One more than usual

chapter 2: a bit overboard

Welp, I decided to follow that path, and my dormroom’s microwave and wastebin are getting more use because of it. Roughly two weeks in, and I’ve already doubled my food intake while still staying on my weekly budget. How? Easy! Substitute healthy, fresh food for cheap, greasy food, and voila: feeling sick for a week before your body learns what a saturated or trans fat is! It’s honestly sad that I didn’t know what a cheeseburger tasted like until I was 20, but boy does it make it that much better now. Maybe once I’m more battle-hardened, I’ll be able to drink grease like it’s a healthy fruit smoothie. Bet my mom would love that.

Due to my embracing of my odd adipose-based affliction, my views on food had changed quite drastically. Before, what was just something to keep me from not dying was now a source of both pleasure and rebellion. I could hear my mom now: “Anna, you shouldn’t be poisoning your body with all of that pre-packaged food! Eat a vegetable this instant!” Sorry mom, but the only veggies I’ll be eating are the toppings on this burger. Well, I had veggies a few days ago, I guess. Just cleaning out my fridge of all the stuff I had before to make way for the stuff that’ll make my stomach happy, I’m not sure if a binge consisting of nothing but veggies counts, but I’ll say so, as a one time thing.

I’ve also done some research online to see what exactly other people do when they’re feeling the way I do about food. Safe to say I’m definitely not alone in this. There’s even people that get paid to eat. Sounds like a dream come true for lil’ old me. Although, maybe I shouldn’t be thinking like this in a public place just yet, don’t know if me feeling flustered about eating a burger would get weird looks from people who frown upon such filth. Although, I was one of those people a few weeks ago, so who knows.

Suddenly, I met eyes with a guy sitting alone a few tables away from me. He quickly glanced away, looking embarrassed. I could’ve sworn he was looking… Eh, probably wishful thinking. I was wearing “fashionable” clothing, and by fashionable, I mean revealing enough to show my midriff, which was already a bit softer than it was two weeks ago. Maybe it was last Tuesday, where I ate so much pizza and ice cream that I thought I was going to throw up (luckily I didn’t).

I tried sneaking a glance over at him again, just to be sure. He was looking over at me again, and I could see his eyes were… not that far down, but yeah, on my baby food pouch. Is he into that, too? Maybe he saw what I was (maybe not so) subtly putting down; a 5’ 6”, 120 lb (up 5 lbs, yes!) girl stuffing her face with a greasy cheeseburger like her life depended on it, and maybe loving it a bit too much.

I’ll have to talk to him later. Or maybe once I’m done with this burger that’s definitely going on my binge-worthy list.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 2 years
I hope you can continue it