Trailer park bellies

chapter 2

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The girls car pooled to the buffet. Sally needn’t have worried about how Matt would feel. He too had been eating all day. Matt worked for Billy at the rig with Cindy and Jane husband’s too. All the men at the rig were overweight if not obese. Billy weighed over three hundred pounds and Cindy and Jane’s husbands also had big beer guts. The guys had frequent breaks all with donuts, pastries and coffee with cream and sugar. Lunch today had been several pizzas. Most evenings after work were spent at the local watering hole with beers, burgers or pizzas.

Matt noticed Sally bloated belly right away. He was captivated by her belly. He was also amazed how big the other guy’s wives were. They weren’t kidding when they all said they liked the “big girls”.

The eight of them gorge for hours. By the ten o’clock closing time, there were eight very full, distended bellies. Matt had to help Sally up and to their car. She had already unsnapped her jeans, her belly was so bloated with all the rich food. Matt too was stuffed he and Sally had taken turns fetching plates of food for each other, just as the other couples did.

Matt helped Sally into the trailer. After using the bathroom Sally came into the bedroom in just her tight panties and bra. Her belly was now three inches bigger than it had been just that morning. She had rubbed baby oil on it to sooth the itching, her skin was so tight. Matt got turned on immediately looking at Sally’s smooth, shiny orb of a belly. Matt caressed Sally’s belly, she cooed, “Do you mind I got so bloated today. I really enjoyed eating so much, I could not believe it. The other girls are so nice, though I think they are deliberately fattening me up.” Matt kissed her belly, “Sally I think you look so hot with a nice belly on you. Besides I think I will be gaining a lot of weight here too.” Matt lifted his t-shirt to reveal his own bloated belly, with the top button of his jeans undone. Sally poked it and then patted her own belly, and replied, “I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander”. They made love that night, the best ever in their young marriage.

Over the next few weeks both Matt and Sally were transformed. Sally was becoming a cute little butter ball with a round pot belly and jiggling bubble bottom. She had eaten her way out of all her clothes and borrowed stretch pants and t-shirts from her binge buddies. Sally had gained twenty five pounds, most happily settling on her belly and bottom. The boys had made sure Matt had plenty to eat during the work days and evenings. He added six inches to his new “beer gut” as he called his belly. Going from a slim thirty four to a bulging forty inch waist, Matt had gained thirty pounds.

After a particularly massive feast at the buffet with their now very close friends and co-workers, Matt and Sally were driving back to the trailer. Sally had her hand resting on Matt’s now nearly forty three inch waist, sitting close to Matt on the bench seat of their pickup so she could feel how soft Matt had become. She asked, “Honey, do you mind we have gotten so fat?” “No baby, I love this,” he patted his belly, “I love eating all I want, and getting so stuffed I can hardly get up from the table. I also love your body, you are so hot, I can’t weight to get home at night to see how much you have eaten during the day.” Sally replied, “Matt would you mind if I kept gaining, I really love overeating and how soft I am getting.” “No baby, I would love to see you get as big as you want.” Matt said, patting Sally’s round thigh. Matt pulled into Dairy Queen and ordered his beautiful fat wife a huge sundae and a parfet for himself.

The couple continued to eat all they could the rest of the summer and into the fall. By Halloween Sally had ballooned to over two hundred pounds. Her belly suck out in front her farther than her breasts, her bottom and thighs were to die for. She loved being lazy and eating to her hearts content. Matt’s belly and butt continued to grow under the onslot of food from his boss and co-workers. His waist was now nearly fifty inches around. The couple decided the ultimate test of their resolve to becoming and staying fat would be to visit Sally’s family for thanksgiving weekend.

Sally called her mom the next day, while pigging out on pop tarts between breakfast and lunch. “Mom? His it’s me Sally.” “Oh dear how are you?” asked her mom. “Just fine Mom” replied Sally. “I am calling to see if Matt and I can come for thanksgiving this year.” “I would love to have you both, Sally dear. When would you get here?” asked her mom. “Oh on Wednesday afternoon Mom” replied Sally. “How have you been dear?’ asked Sally’s mom. “Just great Mom, I have gained a lot of weight and so has Matt, there isn’t much to do up here but eat. But Matt doesn’t mind at all that I have gained and I love what the extra pounds have done for him too.” Said Sally. “Well I am sure you look just a lovely as ever, dearest and Matt is just as handsome. I can’t weight to see you both.” Replied her mom. Sally was startled at this reply, she was expecting her mom to admonish her about her “weight problem” but she seemed very supportive. Sally asked how her step father was. “He is doing just great dear. We have been enjoying ourselves and retirement. He will be happy to see you and Matt too dear.” Said mom.

What Sally didn’t know that her stepfather was in fact a FA. Her Mom had also gained recently.

On Wednesday night Matt and Sally waddled up to the front door. Sally poked Matt’s belly. “You nervous?” she asked. “Yeah a little I am kinda of expecting your mom to freak out when she sees how fat we are.” He answered. “I know, me too. But she didn’t even sound concerned when I told her I had gained a lot of weight.” Replied Sally. She rang the bell, she heard foot steps and then her sister answered the door. Her sister shrieked, “Sally, Matt its great to see you both, Wow you weren’t kidding when you told Mom you gained weight, you guys are huge!” Sally smiled, “Thank you, I gained all this on purpose I love my body and so does Matt and I love his belly too.” Laughed Sally.
She immediately notice that her sister had gained nearly twenty pounds, her belly was sagging over the waist of her jeans and her shirt was riding up on the start of a great belly. Her sister noticed her looking a her tummy and patted it, “Weight until you see Mom, “ she giggled. “MOM, Sally and Matt are here!”
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Imalwayshungry 8 months
My dream life here!
Fanedfox 8 months
Snarry0901 2 years
I love this story... i hope you can write much story good
GrowingLoveH... 2 years
I wish I could write like you. Your style is so easygoing. Thanks for so many stories.