Once You Meet a Nice Island Girl You Never Leave

  By Jjx560  

Chapter 1

I waited in line for the flight to Molokai, surprised to see how full it was, but less so when I considered all the tourists flocking to the other islands after a year of lockdowns. The new service had only just started from Seattle but I was excited. As an Toyoda parts sales and order specialist I felt lucky when I got assigned Hawaii as one of my territories as our trucks were all over and parts sales were a breeze. But Molokai was always difficult.

With a population of just over 7000 I had always had to connect from Honolulu or Kahului and the connecting flights always seemed to be late or on planes of relative antiquity. On my first flight to the island three year prior, just after I had graduated from Northwest Auto Institute, I had actually taken a DC-3 to the isolated island.

The vibe there was different than the other, more commercial islands as well. There were no dealerships and only six independent shops I dealt with. The population (and shop owners I dealt with) is comprised mostly of Native Hawaiians and mainland ex-pats suspicious of any type of salesman. But after getting to know them and getting them to realize that I was more about being helpful than pushing the hard sell, they gradually came to accept me. Being a non threatening 5’4” and 135lbs may have helped too, looking up at most of the people I dealt with definitely gave them a feeling of ease.

After this Molokai quickly became my favorite island to visit, so much so that I often extended my trip by a few days for a little r & r. This time, to celebrate the new direct service, I made it a whole week.

As I walked down the gangway toward the 737MAX I brushed my sandy blonde hair out of my face and off of my glasses. I felt my backpack shift and tightened the strap, sensing the sunscreen canister necessary to keep my untannable whiteness push against my back.

I walked down the aisle and looked at my seat, 43B, the middle. As I got to my row I looked down from the overhead seat numbers and took in an internal gasp. In the C aisle seat an old woman was commencing with a nap, but it was the woman seated in the A window seat who grabbed my attention.

She was enormous, one of the largest, if not the largest, women I had ever seen.

Her deep brown skin hinted at Native Hawaiian ancestry, her long black hair pulled into a single ponytail. Her massively wide shoulders extended at least halfway into my seat.

And she was large in other ways too. Her thunderous thighs were much larger than my waist and her big round belly protruded prominently. Breasts looking like small watermelons were held tightly in her flowing knee length dress.

She was reading a book, The Waste Lands, fourth in the incredible Dark Tower series, one I’d read through at least three times.

I put my bag up in the overhead bin and she looked up and noticed me.

“I’m sorry,” she said, in a deep and yet soft voice, trying to pull closer to the window, “I tried to get another ticket but the plane is full. I tried to have my grandma here sit next to me but they said all passengers must take their assigned spot. I’m sorry, I,”

I cut her off, “Please don’t be sorry,” I said quickly as I scooted past her sleeping grandma, “ I’m sure we’ll be just fine.” I moved and settled into my seat. My god she really was huge, her big butt and soft side rolls pushing me into the armrest on my other side. Her armrest was dug deep into her side. Sitting down my head only reached her slightly drooping double chin. I buckled my seat belt.

“Are you sure?” She said in a concerned voice.

“As sure as I am that you are holding one of my favorite books, The Dark Tower is awesome! Have you read the series before?”

She perked up and smiled, gorgeous grey green eyes sparkling. “ This is my second time now, King is like a drug, you get started and just can’t stop.”

“That’s a great way to put it. I read Christine when I was 16 after I saw the movie and I haven’t looked back. The Waste Lands is just awesome though. I love the decayed city and crashed Nazi plane with the dead warrior in it. And the trains!”

She cut in, “Blaine is a pain!” Smiling widely and showing perfect white teeth as she referenced the insane computerized train in the story.

“He most definitely is!” I said with a grin.

We smiled for a second. “My name is Max,” I said, holding out my hand.

“I’m Leilani,” she said back, and gripped my hand in a much larger and softer one. “What takes you to Molokai?”

“I work for Toyoda, parts and service stuff, but I love the peace and tranquillity of the island and am taking a weeks’ vacation after I make my rounds. How about you?”

