New game! plus(completed)

chapter 11:long time no see hajime!

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Aoba awoke slowly as she felt drained still and looked up, she went to sit up and immediately flinched, her belly was still digesting a lot of the food but she could move at least. She propped herself up on Hifumi’s sofa and looked at the ruined clothes on the floor, she sighed and reached for her phone, but it was out of reach.
“Oh well…..guess I’ll just lay back and relax” Aoba sighed as she leant back and smelt cooked food from the kitchen.
“Oh…..No….not more food right now” Aoba groaned, she had enjoyed last night but was still full and needed to digest still.
“Morning Aoba” Hifumi said as she came in, thankfully Aoba spotted a small breakfast that seemed to be just for her.
“How’s your belly?” Hifumi asked as she sat down,
“It’s still a bit sore, still digesting too” Aoba said as she rubbed her belly and heard a gurgling sound.
“Here” Hifumi said as she gave Aoba a tube of ointment, “This will help with the pain”
“Thanks Hifumi”
Aoba began by putting the ointment on her belly and then rubbed it in careful to not press to hard,
“Much better” Aoba moaned after a half hour. Hifumi went out to get groceries and told Aoba to stay until she felt able to move, she did and put the television on but fell asleep quickly.

She woke again in the evening she was fully digested now and went to stand as she nearly lost her balance, she definitely felt heavier. She waddled over to the bathroom and stepped on the scales, but she couldn’t read them and they didn’t stop for long enough for her to see either,
“I can help” Hifumi said as she walked in. Aoba stood on the scales again and Hifumi lent down and read aloud
Aoba went red, Hifumi had packed 13 pounds on her in a single night,
“Wow, Hifumi that’s 13 pounds in one go” Aoba said still looking shocked. Hifumi also looked shocked, and then they both remembered Aoba had ripped her clothes last night.
“Uh, what are you going to do about clothes Aoba?” Hifumi asked,
“In my bag there’s a spare pair of sweats and a t-shirt, I brought them as a pair of pyjamas, but well…” she chuckled. Hifumi went and grabbed them and handed them to Aoba, she tried to squeeze them on and found it difficult as she couldn’t get the waist band up any higher and it was stuck under her belly and her top only covered down till just below her belly button.
“Well this will have to do, thanks for the…uh….feeding Hifumi” Aoba smiled and Hifumi went bright red as she helped Aoba out of the door.

Yun was at home sat up on her mom’s bed as her mother was trying to find clothes that fit her as her ones had been ruined by her siblings antics. She waddled slowly as she was now dressed in a summer dress that was just a bit too tight on her, she slowly lowered herself into her mother’s car and closed the door. Her mother got in and turned the engine on and drove away slowly,
“So want to tell me anything?” she asked her daughter.
“What’s there to tell?” Yun asked a bit confused,
“Well last night….you know” her mother paused and smiled at Yun.
“What about last night?” Yun asked, she thought back and knew she couldn’t admit part of her liked it, no loved it even, but she wasn’t sure she should love it.
“Well, just when you were out of it, you were smiling and when I was rubbing ointment on your belly, you moaned dear” she smiled as Yun went bright red.
“Can we forget about that please?” Yun blushed and her mother chuckled,
“It’s alright, your aunt was the same when she asked me to feed her once” Yun was surprised at this but then remembered their conversation at the beginning of both their gaining and smiled. She did after all enjoy it even if she was still scared by her siblings’ sudden outburst of behaviour.
“Well I mean, it was nice but I’d never do that too often” Yun smiled and patted her belly.

