New game! plus(completed)

chapter 2:accepting the dreams

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Yun slowly woke up and looked around, it was Friday and she had just woken up from a dream she vividly remembered where she had given in and gotten fat and was happier than she was now, not worrying over diets anymore. She looked at her reflection conflicted about it, her mind was split, one part screaming at her that her image was important and getting fat would set her back after she tried to change herself after moving to Tokyo, the other was convincing her it wasn’t that bad to be fat and might even be fun plus she would never have to worry about diets or her weight again and that the large woman who gave her weight of being 300+ pounds and close to 400 showed off some very nice looking plus size fashion wear. She rose slowly and sluggishly dressed herself for the day and headed to make breakfast for her siblings as her mother had to leave early for work. Aoba also rose but was less rested than Yun, she turned to her wardrobe and grabbed her suit to lay out whilst she had a shower, but when she looked in the mirror she briefly saw herself fatter before her vision went back to her normal self. She jerked awake remembering her dreams from last night, what was wrong with her she thought.

At Eagle jump Kou was looking over the Lily character model and checking it for quality. “Yep she seems good to go” she was still sat in her panties as she had not long woken up and was still alone at the office.
“Would you put some pants on Kou?” Rin Toyama walked in to the booth looking at Kou in her usual fed up with saying this look. Rin stood at 5 foot 2, thin with neck length brownish purple hair with purple eyes and dressed in her usual professional looking shirt and skirt combo, she is very polite and what Aoba would consider lady-like in attitude, she would be more prepared than Kou when it came to meetings being more neat and organised, which led Aoba to be inspired by Kous’ art but want to be more like Rin.
“Yeah Yeah I know but nobody was here anyway” Kou smirked cheekily
“It doesn’t matter if anyone was here Kou, you shouldn’t be sleeping in your panties at the office regardless” Rin was very good friends with Kou as they started working at the same time so she ended up being Kous confidant on certain matters.
“Hey hey what’s up” Hajime beamed as she walked into the room. Hajime Shinoda was thin and athletic since she rode her bicycle to work every day even though she lived far away, 5 foot 5 with short brown hair and green eyes, she often dressed in trainers and shorts with a tank top hoodie combo and was a massive otaku. She could be described as being a tomboy she was very energetic and often annoyed Yun but the two were close as they started at the same time. Hajime sat in the same booth as Yun, Aoba and Hifumi even though she was member of the motion team as they had ran out of space in their booth so Hajime was placed in the spare seat in the art teams booth.
“Morning” said Hifumi quietly as she calmly sat at her desk and booted her computer up.
“Morning Hifumi” said the other three,
“Hey isn’t Yun usually here before you Hifumi?” asked Hajime, Hifumi looked at the clock and shrugged
“I guess not today” she said opening up the program on her computer.
“Does it matter it’s not like they’re late yet anyway” Kou chimed in,
“Moring Everyone” all four turned to see Aoba walk in looking drained, her eyes had dark circles under them and she looked like she hadn’t had any sleep.
”Uhh…You okay Aoba” asked Kou concerned
“Yeah just had a rough night and couldn’t sleep is all” Aoba yawned and sat down in a slump and booted her computer up.
“OhhKay” said Kou as she turned back to her booth next door slowly,
Just then Yun walked in “Morning Everyone” she looked almost as drained as Aoba did but sat down quickly and started her work
“Hey Yun why do you look almost as drained as Aoba anyway?” asked Hajime which caused both Yun and Aoba to jerk up in their chairs in unison. Yun looked over at Aoba, was she thinking the same thing as her,
“Just my younger brother and sister this morning tiring me out” Yun returned to her work as she smiled weakly at Hajime
“Oh I guess your mom went out early again for work huh Yun?” Hajime sat down and booted her computer up as well,
“Yeah she did so I had to make sure they had breakfast and were ready for school” Yun said without turning around. The day went on as normal as it could with Hajime getting up occasionally to act out motions and poses to help with her work, Aoba and Yun were just finishing their models when Umiko walked in, Umiko Ahagon, the tanned skinned athletic 5 foot 3 25 year old was a member of the programmer team at Eagle Jump, mid back length dark brown hair and cyan eyes. She is always seen as the strict head of the programming team always scolding those she deems to be slacking off, but on the flip side if she comes down too harsh on someone she regrets it hoping they don’t hate her after it showing a more softer side to her personality, she is quick tempered and has an airsoft hobby (some would say fixation) and a collection of replica military weapons in her office space. Also she hates people calling her by her last name as she is not fond of her last name as it is an unusual Okinawan name.
