New game! plus(completed)

chapter 15: new game!(1)

Everyone was doing final checks now, the new game was close to release as the art team were doing final checks on models and were looking to be done by the end of the day. Rin and Kou were still very busy making sure to do checks on everything too as the rest of the girls in the booth relaxed. Hajime had finished first as she was actually a member of the motion team but had been placed in the art booth due to lack of room. She had finished her fine tweaks and now it was just Yun, Aoba and Hifumi left checking their work.

“And I think that’s it” Aoba said as she lay back in her chair and it gave a small creak. She had to admit she was beginning to get to the maximum weight the chair could handle which made her chuckle a little. Having an eating partner in her roommate, boyfriend and Nene was having a very good affect n her waistline, as she laid her hands on her belly as her hips and butt was hanging over the edges of her chair. Last she had weighed herself she was 280 pounds, 20 pounds away from the big 300 and she was hoping that the last month had seen those 20 pounds added to her figure. All the new weight was going to her belly now to try and catch up as she was a more pear shape as her butt and hips were very wide, she had had to take the arms of her chair off because of this.

Yun had had to do this too as she smiled at Aoba. Yun had passed 300 to weigh in at 303 pounds last time and knew she was heavier with her feeder boyfriend and roommate, the treats her mother sent her helped too. They both looked unrecognizable from just a year ago yet looked happier than ever. Hifumi was nose deep in her work trying not to get overwhelmed by the two huge girls sat behind her. Ever since she had fed Aoba, her feeder side had a rude re-awakening and she couldn’t put the lid back on the bottle. She wished she lived with them at times to feed them, but was a little concerned with back fire as she knew that there were a percentage of feeders that ended up fat themselves as Feedees.

“Well I think that should do it for now, that’s all mine finished” Yun stretched and yawned as her dress tightened around her middle and her cleavage pushed against the fabric before she returned to her normal position like Aoba, hands on her belly. This was a natural pose for them now it seemed. Hifumi blushed and looked away quickly.
“You nearly done Hifumi?” Aoba asked and Hifumi turned and nodded without saying a word. Aoba smiled gently at her, she knew what was going on with her but had kept it secret as she had promised. The programming team were the ones busiest as Umiko was stress eating a little as she worked. Eating with Nene had piled the pounds on here and there for her as she often ate with Nene to encourage her and be her feeder. She didn’t have time for Shizuku’s shenanigans right now either. Shizuku didn’t have time either as she was very busy making sure the game was ready for the publishers and was in a fair few meetings with them to keep them updated daily it seemed.

“Done” Hifumi said weekly as she sighed and Hajime gave her a massive grin.
“Good just us still going then” Kou said when she came into their booth to check on them. Kou had really filled out; she was just over chubby a month ago and now was full on mega chubby as everything on her had a thick layer of fat and pudge. Even her face was round now and had the small beginnings of a double chin forming. She was still wearing her usual style of top but in a bigger size but had switched to stretchy leggings now.
“Kou this set of backdrops are done” Rin’s voice called from their booth as Kou smiled,
“Coming Rin, well hopefully we’ll be on track to finish by Friday and have that huge feast” Kou’s smiled looking forward to it. She loved to watch Rin eat and thought that for someone wanting to stay smaller than Kou, Rin ate like the opposite these days.

Yun stood to go and grab a snack as Hajime went to check in with the motion team. Hifumi sighed in a little relief that one of her distractions was gone.
“Hey you okay Hifumi?” Aoba said in her ear and Hifumi jumped with a small scream,
“Aoba……I’m….good” Hifumi said stuttering and flushed in the face.
“Wow, you really are distracted by us huh?” Aoba teased her and Hifumi buried her head in her hands. Aoba liked to tease Hifumi a little as she thought it was cute.

“Right that’s it for today, go home and rest well” Kou told them. Hajime and Hifumi were the first to leave wishing them all good night as Aoba and Yun took longer to sort themselves out these days. Aoba and Yun arrived home tired but still needed to cook food and it was Yuns turn tonight. Yun had become more accustomed to her higher weight around the kitchen and wasn’t bumping into things as much but still chuckled when she did. Aoba sat on the couch and just relaxed as she took the weight off her feet and texted Nene.

Aoba: so how was your day?

Nene: good, college is going well, found a few eating buddies there too 

Aoba: Oh nice, you’ll be 400 before you know it girl 

Nene: Yeah thanks, can’t wait, we should meet up again soon

Aoba: Agreed, how about this Saturday after we’re 100% done with the game?