Yun arrived home and was surprised to see Aoba just laying on the couch her clothes looking over tight and her belly poking through a large gap. Her clothes were looking to be close the breaking point as she was stuffed full to the brim it seemed as her face was covered in crumbs and other food stains.
“Have fun Aoba?” Yun asked and grinned, Aoba just nodded and burped loudly.
“Hifumi helped me home, then we had a second feeding session” Aoba rubbed her swollen belly a little and gave a small belch as Yun sat down next to her and the sofa creaked a little at the weight of both of them.
“Well I want to hear about the whole thing too” Yun said smiling as Aoba told her everything.
“So…..BURP….What about your evening?”
“Well my siblings decided to tie me up and force feed me” Yun said as Aoba suddenly looked at her in a bit of shock,
“Wait what?” Aoba asked shocked yet calmly. Yun told the whole story and Aoba burst out laughing before her belly gave out a rumble to tell her it was a bad idea to move so much as she suddenly stopped and rubbed her belly.
“Uhhhh…too full to laugh” Aoba moaned as they heard a knock at the door and Yun struggled to get up as she went over and opened the door to see Hajime stood there looking sheepish.
“Hajime are you alright?” Yun said surprised as Aoba turned her head to look. Hajime swallowed and looked to her left.

Nene was still sat at the kitchen table over at Umiko’s place, she was wearing nothing but her bra and panties that looked ultra-tight. She lay back in her chair as the table was half covered in food again and Nene was covered in crumbs and sauces as she rubbed her distended belly.
“AHHHH….that hit the spot” Nene said as she gently patted her belly and gave a belch. Umiko was out and had left a huge amount of food for Nene to eat as Umiko had gone into work to sort somethings out that had come up in the programming. Nene looked at the rest of the food and decided against eating more as her clothes were too tight as is and would likely burst on the way home if she continued. She pulled on her sweatpants and managed to get them up till her under belly as she then tried to pull her t-shirt on, she found it only going just above her belly button due to the amount shed gained overnight and stuffed herself with that morning. She grabbed her coat and bag and headed out texting Umiko that she had left and headed towards the station.

The day before after everyone had left work, Hajime was on her way to meet an old high school friend, Akki was, from her memory the last they’d seen each other, a slim and tall girl with long brown and purple eyes who was into fashion and other more girly things. Hajime had never told her about her otaku side and had during her high school years had long hair herself and copied her friends fashion styles to blend in. she had not really had any contact with her friend since graduation and was surprised when Akki reached out. She had been texted her address and finally arrived at the apartment she knocked and was shocked when Akki answered.
“Akki!” Hajime said In shock as her formally fit friend was just wearing a green hoodie and grey sweats over her massively obese body.
“Hey Hajime….I know I’m huge” Akki said with a small guilty smile.
“What happened to you?” Hajime asked still staring at Akki.
“Well....I took those pills on the news for a bet and well….this happened” Akki sighed slightly. Hajime stood there stunned, she had been worried because she’d never told her friends about her otaku nature or her job, but this was not what she was expecting.
“What kind of bet was that?” Hajime asked as she went in and closed the door behind her, Akki was in a small one room apartment and sat on her bed with a table set up and laptop open.
“It’s kind of a long story and a bit…..well you can see for yourself” Akki said patting her huge belly, Hajime estimated she must have weighed about 300+ pounds now. Hajime sat down on a chair next to a desk that was littered with food packages as well as the floor around it.
“Well if it’s any consolation I know a few people who took them as well” Hajime said as she then saw Akki light up.
“Wait really, why’d they take them?” Akki asked. Hajime sighed as she launched into her explanation of Yun, Aoba and the others who had joined in.
“So they did it to get fat deliberately?” Akki asked confused, Hajime nodded and asked to use her laptop to which she agreed.

Hajime sat on the bed next to Akki and immediately felt her sides sink into her friends’ soft love handles and belly. She saw her friends’ laptop was on an otaku site and Hajime looked at her friend in surprise.
“Before you ask I only got into it recently along with this” Akki said patting her belly for emphasis “and I knew you were into this stuff as well” she grinned and Hajime sighed. Hajime typed in and looked up the site she had searched for when she’d been trying to understand and help Yun but had never actually used it as Yun seemed fine on her own.
“Here look at this, it may help” Hajime said as she put the laptop back on the table. Akki read through the site on feederism and was surprised but was, as Hajime noticed, rubbing her belly as she did. She was captivated and was reading through thoroughly and was re-reading and looking up other sites it had recommended. She put the laptop down and started at the ceiling for a moment before looking at Hajime and smiling yet her face seemed conflicted still.
“Hey Hajime, would it be weird if I liked this for some reason?” Akki asked and Hajime smiled and was having déjà vu.
“No, my work friend Yun asked me the same thing and I said the same, mind you she was thin and wanting to gain at that point” Hajime said as Akki smiled.
“Can I meet her, to see it for myself?” Akki asked and Hajime agreed and said that tomorrow would be the best time to do it as they were all busy that evening.

