Yes sir I have.” “Nat, how do you feel about gaining weight and probably becoming obese if you marry Claire?” “Sir I have enjoyed being with Claire so much! We both love to eat and we love the pounds we have both gained since we started dating. I gain as much weight and get as fat as Claire wants me to and then get even fatter!” Dad laughed, “Well Nat it sounds to me that you and Claire are a match made in heaven. You have my blessing.”

Claire and her Mom called, “Dinner boys!” Her dad smiled, “Nat give me a hand getting up would you?” “Oh certainly, sir.” Nat helped him struggle to his feet and watched in awe and he made his way to the table, his huge belly swaying back and forth.

Claire knew something was up, as both her dad and Nat were smiling like a Cheshire cat. They were all seated and said grace. Claire watched with glee as Nat loaded his plate with rich casseroles, bread, meat and potatoes. Nat looked over at Dad and winked and laid into the full plate, eating quickly but politely he stuffed the rich food into his mouth, had seconds and then thirds. He also drank three more beers. When Claire asked, “Nat do you have room for desert?” Nat smiled at her, “Of course Claire, I would love some.” Claire giggled as she saw Nat reach under the table and loosen his belt and undo the zipper oh his pants. Claire plopped a huge slice of cake in front of Nat. He gently and discreetly poked her belly, be sure you have a nice big piece too!”

Nat and Claire pounded down their pieces and cake and or course had another each. Nat and Dad sat at the table for a few minutes while Claire and her mom cleared. Nat loved the view of Claire’s belly and bottom cheeks straining against the material of her dress. When it was time for everyone to go into the living room for after dinner drinks, Nat struggled to keep some modesty. The buttons on his shirt were straining against the engorged bulge of his belly, his belt was undone and pants were unzipped. Claire wanted to tackle him right then and there. She managed to slide up against Nat, discreetly and put her hand on Nat’s bulging belly, tickling him. “Did you get enough to eat tonight?” Nat stuck out his belly even farther, nearly popping a couple of buttons. “What do you think?” She giggled and poked his belly again, “No, I think you need some more to eat!”

As Nat and Claire, now holding hands came into the living room, both Mom and Dad gave him an approving look, noticing he was about to burst out of his pants and shirt he had eaten so much.

Dad asked, “Nat to you have a question for Claire?” Claire looked at Nat and started to cry, smiling and giggling, “Claire, will you marry me?” “Oh Nat, yes, yes, I love you so much!”

Dad and Mom clapped, Claire’s mom was crying too. Nat took a small velvet box out of his jacket pocket and opened it for Claire. “Oh Nat is beautiful!” He slipped the ring on her finger.

They all talked about a wedding date, who should be invited and many other details. More desert treats appeared along with the after dinner drinks. Nat only had one drink, as he was driving, but he nearly ate a plate of cookies, despite a massive meal.

Nat managed to get his pant zipped up and his belt around his belly. While Mom and Dad were getting up to come into the foyer to say good bye to the couple, Claire pressed her belly into Nat and lifted her dress, revealing a plump bottom cheek creased by the leg opening of her tight bikini panty and winked at Nat. He kissed her hard on the lips, smiled and said, “I made the best decision of my life tonight!” They hugged Claire’s parents and got in the car. They could barely keep their hands off of each other driving to Nat’s condo. On the way up in the elevator, they nearly stripped each other, once in Nat’s unit the fell onto the bed for serious love making, bellies, boobs and bottoms bouncing and jiggling half the night.

While lying in bed spooning, Claire kneading Nat’s love handles, she asked, “Nat, when you asked my Dad to marry me, did he ask you a question?” “Yes he did dear.” “So what did you say?” “I told him I would get as gain as much weight and get as fat as you wanted me to and then ever fatter!” “I love you Nat!”
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