New game! plus(completed)

chapter 15: new game!(2)

It was a week later an email was sent out saying the game was complete and was due to be released on time at the end of December. Umiko went out to celebrate with Nene and each ate to their shirts were ill fitting. Yuki even came to congratulate Yun and Aoba with her sister too. She had really grown too. She was puffy all over with a nice round belly and wide wobbly hips now. She was looking more like her younger sister by the day it seemed. Hifumi had been silent since her display at the bar and Aoba went to see her to see if she was alright. She knocked on the door as Hifumi answered but blushed.
“Ao…Aoba” Hifumi stammered looking away.
“Mind if we chat inside?” Aoba gently smiled and Hifumi sighed and opened the door fully to let her in.

Aoba sat down on the couch as Hifumi sat opposite her on the floor, her pet Hedgehog poked his nose out before going back into hiding.
“Are you okay Hifumi” Aoba calmly said as Hifumi looked really uncomfortable.
“I made a fool of myself in front of everyone, I didn’t want to let my feeder side out like that” Hifumi began to re panic. Aoba stood and joined her giving her a hug.
“Its fine, Hajime already suspected and no one else in that booth will judge you, look at me and Yun for example, we blew ourselves up like parade floats and Hajime’s fine with it” Aoba said. Hifumi smiled slightly as she hugged Aoba back. Hifumi talked for over an hour with Aoba about everything and gradually was reassured about her feeder side.

Aoba found out this was also about the fact Hifumi had looked up her old friend who let Hifumi fatten her up back in high school. She was slimmer now apparently and Hifumi had actually messaged her. She had gotten a response back about meeting up to catch up. Hifumi was nervous, what if she tried to fatten her up again or whether she would mind or not.
“Well try talking about it ahead of time” Aoba told her and Hifumi nodded, she had to take the leap of faith. Aoba left and Hifumi thanked her as Aoba checked her messages before smiling and deciding to go for hot pot tonight.

Aoba and Yun stood outside the games shop. Today was the day, the release date and the turnout was massive. They were sat on a bench nearby waiting for everyone else. It was common for them to see their work pay off as they saw Nene was in the que with Yuki and her boyfriend. Even Hiroto and Asahi were in the que to buy the game waving at them every now and then. Nene was the first one out and beaming as she stood next to Aoba and Yun as they were taking up all the room on the bench.
“Which one you get?” Aoba asked,
“The super deluxe edition of the game that comes with the book, soundtrack and posters of the main characters” Nene smiled as she held the bag up. Asahi and Hiroto grabbed regular versions of the game as they too joined them.
“What time is the company release party?” Asahi asked them as Yun checked her phone.
“At around 8, sorry we can’t take you two” Yun said referring to Asahi and Hiroto. Nene as a play tester had been invited like Yuki had been.

They all headed back to Yun and Aobas place to help the girls get ready, Yuki and her boyfriend Dustin would be there too. They arrived and Nene pulled out her bag of dresses and clothes to choose from as Yun and Aoba went to their wardrobes. A knock at the door and Yuki and Dustin turned up. She had brought about 3 dresses and outfits for her to try as she was mostly wearing leggings and sweatpants now. It had been a while since she’d worn jeans. They tried on a few outfits and got the boys and thoughts. Yuki was ready first; she had gone for a nice thigh length dress in sap green with a black belt around her upper belly roll. She was wearing a black pair of leggings underneath and had a nice pair of black shoes on too. She had left her hair in its usual style, a ponytail but she had put a black hair band in with a black bow that Dustin had picked out.

Yun was next as she stepped out and Asahi blushed. She was wearing a nice pale yellow dress with a few frills at the end of the short sleeves and end of the dress. She had a dark brown thick belt around her belly that pushed her breasts up a bit as the dress had a v neck that left nothing to the imagination about her cleavage. She had put her hair back up in to her twin tails with a bit loose at the back, she had added a small bit of lipstick too and eye shadow. Asahi was awestruck at how good she looked. Hiroto also gave a thumbs up and grinned boyishly. Aoba and Nene stepped out next and Hiroto gulped.

Nene was wearing a pair of dark blue leggings made to look like a pair of tight jeans. Her top was a pale pink that had long sleeves and had a v neck too as she had her shirt tucked into the leggings that was over her belly. Aoba was wearing a pair of tights and black shoes. She was wearing a larger version of her old skirt back when she was thin and it was pulled up over her belly and wide hips and butt. She put on a pale violet long sleeve top that she had tucked in to the skirt and put a thick red belt around her waist where she’d tucked her shirt into the skirt. She looked like violet from Charlie and the chocolate factory Hiroto thought as he grinned at her, she had her hair back up in her usual long twin tails as she stretched and her v neck showed off her ample cleavage and Hiroto was staring as he couldn’t help it. Aoba saw this and winked at him and he blushed again.

