New game! plus(completed)

chapter 13: first date

The day of their first dates had arrived. Yun and Aoba were getting ready along with Yuki who as very nervous. Yun had went out and bought a nice yellow yukata and had her hair up in a bun, Aoba had chosen a pale blue one and had her hair up in dual buns. Aoba had a grin on her face,
“Maybe we should weigh ourselves as we haven’t done so in a while?” she said and Yun shrugged and nodded.
Aoba went and got the scales and plopped them down as she stepped on. Last she weighed herself she was 273 pounds after Hifumi’s stuffing. The scales beeped and Aoba stepped off to see her new weight at 280,
“Wow only 20 pounds away from 300” Aoba smiled as she looked herself over in the mirror, she was full on fat now looking very large at her height. Her wide hips were begging to brush the door way and her belly was like a beach ball. Her plump breasts were now D cups and rested softly on her belly. Her face was round with a full on double chin and round cheeks with puffed up shoulders that was slowly hiding her neck. Her arms were approaching full on bingo wing territory, her thighs touched all the way down to her knees. Even her feet were swollen and she had to go up a couple of shoe sizes.

Yun racked her brain for her last weigh in and remembered it was around 270 as she stepped on and waited for the beep. She looked at her self too and smiled at her reflection, her face was full on rounded and double chinned. Her now E size breasts were pert atop her now double belly as it was still fairly round but now beginning to crease in the middle. She had full on soft wobbly love handles you could grab and her hips were almost as wide as Aoba’s only her butt was beginning to shelf. Her thighs too touched down to the knees and her calves were full with her ankles and feet buried in fat. Her arms were beginning to go full on ham like as her elbows were beginning to be covered as her forearms were full on fat now like her hands. The scales beeped and she got off as Aoba saw the number and gasped. Yun didn’t look down quick enough as she saw Yuki had also seen the number.
“What was it?” Yun asked now in excitement, Aoba and Yuki smiled and Yuki placed a hand on Yun’s shoulder,
“Welcome to the 300 club Yun” she said as Yun’s eyes went wide.
“Wait I’m over 300 seriously?” Yun asked shocked and turned on slightly by this.
“303” to be exact Yun” Aoba said and they congratulated Yun,
“Next step 400” Yun beamed at them.

They turned to Yuki,
“How about you Yuki?” they grinned deviously as Yuki sighed,
“Fine” Yuki shrugged as she stepped on and waited. Yuki was bigger than them both, her face was really round and had a thick double chin and her neck was practically buried. Her arms were at a slight angle and were full on hams with fat forearms and sausage fingered hands. Her breasts were at EE they guessed and her belly was huge, it hung down over her private parts. Her belly also slightly doubling, her love handles were really prominent thanks to the jeans she was wearing. Her thighs were huge and her hips were defiantly brushing against doorways now and her shelf of a butt was full on round and wide but soft. The scales beeped and she stepped off and read aloud the number which made Yun and Aoba stare in awe.
“360, well that’s not too bad” Yuki grinned knowing they were envious of that number as she went off to get dressed in to her yukata.

Yuki had gone with a light pink yukata and had her hair done in her usual long ponytail with a white bow. It hugged her figure and made her look massive and her yukata was held open by her ample breasts and cleavage that was on show. As they approached the fair and they saw their dates waiting for them as Yun waddled up to Asahi. Aoba smiled when she saw Hiroto as they kissed each other on the cheek. Yuki then blushed when Dustin arrived just after them and smiled,
“You look absolutely stunning Yuki” he said as she went bright red.
“Where’s Kota and Akki?” Yun asked as Asahi smiled.
“They are already in there, met up early” Asahi said and they all just awed at the sound as they were happy for her. As they all split off in their pairs and headed off for their first dates.

Aoba and Hiroto very quickly hit it off again and went off to explore. They held hands as they walked around the various stalls and talked about everything from amine to games and their jobs. Hiroto worked at an Animation company and wanted to one day work with Eagle Jump until he found out it was an all-female company with its own internalised Animation team. They were happy and having fun as their bodies were pressed against each other, their fat pressing into each other and squashing together. They made their way down to a cosplay event the fair were putting on and were amazed at the costumes. Aoba spotted a familiar face as she approached one of the cosplayers.
“Hey Hifumi Aoba said as Hifumi jumped for dear life before turning around and smiling with a bright red face as she waved at Aoba.
“Hey Aoba, who’s this?” Hifumi asked spotting Hiroto.
“This is Hiroto, my date” Aoba smiled as Hiroto introduced himself as Hifumi was quiet and shy as she usually was.
“Anyway we better go and find food, I’ll see you later Hifumi” Aoba said as they went off to the food stalls.
“She seems very shy and quiet” Hiroto said and Aoba nodded,
“Yeah she can be like that, took a while to get comfortable around me at work” Aoba smiled, Deciding not to mention Hifumi was a closet Feeder.

Yun and Asahi were at a food stall and were sat down chatting and laughing.
“So you are a writer Huh?” Yun asked,
“Yeah mostly small stuff but it’s a living” Asahi said and smiled. Yun and Asahi met eyes for a minute and without either knowing why, kissed as if it were natural for them. They were really clicking and Yun was blushing slightly as they kissed. Yun was actually having fun and really liked this guy. Asahi Clearly did too as he had never felt this way about girl before. Asahi went off to buy them some cotton candy and Yun stayed sat down to breath. She was close to really wanting to ask him to be her official boyfriend but was nervous as she hadn’t been around guys in a while but he was sweet and a gentleman.
“Hey Yun” Asahi said as he came back and was bright red holding two cotton candy’s,
“What is it Asahi?” Yun asked also blushing.
“Well…I was wondering if you’d….be my Girlfriend” Asahi blushed even redder and Yun to went bright red. Yun however knew her answer,
“Absolutely” she beamed as she stood to hug and kiss him burying him in her fat.