“Suzukaze may I have a word?”
Aoba looked “Sure thing Aha.. Umiko” she corrected herself,
“Your recent character model had numerous errors when we try putting it in the game, we’ve had this conversation before so this shouldn’t have happened again” Umiko looked at Aoba and noticed how tired Aoba looked.
“Sorry Umiko I’ll fix them right away” Aoba said,
“Are you okay Suzukaze?” Umiko asked concerned
Aoba smiled and said “Yeh just a rough night” smiling weakly, Umiko nodded and walked away simply thinking she herself had been there so didn’t question it. After several hours of fixing and continuing models it was lunch time before they knew it, Aoba looked at the clock and sighed Hifumi had already left to go to the cafeteria and Hajime was talking to Yun,
“The motion team is having a quick meeting so I’ve brought lunch to have in the cafeteria already” she smiled at Yun and walked off to the motion teams booth. Yun and Aoba were the only ones left,
“Hey wanna grab lunch together” Yun smiled at Aoba who nodded. They went out for lunch and sat in a booth at a nearby café that was very quiet with only them and two other girls who were sat the opposite side of the café.

“I can guess what you thinking about Aoba” said Yun in a comforting tone,
Aoba smiled weakly and shrugged “I don’t know why that video affected me so much, I can’t stop thinking about it” Aoba looked down at her abdomen and placed her hand on it “And I keep daydreaming about being as fat as that woman and the idea doesn’t disgust me, it actually……kinda……excites me” Aoba blushed with embarrassment and put her face in her hands,
Yun smiled and placed her hands on Aoba, “you’re not the only one Aoba, I’ve been thinking about it too”
Aoba looked up and smiled weakly at Yun, “Really you too Yun?” Aoba asked suddenly more awake than before
“Yeah….I’ve struggled with diets and worrying about my figure and weight for so long….I’ve even put on weight recently due to the constant snacking at work and have been worried over that too…….but that video made me think, really think about it and I thought would it be so bad to just become fat and happy never worrying over diets and exercise again plus the clothes she was wearing were actually very cute and looked good on her large frame” Yun patted her stomach “plus I thought it might be fun to have a big belly, arms and butt with large thighs” Yun smiled and Aoba Thought about it more
“Me too Yun I’ve been dreaming about being fat and I was enjoying it in my dreams and I think I like the idea of getting fat and having a big belly too” Aoba smiled too, “it might even finally give us big boobs too” Yun beamed at that thought.
But reality had to crash down sooner or later and both were back where they started, “so what do we do about it Yun?” asked Aoba looking very lost now.
“Why not try it and just give in girls” said Shizuku sipping a cup of tea,
“When did you get here……and when did you sit down and order?” shrieked Yun,
Shizuku smiled and looked at both Yun and Aoba with a knowing look, “well I did show you that video didn’t I, you really didn’t think I wouldn’t know what would happen? You looked to me like you might enjoy it” said Shizuku smirking as she put her tea down on the table.
“What do you mean you knew what would happen?” asked Aoba generally confused,
“simple girls, Yun always worried over her weight and figure and I always thought she’d look good if she got fat, so I gave her some encouragement by showing her the bliss on the other side of that particular door” Shizuku sipped her tea, Yun blushed and her anger was bubbling under the surface, but she was actually thankful for it as she realised she calmed down very quickly after that. “As for you Suzukaze, it was more of a guess but I had a gut feeling that by showing you that too it might awaken something and it did, honestly I thought you’d just become an encourager but……well never did I think you’d actually end up wanting to fatten up yourself too” Shizuku smiled softly and sipped her tea again
“What about you Hazuki?” said Yun,
“Hmmm….what do you mean?” Shizuku actually looked confused now.