“Guess that’s a good sign?” Aoba beamed as she walked over and kissed Hiroto on the cheek seeing his awestruck reaction. Hiroto grinned again as he kissed her back as he stood giving her a tight hug as their fat pressed into each other.
“Well we best be off anyway, we have an hour and a half before it starts” Yun said looking up at the clock. They locked up went downstairs as Yuki’s sister was giving them a lift in her large car. Yun and Aoba kissed Asahi and Hiroto goodbye as they stepped in and using their newly purchased seatbelt extenders, buckled up and closed the doors.

Shizuku was stood behind the curtain on the stage going over her speech. As director of the game she had to do the major introductions. The entire company of Eagle Jump were here as well as the other companies that worked on it like the publishers and promotional company. Only the Eagle jump members were even remotely aware that Shizuku had blown up to 340 pounds. Last most of the other people here had seen her was when she was slim. The lights went on as the trailer for the new game played and Shizuku breathed in a as she waited to go on, and then it was time. She stepped on and hears applause but a distinct few voices of confusion.
“Wait that’s Shizuku?”
“That’s not her right she’s fat, Hazuki is thin” and etc.

Thankfully her speech went well as soon all doubts of her identity was put to rest, but still shocked that she’d blown up. Kou was invited on the stage and everyone again was shocked that she too had clearly blown up too even if it was nowhere near as much as Hazuki. They even invited the play testers on the stage to thank them and give them an autographed poster each, the room was applauding and a few made comments when Nene and Yuki walked on stage.
“Looks like Eagle Jump is becoming the company of fatties” one said and another chuckled. The whole thing was long as the various teams were thanked one by one as the art team was up, they put the members’ pictures up and Yun and Aoba saw a problem. They hadn’t updated theirs, they were still thin in the pictures and when they walked on the applause was a little quit again. They were all grateful when the thing ended.
“Well we knew what we were getting into” Yun smiled, even Umiko had gotten stares too so they weren’t alone.
“Yeah I know, but I’m happy I’m fat so I’m not regretting it, just wish they’d update the pictures next time” Aoba sighed with a small smile.

They all headed back to the Eagle Jump canteen to have a more private after party that the boys were invited too as well. Hazuki was relieved that she was finished and could relax now and let loose. They met the boys outside of the building and let them in as they made their way up and entered the canteen that Hazuki had prepared well in advance. Every table was piled high with food and drinks. It looked like some were groaning under the weight as Hazuki grinned and they all began to let loose. Hifumi looked a little awkward as she walked up to Aoba and tapped her on the puffy shoulder.
“Uhm Aoba….. can we talk for a minute?” Hifumi blushed as Aoba nodded and they went into one of the meeting rooms to talk privately.
“Everything okay Hifumi?” Aoba asked and Hifumi looked up.
“I got a message back from that old friend I told you about….you know….that one” Hifumi said as she shifted nervously on the spot.

“Oh good, what did she say?” Aoba asked curious to see if it went well.
“Well….she missed me…..said she actively tried to lose weight as she was confused and was just experimenting. But she says she found out she liked being a feedee and wants to meet up to talk about me…..fattening her up again” Hifumi blushed.
“Well that’s good news” Aoba smiled. Hifumi grinned too and nodded.
“She’s looking for a roommate too, maybe wants to move in with me if things go well” Hifumi said and Aoba gave her an encouraging hug.
“That’s a good sign Hifumi” Aoba smiled.

The after party went on and food went fast as the girls all stuffed themselves outright with Hifumi, Hajime, Dustin and Asahi watching on as they did, even Hiroto was eating a ton as he was a large boy himself. Nene was letting loose completely and it wasn’t long before there was a gap of flesh spilling through the front of her shirt. This was common among the others too as Yun’s belt was looking painfully tight as Hifumi was encouraging Aoba again and she looked red in the face again as her belt out right burst off her. She loved this feeling as Hiroto cheered her on as Rin got it in her head to do the same to Kou. Yun saw Asahi was looking on a tad jealous as she nudged him,
“You know you can do it to me right?” she grinned and he smiled as he picked up a very large piece of cake and put it in her mouth as she gave an audible moan.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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