New game! plus(completed)

chapter 3 p1:moving out and dreams begin

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The dinner went well with Yun relaxed and enjoying herself and laughing with her family. After they had had dinner Yun sat in the living room as her mom put Ren and Miu to bed, after 10 minutes her mom walked in and sat down, “Well what did you need to talk about Yun?” her mom asked,
Yun shuffled in her seat and took a deep breath, “Mom what would you say if I wanted to move out?” Yun asked, her mother paused and thought for a moment before saying
“I’d be okay with it Hun, you’re an adult so it makes sense, but I guess you’re worried about Ren and Miu and how I’d cope I bet?” her mother said and knew she was right but that there was something else behind it too,
“Yeah I am since you work so much lately mom” Yun said, her mother smiled and gave Yun a hug,
“I know and I am already looking at another job to be more flexible and I have an interview tomorrow” her mom said, Yun sighed and felt her mom pull away and then saw her look straight at her, “But something else is bothering you isn’t it?” her mom said,
Yun panicked a little, well she was going to have to have this conversation at some point, may as well have it now, “Yeah, mom what would you say if I had been thinking about quitting my diet attempts and……just got like….Really Fat?” Yun had now said it and she waited for the harsh response, it never came,
“Is that all?” her mom asked
“Wait you’re not mad about this?” Yun asked,
“it’s fine Yun and just so you know this isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this, remember your aunt Ayame?” her mother asked, her aunt Ayame was the younger of the two sisters, her mother, was slim and petite but her aunt on the other hand had started the same way but by the end of her college days she was massive and Yun had always wondered why,
“Wait you mean Aunt Ayame was into this too?” Yun gasped,
“Oh yeah she is, I remember that conversation well Yun, she was lucky she found a husband who liked it to” her mother smiled “So I don’t think it’s weird so if you’re gonna be happier as a fat girl like your aunt, go for it” her mother patted Yun on the shoulder and Yun relaxed,
“Thank you mom” Yun hugged her mom tightly
“No worries Hun just thanks for telling me in advance” her mom said “In fact recalling that story reminds me of when I nearly followed her down that path” her mother added, Yun paused in shock.
Aoba sat in front of her parents in the living room with her father holding a newspaper and her mother sat there patiently waiting and smiling gently with Aoba now shifting constantly in her seat,
“Well Aoba what did you want to talk about?” her father asked nervous of the response pretending to keep his cool pretending to read a newspaper,
“Well I had a conversation about something with a co-worker, would you be alright with me moving out?” Aoba asked,
Her father dropped his newspaper and turned to his wife, “Hun…..she’s…..growing up too fast” he was nearly crying at this point, his wife just chuckled,
“Yeah she is darling, yes Aoba it would be fine but just call to check in every now and then okay?” her mother asked and patted her husband on the head.
“Thank you mom, dad” Aoba said and spotted a photo album on the table, it was one she had never seen before, “what’s in that anyway mom?” Aoba asked,
Her mom went red, “I…Uhhh” was all she could say before Aoba grabbed the album, she flipped to page showing high school photos, she saw various people she didn’t recognize, she saw her Dad but not her Mom in there,
“Hey mom why aren’t you in this?” Aoba asked, her mom stiffened a little,
“Uhhhh….I’m here” she pointed at a picture of a large girl who was probably around 280 pounds,
“Woah Mom really?” Aoba asked shocked, her mom gave a little nod of guilt,
Her father smiled, “wait I remember that girl from school, that girl was you?” he looked up at his wife who was shifting in her seat a little,
“Yeah I was a little on the large side” she said with red cheeks looing from side to side,
“I always wondered what happened to that girl?” he said,
“Wait why?” his wife asked, Aoba sat there and stared interested in her dad’s response,
“Well I had a huge crush on her at the time then I met you at college” he said.
Aobas mother blushed bright red, “wait you liked me fat?” she said, her husband nodded and she sighed “great I wasted all that effort to lose weight……and just to think of the effort to gaining it in the first place” Aobas mother put her hands over her mouth, she just admitted something she wished she hadn’t,
“Uhh Mom did you want to be Fat in the first place?” Aoba asked,
her mom sat there bright red and broke, “yes I admit it I wanted to be fat since I was a kid and I did, but then things changed and I ended up deciding to lose the weight to meet boys” her mother felt like a pressure had been lifted,
“Wow really, guess that worked out well since you ended up with me” her husband smiled with Aoba started laughing before saying
“Guess I take after you in that regard mom”