Aoba was at the small games arcade stall with Hiroto after they had eaten. Aoba liked Hiroto a lot too and knew she was falling completely for him. She had thought about him as they’d been texting a lot and even called, he was to her, her perfect type. She like Yun had gotten to the point where she wanted to ask him that question.
“Say….Hiroto…what would you say if we started dating like…properly” Aoba blushed as Hiroto also blushed. He turned to her his cheeks flushed red and smiled,
“Well….id be thrilled I really like you Aoba” he said as Aoba felt her heard skip and smiled back.
“Well then, should we start?” Aoba said as they kissed and embraced each other. Hiroto nodded and then they went off holding hands to get some more food.

Yuki was sat down with Dustin as they were chatting about their classes and work. Yuki had known Dustin thanks to another friend of hers at college. He was sweet and kind, never loud or obnoxious like some boys she knew. He was into writing and had shown her his short stories he’d written which she liked. She also took note that all his stories had at least some characters that was either chubby or fat.
“So how’s the new story coming along?” Yuki asked him and he smiled,
“Well hit a bit of a snag, writers block and all” He chuckled. Yuki had figured out a while ago that he liked her and she liked him as well, but neither had said anything yet as they were always too busy or stuck in course work.
“So what is the new one about anyway?” Yuki asked and Dustin smiled.
“Well the usual” he chuckled. He was blushing as they talked and he got up to go get her some more food when her stomach rumbled loudly. He soon returned and handed her a bowl of ramen and sat back down next to her as she thanked him and began to eat quickly.

Yun was waddling up the steps with Asahi as they made their way up to the best spot for the fireworks. They spotted Aoba and Hiroto already sat down kissing and making out so decided to sit a fair distance away. Yuki and Dustin had also made their way to another spot and sat down both sighing as the cool air gust over them. They sat down on the ground and then looked up at the first loud bang of the fireworks. As the fireworks went off their hands gradually closed n together and they looked at each other with flushed cheeks and kissed as the world around them was lit up in a flurry of colours.
“Why didn’t we do that sooner?” Yuki chuckled as Dustin smiled,
“No idea, I think we’re just too awkward” He joked.

Elsewhere at the festival Rin and Kou were sat down cuddling and looking up at the fireworks with bags of snacks and food around them. They kissed and smiled,
“Well it’s nice to have a date outside and not stuck at home with you feeding me all the time” Kou chuckled as Rin blushed bright red.
“Come on Kou, you know you like it, and you’re not the only one who gets fed remember” Rin stuck her tongue out as she patted her chubby belly.
“You know I love it though” Kou teased as she too grabbed Rin’s belly making Rin yelp but moan as the two began kissing again.

Shizuku was sat at home surrounded by empty cake tins and cupcake wrappers as she had her top rolled up over her large round belly. She finished the chocolate cake and put it down waving to a camera, before switching it off and then taking her pig mask off and had a pure expression of ecstasy on her face. She lay back and rubbed her belly as she belched a couple times and took her pink vest off as her now full and soft E cup breasts flopped and wobbled as they settled without anything to contain them.
“Ah much better” Shizuku breathed as she lay back fully, her face still covered in chocolate. She saw the fireworks form her window and smiled hoping everyone as having fun at least.

“Hey wait up Umiko” Nene said as she ran after Umiko and got winded, she had stopped for a moment to watch the fireworks but Umiko had kept walking on.
“We’ll be late if we stop” Umiko said as she checked her phone. They often met up these days to pig out at their new favourite food place, with Umiko treating Nene more often than Nene payed for Umiko. Umiko didn’t mind, she liked hanging out with Nene and feeding her. Nene caught up and smiled as they continued down to the place they’d picked this time.

The fireworks died down as Aoba and Hiroto looked at each other and smiled, Aoba was happy and knew what she wanted to ask.
“Hey how about you come over to meet my parents tomorrow?” Aoba asked and Hiroto blushed whilst nodding.
“Sure, what are they like anyway” Hiroto asked as Aoba smiled,
“Well my mother is like me, she’s a feedee” Aoba smiled. Yun and Asahi were also getting ready to head back home as they held hands and made their way back down the hill.
“So how’s your family like with….this”?” Asahi asked talking about Yun’s weight gain.
“Oh my sibling are happy and actually tried to help, my mom is perfectly okay as my aunt was like this too as is my mom as she’s really loving her huge weight gain as well” Yun said smiling widely as Asahi blushed thinking Yun had a great family by the sounds of it.

Shizuku was crawling into bed as she collapsed still stuffed full and half naked as she rubbed her belly and moaned as she lowered her body down and finally settled and got comfortable. Shizuku had her grey hair up in a ponytail and had her glasses off and on the bed table. Her face was full and plump with a now prominent double chin and full round cheeks. Her breasts were sat atop her belly whilst slightly hanging to the sides and they were held up by her arms which were full on fat and chubby now. Her love handles were spilling over the waistband of her pink sweatpants, her belly was round and had a pink tint to it as she was stuffed beyond her limits but in normal circumstances her belly had begun to crease in the idle into two rolls. Her thighs were full and plump and as thick as her waist was when she was slim as they touched and rubbed together, her calves and ankles full and her feet looked swollen with far like her hands did.
“That feels so good” Shizuku moaned as she rubbed and managed to turn onto her side, she was panting and sweating in both pain and pleasure at how full she was.
“I’ll have to ask everyone how their dates went tomorrow at work” she mused as she fell asleep.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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