New game! plus(completed)

chapter 14: meeting the families

Aoba and Yun awoke the next morning and were in high spirits as they both had now gotten boyfriends for the first time in their lives. They ordered in breakfast as they were both too tired to cook themselves. Yun had made plans with Asahi to meet her family as Aoba had too with Hiroto, as they heard a knock at the door and Yun got up to answer it. Shizuku was waking up groggily as she stretched and yawned before giving a small belch from the now digested food from last night. She went and showered before anything else as she was still covered in stains and chocolate icing as she tenderly rubbed herself down and took pleasure in her weight and larger body. She remembered a few weeks ago when she had come across the whole plus size model scene and saw where other woman got paid by fans to eat and grow. She had watched for a couple weeks before deciding to give it a go. But as she was a game director who had had her face printed in gaming magazines she knew she had to hide her face. She found a nice pig mask and a set of pink sweat pants and a hoodie and grabbed a white tank top to go with them.

Shizuku sat down and sighed, she had done it out of curiosity and was only going to do it for a set amount of time to gain her desired weight but she had to admit she actually enjoyed it somewhat. She only streamed on Saturdays and still had her main job to keep up with too as she saw a few more meetings were necessary as they were fast approaching the deadline for the new games release. She got dressed and decided to go out to shop for groceries and have a chill day and a beak form gaining to give her belly some rest as she still felt a bit full and gassy.

Yun yawned as she opened her wardrobe and looked at all her outfits. She was struggling to choose as she picked out a few things to try on. The odd pair of pants or shirt noticeably a bit tighter on her now. As she threw those on another pile to sort out later, she decided on the new outfit she had recently bought that should still fit if her memory of the size was what she remembered. She pulled it out and smiled at it before getting dressed and then doing her hair. When she was done she emerged from her room dressed in pale blue dress that went down to her thighs and hugged her figure nicely. She had put on a pair of light beige leggings underneath and had nice dark brown boots on with her hair done up in her usual style. She turned as Aoba smiled and told her it looked great and really made her fattened figure look stunning.

“Shouldn’t you be getting ready to Aoba?” Yun said as she looked at the time.
“Yeah I should, wonder if I have anything nice that still fits and isn’t too tight” Aoba wondered as she stood and slightly waddled over to her own room to look at her outfits. Just as Yun had too she had to filter out what no longer fit her and what was reaching the end point before they would no longer fit. As she went through she thought about the last time she had seen her parents. Although she had spoken to them over the phone she hadn’t actually seen them since the time she had given her mom the pills a few months ago and she was only very chubby then. Aoba couldn’t help but imagine her now.

Aoba managed to find things that fit her just barley as they still looked awfully tight as she hadn’t updated her wardrobe for a month now. She had found a tight white dress that really hugged her figure. She put on a pair of leggings underneath and found a pair of black boots as she grabbed her overcoat as she and Yun headed out to the station. The weather was definitely getting colder they could tell, but they saw everyone else wrapped up warmer as they had scarves and some of them earmuffs. They felt a little chilly as they were thankful they had both packed on a very thick layer of insulation against the cold. They saw Asahi and Hiroto stood inside, Asahi was wrapped up warm and his glasses looked to be fogging up slightly as his lower face was covered by his scarf. Hiroto was still dressed in a hoodie and overcoat ensemble and a scarf but he was definitely wearing fewer layers as he was well insulated too.
“Ah there you are, its cold, the trains due in a moment” Asahi said with a smile as he rubbed his hands together before Yun grabbed him and pulled him into a hug and he felt warmer in her fat as he sunk his hands in to her soft belly to warm them up.