“Well you watched the video too right, so what effect did it have on you?” asked Aoba smirking slightly.

Shizuku paused and thought and sighed she hadn’t really thought about it as she was more focused on them, what did she think of the video?, “well in any case, you two have a major decision to make, so make sure you are happy and I mean truly happy with it” Shizuku stood up and went to the counter and said to them “lunch is on me girls so get back to work soon or you’ll be late” and she was gone. Yun and Aoba sat there for a few moments and realised she was right, they’d have to make this decision sooner or later and it would probably be best to decide soon.
They returned to Eagle Jump and got back to work quickly they actually found themselves slightly less distracted but still distracted none the less, and they weren’t the only ones, Shizuku was in her office doing work and was actually considering grabbing a quick nap and decided to set her head down on her desk when Aobas Words echoed in her head suddenly, “what effect did it have on you?” she had dropped off before she even realised it and started dreaming , she was at her work desk as normal, which carried on for a while when she suddenly felt hot
“phew it’s hot in here” she lifted her arm to wipe her brow when she noticed it felt heavier she opened her eyes and gasped, her arm, her hand was swollen, she looked at the rest of herself, she was big, as big as the woman in the video as well and she, loved it she patted and played with her belly and arm fat when she looked up and she saw Yun and Aoba smiling at her but, they were also fat.
“See it had an effect on you too Hazuki” beamed Aoba,
“Yeah guess you want this too “teased Yun.
Shizuku woke up with a gasp sweating, “oh no” she thought, looked like she also had a major decision to make. The work hours seemed longer now that a decision loomed over their heads so when the time to close up for day came they were taken unawares when Hifumi said good night to them, Aoba got up to go to the bathroom and left Yun behind with Hajime, Aoba washed her face to wake herself up, her phone rang, it was Nene Sakura her childhood best friend, whilst Aoba had gone straight to working Nene had decided to go to college, “Hello” Aoba answered
“Hey Aocchi” came a bubbly voice on the other end,
“Hey Nenecchi” replied Aoba,
“You sound tired, Rough day?” asked Nene,
“not really just a lot on my mind right now” Aoba wanted to ask Nene about her dilemma but fear gripped her, would she accept it or would she stop being friends with her, then Aoba in a fit of courage deciding it was best to get it out of the way simply asked “Hey Nenecchi, what would you think if I got fat?”.

Back in the booth Yun was packing her things in her handbag when she turned to face Hajime, should she talk to her about this, she was the closest thing to a best friend she had, “Hey Hajime you got a second?” asked Yun nervously,
“What’s up Yun?” Hajime replied casually,
“You know how I’m always trying diets and everything to lose weight?” said Yun taking a shy demeanour
“Yeah so?” said Hajime now confused as to where this was going,
“Well……what if I stopped and just……did the opposite?” Yun said it, no taking it back now.
Hajime pondered for a minute and then replied “so you mean gained weight and what get fat on purpose?” asked Hajime for clarification, Yun just nodded in agreement, “Any particular reason?” Hajime asked,
“Well it’s just I’m sick of dieting and if I let go I wouldn’t have to worry about it again and could just be happy……and it might be fun” she shuffled on the spot nervously,
Hajime smirked “You know with your sweet tooth that look may just suit you better instead of the serious elegant worry wart” Hajime laughed,
Yun felt half relieved and half annoyed by her flippancy, “Meaning what exactly” pouted Yun,
“Hey you asked, besides from what I’ve seen there’s some real good plus size fashion around so you’ll be fine” Hajime retorted
“So if I were to balloon up you’d still treat me the same?” Yun asked more confidently
“Within reason of course as there will obviously be slight changes but nothing to deliberately be mean to you” Hajime smiled and finished packing up her things and said good night to Yun, Yun now had decided her choice.
