Time for revenge

Chapter 7

Abs blurred by new fat. Her recent indulgences were on display. Belly aching fingers sticky and face flushed from pleasure; on the bed she lay. Guilty guilty guilty of this shameful past time. Her new favorite.

“It feel good, doesn’t it?”

She just nodded.

“It feels good to just indulge.”

She nodded.

“It feels good to get soft.”

I had trained her well. The girl was weak. All too eager to be submissive and controlled. Too eager to follow directions. I gave her belly a few pats watching it wobble a bit. Poor girl she got involved with the wrong situation and now she had to suffer with the rest of them. Although this was sort of satisfying a sadistic pleasure for me. And you know it helped me out in other ways.

“Why don’t you fill out the requests.”


I watched her struggle to sit up. Her belly bunched up in her lap. I was surprised by how fast she got soft.

“The pizza is over there.”

I watched her record the video and answer questions. Her belly was struggling to hold it all in.

“You guys are feeding me way too well. All my clothes are getting tight. And I’m getting a little pudgy.”

Her shirt rode up to show off her pudgy middle. It looked cute with her belly poking out while she shoved an entire extra large pizza down.

“Don’t forget the icecream.”

“Oh yeah and the icecream request. So I don’t know how much I can actually drink. But I’ll do my best.”

I watched the money coming in. Revenge and a profit. Perfect.

“Hmmmm I wonder if your boyfriend would find you hot right now? With your belly bulging out like this and you still eating.”

“He hasn’t commented on it.”

“Oh and when’s the last time you guys slept together?”

She paused for a second as I fed her some more.

“Um I think a week ago.”

“Hmmm and you have gained how much weight since then.”

“What’s your point?”

“That you are getting nice and plump. This belly is getting softer and doughier.”

“I mean maybe a little.”

“Hmmm but you like it. You hope he notices.”

She bit her lip. I wobbled her belly.

“Look at it. This is what happens.”
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Kexickus 2 years