She smiled widely again, “Well as you can probably tell I’m Hawaiian, and I’m from Molokai originally. I left almost six years ago to get my vocational nursing degree but when I graduated last winter I couldn’t get off the mainland before the lockdown. My mom is still there and she sent grandma here on a shopping trip and to fly back with me. I will say I’m confused as to why you need to visit though, my mom has a 94 XRunner and it never breaks, so who needs your parts,” she said with a chuckle.

“Haha, yeah those old ones are tanks,” I responded, “It’s cool that you’re an LVN, I come from a family with a ton of doctors and nurses. This year must have been difficult, have you been working?”

“That’s all that I’ve been doing,” she said wearily. “I’m just so happy to finally get to go back home. And Seattle is not a good place for a tropical girl like me, way too cold, even with my, uhh, insulation here.” She said, patting her soft side.

I smiled again, “Well I’m from Sunny So Cal where it never rains, so I get that,” I said.

“That’s a great song, the early 90s were the best for rap. I can’t stand this mumble shit and stupid lyrics. The old stuff really has a story to tell.”

“Talk story, as you might say, right?”

“Pretty good for a haole Max, you do come to the islands.”

“It’s my sales territory, I’m there once every eight weeks or so, pandemic times excluded.”

She shifted a little and grimaced, the armrest digging in. I noticed.

“Why don’t you put that thing up? Six hours is a long time to be in pain and that looks awful.”

“Are you sure? I’m already way over in your space.”

“Consider it our space. Here,” I pressed the button and moved the armrest up. She settled another few inches into my seat and I felt more glorious pounds settle onto my side and lap. Leilani sighed deeply in relief.

“You’re very kind Max, thank you, I feel a lot better.”

“My pleasure,” I said, “I’m glad I met you, you seem like a really nice and very interesting person.”

“I’m glad I met you too, now tell me, why do you think I’m interesting.”

I blushed a little. “Well, you must have had an unique time growing up on Molokai, you like my favorite author and good music and I..”

She smiled widely again. “You know Max, it’s only been thirty minutes or so that I’ve known you but I think you might have a little thing for me.”

I felt her soft hand on my forearm. I gulped.

“Well I, you know,” I had forgotten how to speak, smooth move Max.

She chuckled. “Oh I think I might be right. Tell me Max, be honest, do you like big girls?”

“I, well, uh, yes.” I managed to get out.

“Haha,” she chuckled again. “We’ll get along fine.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be forward, I just,” her soft brown index finger pushed up against my lips. “As they say in Pineapple Express, stuff your sorries in a sack. I think you’re interesting too Max,” you say you’re from So Cal, where?”

“Have you ever heard of Santa Paula?”

“No, where’s that?”

“About 30 minutes inland from Ventura, quiet place but a good one to grow up. And it got me my job. I worked at the dealership there and won some off road races in my old XRunner. They sponsored me to go to school, I ended up in Seattle and got this job.”

“That’s interesting in itself, you a racer. I have to say you look a little more like a jockey.”

“Haha, well being my size has its moments,” I hesitated before saying, “ like now.”

Leilani laughed loudly. “You are a funny guy. But I have to ask then, how tall are you.”

“I’m five four and 135, so I suppose a horse could take me around pretty easy.” Not knowing how to continue I looked down for a minute.

Leilani chuckled again, “Five four huh. Well Mr. I like big girls, do you want to know how tall I am?”

“I uh, well, I don’t want to pry and just want to be respectful and,” I was as nervous as a cat in a room full of pit bulls.

“I’m six three,” she said, pausing, “and a half. And last time I checked I was 479 pounds.”

I hesitated again. “Well I think you are really pretty. And I’m really happy to be sitting next to you.”

Her big hand moved down to cover my thigh. “I’m happy to be sitting next to you, or on you,” she said laughing, “ Max. I feel like it was meant to be. Now tell me, what are you going to do on Molokai and when you finish with your work. Because I would love to show you my island.”
32 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Kintem 3 years
I really like the way this story starts, other than Max being your personal insert. The way you describe Leilani and her confidence is divine. But the magical stuff later didn't work at all for me.
Jjx560 3 years
Thanks. My other story (Large and In Charge) is based on science, perhaps you would enjoy it more.