“Really that happened over just two days?” yelled Nene down the phone,
Aoba blushed and said “How do you think I feel about this, I can’t stop thinking about it” Aoba fumed, their conversation had gone very similar to Yuns and Hajimes did,
“Well Aocchi, if I’m honest you’d still be you right, so what does it matter if your fat or skinny I like you for you” Nene said in a relaxed tone.
Aoba relaxed a little and just said “Really, you mean that Nenecchi?” she was almost sobbing,
Nene picked up on that and said, “Aocchi, Do what makes you happy in the end, even if that means blimping up like a balloon, you’d probably be way better to hug, so soft and squishy like a giant pillow” said Nene just thinking about it and hugging her actual pillow,
“Really?, that’s true I guess” Aoba smiled and happily for the first time in two days,
“Uhh Aocchi what are you gonna say to your parents about this?” Aoba froze, she hadn’t thought about that, but it passed quickly she was a working adult and could maybe move in with one of the people she shared a booth with.
“I’ll figure something out” she finally said “Thank you for the chat Nenecchi”,
“Night Night Aocchi”, Nene hung up, Aoba stared into the mirror, she’d made her choice.
Shizuku rose from her chair slowly she kept thinking back to that dream and every part of her wanted that to become true, she took one last look at herself in a nearby mirror and simply said “Well guess I want this too after all”.
Aoba returned to the character booth, Yun sat patiently waiting for her. “Made a choice” asked Yun
“Yep” said Aoba, just then they saw Shizuku enter normally for a change,
“Uhh Hey Hazuki, what’re you still doing here?” asked Yun,
Shizuku looked at Yun then Aoba “I’ve been thinking on what you said back at the café Suzukaze” Shizuku said in her usual gleeful tone,
“Really Hazuki, What effect did it have on you?” asked Aoba,
“Well it just so happens I’ll be joining you two on the road to pile on the pounds” Shizuku Beamed “Ah yes I have seen into my heart and deemed it so I shall spoil my figure and blimp up like a balloon” she stated in her usual overzealous tendency hugging herself. The two looked at her and simply smiled, Aoba turned to Yun
“Ah what about my parents and yours Yun?” asked Aoba,
Yun thought for a minute then said “why don’t we move in together in a new place?”
Aoba thought for a moment “that’ll work out nicely”.
Yun had already spotted a nearby two room apartment for rent only a couple train stops away and had gotten the number as she was considering moving out of her parents’ house too, the only thing was her siblings, “Oh shoot Miu and Ren, I don’t know if my mom can handle it on her own she relies on me a lot” panicked Yun,
“Try talking to her, see what she says” Aoba pointed out
“Yeah I will, I am 20 years old after all and the place is more than affordable with both our pay checks”. All three said their goodbyes outside and went their separate ways, Shizuku walked in her door and immediately began searching the internet for ways to gain weight fast, Aoba and Yun both got the details about the place they were looking at and headed home, Aoba and Yun parted ways on the train. Yun arrived home and saw her little brother and sister playing in the living room, Miu and Ren looked up and both hugged Yun tightly
“Hey you two where’s Mom?” Yun asked,
“She’s in the kitchen” Miu answered, Yun thanked her and headed towards the kitchen where she found her mother who looked just like Yun only with dark brown hair and being slightly taller in height.
“Hey Hun what do you need?” her mom asked,
“Can I talk with you after dinner mom?” Yun asked. Aoba too arrived and sat down on the couch as her mom was cooking dinner,
“Hey mom can we talk after dinner?” Aoba asked,
“What about dear?” her mom responded with her dad looking pale at the question.
Shizuku was at home drinking something as quickly as she could the remains of a huge calorie heavy meal in front of her and her belly stuffed taught. She smiled and gave her belly a rub and let out a stifled belch, “thank god I found this stuff online” she chuckled looking over at the weight gain powder she had bought “I’ll have to advise Iijima and Suzukaze to buy this stuff as well as the appetite enhancers I found”.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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