Time for revenge

Chapter 10

Each gulp of the heavy fattening liquid sent chills down my spine. I squirmed in excitement at what this would do to me. I could feel my belly pushing forward. Getting heavier. I could feel myself getting softer and lazier everyday.

Oooof. What have I done? What am I doing to myself? Oooo fuck. Chugging heavy cream. Eating so much fastfood. All it’s going to do is make me fat. And out of shape.

I ate and drank faster. My vibrator buzzed in the background.

A piece of pizza was shoved in my mouth.


They were jiggling my belly.

Mmmmm did I do a good job?

More was shoved in my mouth.

I can’t control myself.

Just keep eating then. No need to control yourself. Just let go.

Mmmmm fuck what am I doing?


Mmmmmmm fuck it’s so good.

All this food is just going to make you more out of shape.


But that’s what you want.

I do.

Yes you do.

Mmmmm fuck it feels good.

What was I doing giving into all this temptation? Eating way over my limit. So many extra calories. Not working out. Eating felt so much better.

You like feeling stuffed and helpless.

Mmmm i do. I like knowing that once I’m this full anyone could come and feed me more if they want. I couldn’t do anything about it.

Yeah you would just have to accept it. That you are going to get fatter and fatter.

Nothing fit very well anymore. Sebastian kept playing with my fat. He kept pushing more food on me. He didn’t have to push hard.

I feel like everyone is trying to fatten me up. Im constantly tempted. They constantly give me their leftovers.

That’s cause they know you will eat it.

But it’s making me so fat.

I gripped my belly and felt my excitement grow.

You love it. You want to get even bigger. You want to binge all the time. You hate all exercise.

I do. All I want to do is lay around and get fat and fucked.

I kept rubbing my gut. It was so soft and jiggly. I had really done a number on myself. But I couldn’t stop once I started.

Ooooooooo fuck.

The vibrator felt so good when I was this stuffed. I felt so naughty. Just eating and eating while masturbating. Adding so much extra.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 7 months
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Kexickus 2 years