Hiroto smiled as he and Aoba hugged too before they heard the announcement of the train and saw it coming in the distance. Aoba and Hiroto took their seats and Yun took a seat leaving Asahi to stand as Yun took up now nearly two seat spaces. Aoba was the same as she cuddled up to Hiroto.
“So how far are you’re parent’s stops?” Hiroto asked,
“Well ours is after yours” Yun said as Aoba checked her phone.
“Fair enough, just I missed breakfast this Moring as I was really nervous” Hiroto chuckled and Aoba smiled as she kissed him and rubbed his belly.
“Well we can’t have you going hungry now can we? I’ll get mum to cook up a real meal” Aoba smiled as Hiroto blushed and beamed. After about 10 minutes Yun heard her stop called and nudged Asahi as he smiled and she stood with difficulty,
“Wow, this is getting harder” She chuckled as Asahi had to help her as the train began to slow down.
“See you two later and good luck” Yun beamed as they departed the train,
“You too Yun” Aoba called after as the doors closed again and the train began to pull out again.

Yun waddled outside the station with Asahi and spotted her mother’s car parked and smiled as she tugged him towards it. Asahi was trying to calm his nerves as he saw the door open and was shocked when she saw Yun’s mother. She was not far behind her daughter he thought as he took in her appearance.
“Oh hey mom” Yun said as she hugged her mother as Asahi watched the two engulf each other in their fat. Yun’s mother turned to see Asahi and smiled which puffed her cheeks up a bit more,
“You must be Asahi, hi I’m Yun’s mom” she said as she pulled him in for a hug too. She was soft and warm just like Yun was.
“Yes nice to meet you too” He blushed and Yun seeing this chuckled. Yuns mother was now, due to her job and the medicine her daughter gave her, early to mid-200 pounds at least, her job at the bakery really helping things along. Asahi got in next to her and buckled up and sighed smiling at Yun who was still laughing a little.

Aoba and Hiroto stood slowly and managed to get off as they huffed and were red in the face. She waddled out and saw her dad as he waved enthusiastically and looked a bit down hearted when Hiroto came into sight and Aoba took his hand.
“Hey Dad, this is Hiroto” She beamed and Hiroto shook his hand but her dad was looking unapprovingly in a no one is good enough for my little girl kind of way. He looked at Aoba nervously as her father opened the car boot and put Aoba’s suitcase in and after a pause Hiroto’s.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s just a bit overprotective” Aoba blushed and reassured Hiroto he didn’t hate him. The drive was awkward and felt longer than it did as they pulled up in front of Aoba’s old house.
Hiroto breathed a sigh of relief and got out to go and help Aoba get out as he saw a large chubby woman who seemed to be around 260 pounds waddle towards them and saw the immediate resemblance to Aoba.
“Oh Hello there you must be Aoba’s Boyfriend” Himari said with a huge grin.
“Oh yeah you must be Aobas’ sister” Hiroto said completely serious which made both her and Aoba chuckle.

“Oh you’re cute, I’m her mother” Himari said with a smile and Hiroto felt embarrassed as he saw the father give him a death glare.
“Oh I’m so sorry” he said as Aoba had to admit that the weight gain had made her mother look somewhat younger. Before when she had managed to slim right down, Himari had always looked good for her age and looked fairly youthful still despite her age and the weight that had rounded her face out and had given her puffy full cheeks and a round double chin had made her look younger still.
“Well thank you and come on in, I have a ton of food for everyone” Himari beamed and waddled up the drive with Aoba taking Hiroto’s hand and dragging him slowly towards the house.

“Here we are” Yuns mother said as she pulled up at the house. Asahi got out and went and helped Yun and then had to help her mother a little. Asahi watched as Yun and her mother waddled at a slightly different pace in front of him, he found himself staring at Yuns bottom and was captivated by its swaying and jiggling.
“See something you like?” Yun teased as he snapped out of it and saw the door was open and Yun was smiling at him. He blushed bright red and tried to chuckle. He tried to pass it off but Yun took his hand and smiled gently,
“Trust me I know how you feel” Yun reassured him. She remembered being just as enamoured as he was once before she began to really gain. They made their way in and Asahi was immediately hit with Yun’s siblings who bombarded him with questions before Yun and her mother pulled them off.

