New game! plus(completed)

chapter 12: old friends, new friends

Aoba, Yun and Akki stood at the bus stop waiting for Yuki. They were meeting her friends for the first time too, and they were bringing along new friends too. They were all dressed up nicely as well, Yun had managed to find a nice dark red dress that hugged her frame and it made her new enlarged bust stand out atop her belly. Her wide hips and giant butt were stretching the dress a lot but it held on, as it reached her mid-thigh. She had put on a pair of tights and normal black shoes that were a couple sizes bigger now, her hair was done up in a bun. Aoba was dressed in a dark purple pair of leggings with a pair of lavender shoes. She had her hair in a normal ponytail and had a white vest on with a blue cardigan that had sleeves rolled up to her upper fore arm. Akki had settled for her usual baggy sweats and hoodie as it was all she had.

Yuki soon turned up and smiled,
“Sorry for the wait, shall we?” she asked as they all nodded and headed off. They ended up at a pretty nice restaurant and were led to a private room in the back that they had booked. They were the first to arrive as they sat down and made themselves comfortable. They were nervous as they hadn’t met any of these people before and Yuki was excited to see her old soccer captain as she was now a 500+ pound fatty. They soon heard the door open and in stepped two people, a rather large boy with brushed back blond hair and a bright pair of blue eyes behind a pair of glasses. He was accompanied by someone Yuki knew well and jumped up and hugged her.
“Kaguya, Shota it’s been awhile” Yuki beamed as she let go. Kaguya, from what Yun and Aoba remembered from the pictures, was thin and athletic. This girl clearly hadn’t been in a long time. Her neck length hair now half way down her back and her figure rounded with fat.
“Long time no see Yuki, see we both pilled on the pounds” she laughed and Yuki chuckled with her.
“How are things anyway?” Yuki asked looking and seeing that Shota had blown up too.
“Good, Shota is an apprentice Baker now, hence our weight gain, but he’s a god send when it comes to cooking” Kaguya smiled as he blushed and smiled. Kaguya spotted the three people she didn’t know in the room.
“And these are…?” Kaguya asked.
“Oh yeah, these are Yun, Aoba and Akki, some new friends of mine” Yuki explained as she told them everything.
“Ah I see, well hello there” Kaguya grinned at them and went over and hugged them.

Yuki kept looking at the door and Kaguya noticed.
“Can’t wait to see Lillian huh?” Kaguya chuckled. Yuki just sighed,
“Is it true she’s over 500 ponds?” she asked. Kaguya chuckled too and looked at the door,
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see for yourself” she teased. Soon the door was again opened as Motoko walked through, she was also larger than last Yuki had seen her.
“Hey Motoko is Lillian here?” Kaguya asked and Motoko sighed,
“She’ll be a minute, she’s catching her breath for a sec” Motoko responded smiling and waving at Yuki and pulled a chair out ready. Just then they heard thudding footsteps and all looked at the door as the largest girl they’d seen walked in having to squeeze herself sideways through the door. Yuki had to sigh and chuckle as she saw her now huge friends clamber through. Back in the day she was thin athletic and had short-ish blond hair with piercing green eyes that radiated confidence. All that remained was the eyes, her hair was now in a shoulder length cut with a straight fringe just above her eye level. Her face was a pumpkin with round cheeks that squinted her eyes slightly and her mouth looked so small on her face. Her neck was non-existent and was trapped in her now padded shoulders. Her arms were like large overstuffed pillows and covered her elbows above her ham like forearms and sausage hands. Her breasts were large and heavy and sagged slightly above her large double belly that hung half way down her thighs and made her arms stick out at a 45 degree angle all the time. Her hips were wider than the door frame and her butt was a shelf now, her legs were tree trunk like and constantly brushed even passed the knees as her calves and feet were overstuffed pillows as well. She had a permanent slow waddle now.