Nene: OH Yeah, I really want to go to that new place, the one that just opened that has the really fattening deserts

Aoba: Can’t wait see you there at 12?

Nene: Count on it Aocchi 

“Foods ready” Yun said as Aoba smiled and hoisted herself up and made her way to the kitchen table. Yun had been taking lessons from Yuki on cooking and knew how to make very fattening dishes now which helped with their goals.
“Smells great as always Yun” Aoba grinned as Yun sat down. They had had to replace the chairs a couple weeks ago when they had Yuki around for dinner and all three broke their chairs and fell on the floor, thankfully the people living below were out and so no one knew what had happened but it was a fond memory for the three fatties. After their very filling dinner they hoisted themselves to the shower before they went to bed and settled in for the night letting the food digest. Admittedly both had not had gaining fully on their minds the last month as they were in full on work mode most of the time to get the game released by winter. The promotional stuff and trailer were already out too. But there were a few dreams of their 400 pound days still hanging on too to remind them of their goals for their personal futures.

Aoba stood in the bathroom the next morning; she had woken up early to call Hiroto before he had work. She saw the scales in the corner out of the corner of her eye and got curious; she hadn’t weighed herself in a month after all. She leant down slowly as her weight had made this a more difficult task the bigger she got. She pulled the scales over to the middle of the bathroom and stepped on. Thankfully they had upgraded to new ones that had a higher weight limit and the numbers stayed on the screen for longer as neither Aoba nor Yun could see over their bellies or breasts anymore. She heard the beep and stepped off and saw the numbers. She gasped in happiness as she saw she was officially over 300 now.
“All Right” Aoba cheered as Yun came in.

“What’s all the noise?” Yun asked as she yawned and scratched her belly.
“I’m officially over 300 now, 305 to be exact” Aoba beamed and Yun smiled at her. Yun looked at the scales and decided it was time to check her own weight gain. Yun stepped onto the scales as Aoba gave her the show off face. It beeped and Yun stepped off and slowly looked down as she beamed,
“335, not bad” Yun smiled as she went to make breakfast and Aoba got dressed. They took the train to work and saw it would be another busy day for the programmers as the art tem just hung around in case they had to go over any character models again. They were sat around chatting as normal about anime; shows or games they watched or played as Hifumi turned up and surprised Aoba, Yun and Hajime.

Hifumi had brought a fair few boxes of doughnuts and other treats in with her.
“Why Hifumi if I didn’t know better I’d think these were all for two people here in particular” Hajime teased as Hifumi went bright red and Aoba and Yun had their answer and Aoba smiled gently at Hifumi.
“Well I had better share these with everyone” Aoba said as she took some of the boxes and took them next door to Rin and Kou who were still working. She stepped in sideways as the gaps between the openings to their booths were right for a couple of regular sized people but Aoba and Yun were now wider than it.
“Oh those look good, you sharing?” Kou asked as she turned to see Aoba come in.

Aoba couldn’t get enough of the way Kous small belly was now sitting on her lap a little.
“Yeah Hifumi brought them in, and a ton too”
“Oh Good I could do with a little snack” Rin said as Aoba turned to look at her. Aoba looked at the changes to their other team leader Rin. Rin who was slim and pretty a year ago with her shoulder length brown hair was now rather chubby and not far behind her Girlfriend Kou. She was round faced now and had the beginnings of a small baby double chin. Her arms were puffy along with her thighs and the rest of her legs. Her bust size like Kou had seen some improvement too over her now round pot belly that too just about sat in her lap too with love handles spilling over her skirt waist band like Kous.
“Here ya go, how much more do you two think you have to do?” Aoba asked looking at their computer screens.
“Not much more, just a few backdrops now” Kou said with a mouth full of doughnut.

The day went on and the girls just chatted and munched on snacks as Hajime was being careful and noticed that Hifumi was oddly encouraging Aoba and Yun a bit too much. Kou and Rin soon emerged and were yawning and stretching.
“Done, the art team is officially finished now” Kou said with a large grin. They all smiled at each other as Shizuku made an appearance,
“Well we’ll still be busy for a while yet, Umiko too, so why don’t you go and celebrate” Shizuku suggested.
“Great idea, I’m starving” Kou said as Rin, Aoba and Yun nodded as Hajime and Hifumi just smiled. Shizuku slumped off and in what felt like forever, they saw her cat Mozuku follow her out. They all grabbed their coats and made their way out. Hajime and Hifumi took the lift with Kou and Rin whilst Yun and Aoba waited till after due to the weight limit on the lift.

