Another mutual attraction weight gain story

chapter 6

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Just then they heard another belch. “Burp, Hey, There you are Carol, Hey Ned and Ann great wedding. I am sorry I lied earlier!” It was Sally and she looked like she was going to pop she was so bloated.

Ann asked her, “What are you talking about Sally?” Sally giggled patted her bulging belly, now bulging through the ruined blouse she had on, her skirt un-zipped and torn down the seam, “I said when you thanked us for introducing you that I would be careful not to eat to much at your wedding! Well I lied, BUURRP! I have been totally pigging out!”

Everyone laughed. Ann said, “Sally do you want to binge on cake with us, come on we can all get totally stuffed for old times sake!”

Sally lowered her engorged belly/body into a chair. She reached down as slid off what was left of her skirt. “Let’s do it Girls, oh sorry Ned you too!”

The wait/weight staff starting bringing plate after plate of huge slices of the rich, rich cake, the girls and Ned gorged stuffing the sweet confection into their mouths as fast as another piece came. After an hour there were four massively stuffed, engorge, distended, bulging bellies!

Several waiters had to help Ned and Ann up to their room. A couple of maids from the hotel had to help the immense couple change, they had nearly become immobile with all the fat and calories they had eaten.

Ned and Ann were helped onto the freight elevator and taken down to the lobby for the garter and bouquet tossing.

The bouquet toss was quite a sight. By now all of the single female wedding guests were so fat and bloated, they all looked pregnant! None of them could bend over to pick anything up either. Ann tossed the bouquet, it landed on Carol’s now massively engorged belly. She toppled to the floor losing her balance with her huge belly bulging out in front of her. Giggling as she when down.

Ned tossed the garter. It landed on a friends now huge gut. He laughed saying, “Whose going to marry me now, I am so FAT!” He felt something soft bump him. He looked down and saw a really super cute girl with a huge bulging belly bumping into him, it was Carol, her eyes glazed from gorging all day. “BUURRP, I will marry you, I am as FAT as you are, big boy! BURRRRP! He bent down and kissed Carol, “Babe you are so Hot!”

Ned and Ann had planned on getting engorged out of their minds and new they would be almost to fat to travel. Ned had arranged for a freight charter to take them to their honeymoon, a six week all you can eat cruise!

While Ned and Ann were eating there way around the world, Sally and Carol were back at the condo complex.

They were lying in their favorite chaises. Though now both were forty pounds heavier. They hands were resting on their huge round, pot bellies sticking up in the air. They wore their tiniest bikinis, nibbling on rich chocolates, caressing their bellies in the warm sun.

Next to Sally and Carol was a very heavy older woman. She was dressed in a small tight two piece bathing suit, snacking on a larger box of chocolates from a cooler next to her. Ann’s Mom, Gloria, burped. Her round belly quivering, as she looked over at her companions, “Girls, where should we go eat, I have almost finished this box of chocolates, that Ann left me. I am still hungry!

Gloria became so enthralled by the over eating and indulgence of the wedding she could not get enough to eat since! Ann’s dad, having gained to, went home to tend to their affairs, telling his wife to enjoy herself and for nearly the first time in her life, Gloria was.

Ann had called her now best friends, Sally and Carol and gave them a mission! Ann told them she wanted her stuck up, fretting Mom to let go and get as FAT as possible. She entrusted her now ballooning friends to make sure Gloria never stopped eating!

Carol said, “Gloria, let’s go to Anthony’s their food is great, we can all get totally stuffed there! “BURRP, Great, BUURP, let’s get dressed girls, I am so hungry I could eat a whole feed lot!” replied Gloria.

It was quite a sight at the pool to watch three engorged beauties struggling to their feet after all the eating they had done in the past few days.

Sally, Carol and Gloria, called Joe to bring a van to haul them to one of their favorite restaurants. They wore lose fitting (for now) house dresses over panties and bras.

Joe delivered the round women to Anthony’s staff loving care.

Sally, Carol and for that matter Ann did not know that Gloria, was planning on getting as fat as her lovely daughter! Gloria was possessed to become massively fat to show her wonderful daughter how much she loved her. She thought she might as well take, her plump little companions along for the ride.

So while Ned and Ann were getting as fat as they could be nearly force fed on the cruise. Gloria was back home gorging herself and her plump little charges.

Gloria loved every minute of it too. She made sure that she ate everything that came near her mouth. She made sure that Carol and Sally were packed with food whenever they went out!

Finally Ned and Ann were coming home. Ned now weighed over four hundred pounds, he was bigger around than he was tall. Ann had eaten everything she could get to her mouth. She weighed three hundred and thirty five pounds. She was fatter around than tall. She was nearly immobile, but Ned loved her that way.

The couple was hauled to their home in a large moving truck that Joe had rented. Ned waddled into the house. He called, “Gloria, Carol, Sally, hey we are home, come and see how FAT we are!”

“We are in the kitchen, dear.” Called Gloria. Ned waddled to the back of the house as Joe and one of his crew were bringing in Ann on a rolling cart.

Ned stopped his body quivering. There before him was a vision of FA heaven. Gloria, true to her word had become gi-normous! She weighed nearly as much as Ned did. She too was immobile, her immense belly lying on the carpet in front of her.

Ned next looked at Sally and Carol. Both of them had ballooned under Gloria’s tutelage, their bellies sagging down on the laps almost to their knees. They just giggled at Ned’s blank look!

Ann was wheeled in. She gasped “Oh, Mom you are massive! How big are you? Oh My God, you are even fatter than Me! Oh my, Sally, Carol look how fat you two are, your bellies are huge, you three must have been eating as much as Ned and I have been eating, we are all so wonderfully FAT, Thank you for sharing our lifestyle!” Ann gushed.

Ned started to write full length novels, he was now so sedentary that he could write complete novels in only a few weeks. They were all best sellers.

Carol married Ned’s huge fat friend from the wedding, settling down and getting even fatter. Sally ended up marrying Ann’s ex. He loved to feed her, she would try to sneak weight gain powder into some of his drinks and food. It was her game.

The four now massively obese friends and lovers in addition to Ann’s Mom now lived their dream lifestyle!
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