Yuki was stunned, she saw her friend sit down on two chairs assisted by Motoko.
“Wow, really did go above 500 huh” Yuki said out loud and Lillian chuckled,
“You know it, closer to 600 these days but that’s the dream, I love it” she beamed. Lillian looked over at Yun, Aoba and Akki.
“You must be Yuki’s new friends, nice to meet you I’m Lillian” she greeted them and they waved and were staring in awe at her size. Lilian noticed and winked at them before checking her phone.
“Where are those three anyway?” Motoko said and Lilian smiled,
“On their way” she replied.
“Who else is coming anyway?” Yuki asked as Motoko checked her own phone.
“Oh three boys we know from feederism sites that we’ve met up with irl” Motoko replied and smiled at Yun, Aoba and Akki,
“I know you said you wanted them to find people right?” Lillian butted in and smiled. A few minutes later three boys entered the door and greeted Motoko and Lilian. They were seated next to Yun, Aoba and Akki as well. Yun looked at the boy next to her, he was fairly tall with a fair build. His light brown hair parted to his right and his green eyes behind a pair of glasses.
“Hey There…..I’m Asahi nice to meet you” he said in a gentle nervous smile as he rubbed the back of his head. Yun smiled back and introduced herself.

Aoba was busy talking to the boy sat next to her. He was average height with a slightly chubby build and shoulder length dark hair and a cute face, his slightly round face suited his amber eyes well.
“So Hiroto, how long you been into Fairy Stories?” Aoba asked and was smiling.
“Since the first one, that game series is so good, wait you work at Eagle Jump right….you know Kou Yagami right?” he asked enthusiastically. They were well suited for each other Yun thought looking over at them. Next to them Akki was chatting to a short rather large boy with short black hair covering his eyes. They were getting on well from what she could tell.
“So when did you get into anime then?” he asked her as she told him of what happened to her with the pills.
“So that’s when, I know it seems a bit weird but…”
“Nah your fine, like you I was slim before I tried those pills to gain a bit of weight, now look at me” he said as he slapped his belly and chuckled which made her chuckle too.
“Yeah so you too huh Kota?” she asked and he nodded.

They ate, drank and chatted as the old friends caught up and the new ones got to know each other. It was clear the boys were getting on with Yun, Aoba and Akki well. Akki and Kota had a spark very quickly.
“So what made you take so many anyway?” Yuki asked Lilian,
“The pills, Motoko did, we stared dating as feeder and feedee, she saw them and got some, but we didn’t know how strong they were till it was too late” she chuckled.
“Oh I see. Do you like it being this big, really?” Yuki asked,
“Well it has its hard times. But its worth it in some, I like it overall” Lilian rubbed her belly as she said this. By the end of it they all were in good spirits and Shota and Kaguya were first to leave hugging Yuki on the way out,
“You must come visit at some point been far too long Yuki” Kaguya said as she squeezed her best friend.
“Yeah will do, what happened to college anyway for you two?” Yuki asked,
“Oh well Shota knew the owner who hired him then and there so he dropped out, I did too when I found out I was pregnant” Kaguya grinned and Yuki hugged her hard.
“Oh my god congrats” she beamed at them.
“Aww thanks haven’t told them yet” she said pointing at tire other friends. Lilian and Motoko were next as Lilian was getting tired,
“Well see you, come us visit alright” Lilian said as she hugged Yuki and Motoko hugged her too. Yuki sat there alone on the other side of the table looking at Yun, Aoba, Akki, Kota, Hiroto and Asahi all hitting it off. She felt lonely for the first time in a while.