They found a good restaurant & Bar nearby as they went in and all sat down around the table. Aoba was still underage for alcohol but they had some really good looking milkshakes on the menu. Kou ordered a feast and had out done herself; the table was packed high with greasy fattening food.
“Well everyone dig in” Kou beamed and it didn’t take much convincing for the Feedees around the table to do so. Rin was first to dig into the massive meat pile that was piled on a plate as Hifumi and Hajime were the only ones who were staying level headed and were looking at the drinks menu. Aoba and Yun also feasted as they saw Hajime and Hifumi’s drinks arrive and they began to drink just staring and smiling at the other girls as they all went like hovers as they practically inhaled the food.

First round was done, Rin and Kou looked stuffed beyond belief but Yun and Aoba were still hungry, they were a lot bigger after all. After a few rounds of drinks Rin and Kou kept taking bites here and there as Yun and Aoba were reaching their nicely full point.
“I think we’re done too” Aoba grinned but saw Hifumi was looking at her in a peculiar way, one only Aoba had seen once. Last time Hifumi had had this look was when she got carried away was her feeder personality took over. Hifumi moved up against Aoba and grinned deviously as she picked up another thick slice of cake and Aoba knew where this was going. She opened her mouth and Hifumi fed her as Yun, Hajime, Rin and Kou all looked on. Hifumi’s secret was out now, everyone stared as she fed Aoba the whole cake slice by slice as Aoba began to feel really full now and felt her belly push more against her dress and then the table and feel tight in her position.

Aoba felt utterly stuffed as Hifumi picked up more things and Aoba was going red in the face as she gulped each thing down, her dress felt uncomfortably tight now around her stretched belly. Everyone was watching on both impressed and some jealous. Yun had never been fed like this; Asahi was a real gentleman who was going slowly with her. Rin and Kou were cheering a little as this was a familiar situation for the both of them. Aoba felt a little sick as she was really packed between the wall and the table now as she gave a loud belch and put her hand up to tell Hifumi no more food. Hifumi looked disappointed before she saw everyone was looking and went scarlet in the face before sitting back down and burying her head in her legs as Rin and Kou chuckled telling her it was alright.

It took both Hajime and Yun to unstick Aoba from her seat without making her throw up as she looked red in the face and was thankful when her belly was of that pinch. They called for a taxi as Yun sat Aoba down on a bench to recuperate a little. It was then that they heard her dress rip at the sides when she sat down, her dress bearing the full size of her belly against it as it was no longer held back by the table.
“Ugh” Aoba said as she gave another loud belch as Hifumi went ahead still scarlet in the face.
“We better head of too, see you girls soon” Rin said as she and Kou waved to them and went home not living too far away.
“I’d better get back too, there’s a show I put on record, see ya later you two” Hajime said as she too went on ahead.
“Well we better get you home Aoba” Yun said as the taxi arrived and she slowly helped Aoba in.

“Well how much more you got to do?” Nene asked as Umiko sighed as she was eating a double layered vanilla cake to de stress.
“We should be done by weeks end, at least I hope” Umiko said as she looked at her laptop screen at Nene who was in her room getting ready for bed. Nene had really blown up lately, but then again so had Umiko. She was firmly back to the high 200s now as Nene was also at that stage. Umiko’s belly sat in her lap fully now and her thick love handles over her jeans. Her breasts had really perked up and grown too as Umiko’s formally slim face was firmly round and puffy cheeked with a double chin now. Her arms were fully puffy and showed no signs of their former thinness.

Nene was much the same, her already naturally rounder face filled out immensely as her neck was hidden at her height by her puffy shoulders and thick double chin. Her arms were like hams with fat sausages for fingers now. Her breasts were large and sat atop her ponderous belly that was beginning to split into two rolls now. Her hips were wide and her butt cheeks were hanging off any chair she sat in.
“Well I’m looking forward to it, the test play was good so it should be fine” Nene said, her job as a test player had ended a few weeks ago now but she still kept in contact with Umiko. They were each other’s encouragers at this stage. In gaining and in Nene’s newest pursuit of game programming that she had taken an interest in.
“Thanks, your notes were a huge help” Umiko said smiling. Nene was a fan of the game series so her notes turned out to be invaluable.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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