Shizuku was sat at home shopping online for new clothes. She was blissfully drinking a gainer shake when her laptop buzzed as she saw her sister was video calling her. Shizuku nearly spat out her drink as she hesitated to answer as she hadn’t told her family at all and hadn’t seen them since before she had blown up. She wondered how her sister would react given that she was fairly open minded. Shizuku knew feederism was a niche thing too but she saw her sister wasn’t relenting so answered but didn’t turn her camera on.
“Hey sis, How things” Shizuku said as she saw her sister on her end.
“Hey Shizuku, it’s been awhile big sis, what’s new?” her sister said and smiled before she realised the camera wasn’t on at Shizuku’s end.
“Yeah it has been awhile” Shizuku said as she prepared herself for her sister’s reaction.
“Hey Shizuku, how come you don’t have your camera on?” her little sister asked.
“Uhhh….no reason” Shizuku said slightly panicked, her sister caught on to this however.
“Shizuku what’s going on, you sound off” her sister said and Shizuku could see the look she was giving on her end.

“Well, just….well I have changed a lot since you last saw me” Shizuku chuckled as she took a deep breath and clicked her camera on. She saw her sisters shocked expression when she saw Shizuku’s now 300 pound self.
“Shizuku what happened to you?” her sister asked trying to keep calm.
“Well you see I may have made a discovery about myself” Shizuku said with a slight smile.
“So you got fat on purpose?” her sister asked less confused it seemed.
“Yeah I just love it, I love being round and soft, and being able to eat myself full all the time. I love the way it feels to just be fat and happy” Shizuku explained and she saw her sister laugh.
“Sorry I’m not laughing at you in a bad way, just that you are still you after all, passionate about anything you love” her sister smiled.
“Well still a big change I know I’m just over 300 pounds already” Shizuku said and her sister was no surprised.
“How did you gain that much that fast?”
“Well I found a few things to help and found some very calorie heavy foods” Shizuku grinned.

Yun was helping her mother wash up as she occasionally looked in on Asahi and her siblings as they were bombarding him with questions again,
“How did you meet Yun?”
“What do you think of Yuns weight?”
“What do you like about Yun?” Etc. Asahi attempted to answer as many as he could in ways that were appropriate for the two 10 year olds.
“Well they seem to like him at least” her mother said as she gave a smile at her daughter who nodded with slightly blushed cheeks.
“Yeah, I really like him mom, so I really hope it works out” Yun said as she placed the now dry plate on the pile to be put away.
“Yeah he’s a real cutie, plus I can tell he’s into you a lot” Yun’s mother winked at her daughter and Yun blushed but nodded in agreement.

Hiroto was full and sat back as him and Aoba were stuffed beyond their limits as Aoba’s father cleaned up, her mother in a very similar predicament.
“So Hiroto what is it you do?” Aoba’s mother asked. He explained his job as she listened. He was in a similar field to Aoba and she thought they were cute together, she was happy her little girl had found someone finally. The dinner had gone well, Aoba’s dad didn’t want to admit it but Hiroto was nice enough.
“So how are things at work for you dear” her mother asked as she hadn’t heard much about her daughters’ job for a while.
“Going good, just got a few last minute things then it’ll be ready to release soon” Aoba responded with a grin.
“That’s good to hear, you’ll have a bit more free time after” her mother grinned.

“So that’s the whole story huh?” Shizuku’s sister said as she had just finished hearing her older sister explanation of everything. Shizuku was smiling as her sister
“Well I see you are still you, find something you love and get carried away with it” she chuckled as Shizuku nodded. “Just be sure to look after yourself, well as much as you can at your weight” her sister said and Shizuku again nodded with a huge grin.
“Will do Lil sis” Shizuku cooed.
“So how’s the game going sis?” her sister asked and Shizuku smiled,
“On track for release” She responded. The art team were just doing touch ups where needed as it was all down to the programmers now.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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