As they all exchanged numbers, Yuki went and got some air outside. She sat down on the bench and looked up when a familiar voice called.
“You okay Yuki?”
She looked down and saw a boy of average height who was fairly slim. He was wearing black framed glasses and had dark eyes and hair that was brushed back.
“Oh hey Dustin, I’m okay just….kind of just thinking that I’ve not got a boyfriend yet” she said as she looked down.
“I’m in the same boat though keep your head up, You know what here, meet me this Saturday at 4 o’clock,” Dustin said with a smile and handed her a flyer.
“The valentines fair…oh yeah that’s this weekend and I have it off…sure” she said and smiled as he thanked her and took his leave.
“Who was that?” Yun said out of nowhere and Yuki jumped.
“Dustin, from college, he’s in the same class as me and he’s from England too” she said as Yun looked at him.
“What about you? How’d things go with Asahi?” Yuki asked.
“He’s nice and sweet, we have a date this Saturday” Yun said as Akki came out holding hands with Kota,
“Wow they move quickly?” Yuki said and Yun nodded.
“Oh yes they really hit it off, mutual experience really helped” Yun sighed with a smile.
“Well at least we helped her out though” Yuki chuckled, “Where’s Aoba?”
“Still talking to Hiroto, they hit it off too, he’s a huge Fairy stories fan like she is and is trying to get her to tell him everything about the new one we’re doing” Yun laughed.

20 minutes later they appeared and were laughing as they parted with Hiroto joining Asahi who smiled and waved at Yun as they left.
“Well how are things?” Yun chuckled as they began to walk home,
“Good, he’s a bit of a talker but he’s sweet” Aoba smiled.
“So meeting him again?” Yuki smiled deviously.
“Yes, we going to the fair this Saturday” Aoba said,
“Wait did we all get invited to the same place really?” Yuki smirked. They chatted more on the way home as they arrived and entered the elevator. Yuki parted with them as Aoba and Yun got off before her, they dropped on the sofa the moment they got in and had their shoes off.
“Well that was worth it huh?” Aoba smiled,
“Yeah, they were great, sweet and Asahi was nervous I could tell” she chuckled.
“And you were, you went red when he introduced himself” Aoba smirked,
“Oh Shush” Yun laughed. They dragged themselves off to sleep that night and had trouble settling down as they were excited for the next weekend.

The next day at Eagle Jump they were late and were put of breath as they huffed and puffed being red in the face.
“Well how come you’re late?” Kou asked as she took a bite of her giant burger.
“Sorry…huff…Yagami…..long night” Aoba huffed.
“Really how come?” she asked,
“Went out…… with friends…..met boys” Yun huffed too leaning on her chair.
“Wait what! Do tell” Yagami said as Rin came in and cleared her throat. They both dropped in their chairs and took a few breathes before turning their computes on.
“So went really well then?” Hajime asked,
“Yeah Akki really hit it off with the one boy, also got fat by accident on those pills” Yun sighed as she opened the characters she was working on.
“Oh really that’s good then, I was worried when she didn’t text me last night” Hajime sighed with relief as she got back to her own work.
“But you two got dates as well huh?” Hajime beamed and Yun just sighed,
“Yes we did, nice boys too, we have a date this Saturday” Yun said before Hajime could ask. Aoba just chuckled and smiled as she was nervous about it as she’d never had a boyfriend before.

Hajime was surprised when Akki text her at lunch about going clothes shopping for her own date with her new boyfriend,
“Wow Yun was right, that was fast” Hajme grinned. Aoba and Yun were looking over their own phones as they had been texted too by Asahi and Hiroto about plans for that weekend.
“So what are these boys like?” Kou asked Yun and Aoba who looked up and smiled. She took a huge bite out of her meal as she looked at them, Rin was usually feeding her but was stuck in a meeting with Shizuku.
“Well Asahi is nice, sweet but nervous, he really comes off as a gentleman” Yun said as Kou then looked at Aoba,
“Hiroto is very much like me and Nene, he’s a massive gamer and loves to talk about it, but he’s nice, he really cares about people and is funny too” Aoba smiled.
“Oh they sound perfect for you two” Kou sniggered and they sighed.
“Well you two okay tagging along with me and Akki on Friday after work?” Hajime asked Aoba and Yun.
“Sure but what for?” Aoba asked,
“Akki wants to go clothes shopping, so I’ll need the advice of big girls as well” Hajime smiled.
“That reminds me, me and Rin need to do that too, we kind of need to upgrade our wardrobe in preparation as mine are getting a bit tight lately” Kou chimed in as everyone smiled at her, even Hifumi wanted to go too.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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