Back in the present Hajime signalled to Akki who stepped forward and saw Yun at the door. Yun was surprised as she had seen the old high school pictures of Hajime and her friends at that time. She sighed and knew what this was about.
“Why don’t you two come in and get comfortable” Yun said opening the door wider and letting them in. Hajime saw Aoba and smiled as she saw the stuffed 18 year old led back and sat down next to her as Akki sat in the arm chair opposite and was staring at Aoba in a mix of shock, amazement and jealousy.
“So” Yun said coming back in with a trey with tea and a huge plate of calorie laden cakes on,
“I can guess why you came here” Yun smiled as Akki stared at the cakes and had lust in her eyes, ever since she’d taken those pills her appetite had been ravenous.
“Oh yes….I….uhhhh, wanted to see the friends Hajime told me about since…well this” Akki said placing a hand on her huge belly.
“Well I can see you took the enhancers but had a very strong reaction to them” Yun asked as she was curious. Akki sighed and smiled.
“Guess I should explain huh?” she said as she took a deep breath. Akki explained that back in the spring her friends had invited her to a party and at the end they had a game of truth or dare, she had dare and another friend had heard of these pills and had said dare take the half the bottle, she thought nothing of it not knowing how strong they were. She took the bottle and completed the dare but after a few minutes her stomach gave out a massive rumble and she keeled over and went home claiming to be ill. She hadn’t seen her friends since then as when she got home she emptied her whole kitchen in a single night and had gained a good 10 pounds overnight. This went on for months and she just blew up like a balloon, after seeing her doctor about those pills she knew what she’d done and was depressed and upset at first but couldn’t stop her gain no matter what she tried and ended up at a large 340 pounds, her appetite still huge and she was gaining still even if a little slower. She was surprised most by the fact that she liked the freedom of eating what she wanted and huge amounts and her body, so she was very conflicted and became even more depressed as she got bigger and fell into otaku culture along the way as it cheered her up and turned out she actually liked it.

“Oh I see, your conflicted over your size and want to know how we accepted the fact we liked being fat?” Yun asked and Akki nodded enthusiastically. Yun pondered for a moment before getting her phone out and texting Yuki to come over as she was free as well.
“Well I can give you our reasons but I know some who was in a similar predicament to you so I just asked her to come over” Yun smiled. After about 10 minutes Yuki arrived and sat down and took a few cakes with no hesitation which Akki was envious of. Yuki was told the situation and beamed,
“Oh yeah girl been there it’s not fun, thankfully I had a friend who helped and made new ones who were into this whole thing too” she smiled and Akki looked astonished. Yun helped Aoba in to her room as Yuki bean to tell Akki about her experiences.
“Thank you Yun, I feel so stuffed” Aoba moaned as Yun lowered her onto her bed.
“Well bet it’s nowhere near what Hifumi did to you?” Yun teased and Aoba smiled and blushed.
“Oh Shush don’t remind me” Aoba said and looked away as she burped, Yun chuckled and left Aoba and returned to the living room seeing Yuki and Akki talking and Hajime in the kitchen getting a drink of water.
“You okay Hajime?” Yun asked and Hajime grinned,
“Yeah just surprised is all, everyone I know is becoming fat, it’s kind of weird Hifumi and me are the only thin ones left” she smirked as she went back and joined the others.

Yun looked at them and saw Akki eating a lot, she looked at Aoba’s door and thought maybe they should try and find boyfriends soon before they get too big. She thought about asking Yuki to meet her friends too as they were in the community as well and knew people.
“Hey Yuki you know people in the feederism community right, care to set up a meet up with your friends?” Yun smiled and Yuki nodded
“That’s okay by me I haven’t seen my friends in awhile either”
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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