The two made plans for the next day as it was a day off for them both and Yun and Aoba called the estate agent to look around the place, since it was Saturday they managed to get an afternoon spot to look around, the two had met up at a café nearby and told each other about their conversations with their parents and of the revelations and other things that happened,
“Wow your mom was like this too?” Yun asked amazed by Aobas story,
“Yep her and dad are gonna talk it out” Aoba smiled, “Besides it not that big a deal, your aunt as well, what about your mom?” Aoba asked sipping from her coffee,
“she was tempted when she was younger but not so sure now, besides she had a new job interview today so she’s focused on that” Yun took a sip of her tea,
At that moment a lady arrived wearing a professional looking suit and a bag, “hello there are you two Miss Iijima and Miss Suzukaze?” the lady asked,
“We are, are you Miss Endo?” Yun asked,
“Yes it’s a pleasure to meet you two” Miss Endo said as she sat down, “you two were looking at a two bedroom apartment that has a shared bathroom and a decent sized living room and kitchen for the cost you gave me over the phone Miss Iijima, I have found a few places nearby here to show you that should match fairly well to your requests for around the same cost too” Miss Endo said as she pulled out some papers on the properties. After lunch the three went around the three properties, after looking at them all they decided on the second one they had visited as it was the right price and had decent sized rooms and was only a couple train stops away, they signed the paper work and settled on moving in the following Saturday when Aobas dad had time off to help with the move and Yun receiving a text from her mother to say she had gotten the new job. The following Monday they told everyone their decision,
“So you two are moving in together Huh?” Hajime said and gave a warm smile to Yun and Aoba,
Hifumi smiled gently “So what made you two suddenly decide this then?” Hifumi asked,
“We have something we both decided on and it’s going to take some time to explain” Aoba said. Shizuku sat in her office and was finishing off a burger and threw the wrapping in the waste bin beside her which held the remains of three other burger wrappers to, Shizuku patted her slightly distended belly and gave a relaxed sigh as she sat back for a moment,
“You seem comfortable?” Umiko said, she had her arms crossed and was looking annoyed,
“Oh hey Umiko need something?” Shizuku said and smiled cheekily unwrapping another burger in her hands,
Umiko looked at the waste bin and sighed heavily “you’re late for the meeting that was supposed to start 3 minutes ago” Umiko said,
Shizuku sat up stood slowly and finished unwrapping the burger taking it with her, “whoops sorry I’ll come now”. Aoba was done with the basic frame of the character lily, and Yun was already on to finalising the detailing on the model of her plump villager,
“Well looks like they’re coming along well” Kou said as she looked at the models in their current state, “you don’t think they are….I don’t know….. A lot bigger than I specified?” Kou asked,
Aoba and Yun turned and shrugged, “The specification was they liked eating food, so we used a reference and we felt that this was appropriate” Yun said,
“I mean we put this by Toyama and she approved it” Aoba added,
Kou shrugged, “No arguing there then, I mean when you put it that way it makes sense for them to be that big” Kou said as she stretched.
Hajime came back from a bathroom break, she looked at the time and noticed that Yun and Aoba were late leaving for their own lunch “hey weren’t you gonna get to lunch a little early to sort renting the moving van for next weekend Yun?” Hajime asked,
“Wait moving van?” Kou asked,
“Yeah me and Aoba are moving in together” Yun smiled.

Yun over the lunch break had managed to sort the van out for a decent price and had booked for the coming weekend, Aobas dad was to be designated as the driver so Aoba had to get his information which wouldn’t be a problem. The afternoon went by and Yun finished her model quickly and was handed another few monsters to do and Aoba was just adding the finishing touches to her own models, Hifumi was the first to leave,
“good night everyone” she said weakly as she left, when she stepped into the elevator she recalled her conversation with Yun and Aoba earlier, Hifumi wasn’t sure what to make of their plans yet but they both seemed happy, Hajime stretched and slung her bag over her shoulder
“Kay I’m gonna head off for tonight to, catch you two tomorrow” Hajime waved and strolled out of the doors, Shizuku headed towards the character booth, as she hoped she caught Yun and Aoba before they left and thankfully they hadn’t left yet,
“Oh hey you two do you mind if I see you in the break room for a moment before you leave?” she asked with a devilish grin on her face, the two knew what this was about, they all went into the break room and Shizuku closed the door, “so I heard you two were moving in together” she said before pulling out a couple of pill bottles from her bag,
“We are, what are those?” Aoba asked,
“These my dear are appetite enhancers, they are gonna make you really hungry all the time if you take enough of them, they’ve already done wonders for my appetite” Hazuki beamed and patted her belly, Aoba and Yun looked and for the first time noticed her stuffed belly, “I put away four hamburgers and a whole 2 gainer shakes thanks to these” Shizuku placed the bottles down, “I have one each for you” she smiled,
Aoba and Yun picked up a bottle each and looked at the label “Appetite Enhancers Intended for use to help gain weight to normal levels, WARNING taking too many will cause excessive weight gain and we will not be liable if you do this recommended dose: 1 to 2 pills per day depending on GP advice” Yun and Aoba looked at each other, “How many did you take? Yun asked,
“I took 3 pills and have been ravenous since last night” Shizuku said and beamed, “you want this so don’t worry so much” she said as she placed a hand on their shoulders, “if this works all three of us will be out ideal big, fat, soft, squishy….” Shizuku trailed off again hugging herself and getting so caught up in the moment she didn’t notice Umiko had walked in.
“What the hell did I walk into?” Umiko said and looked confused and annoyed, the three woman froze briefly and then turned slowly,
“Oh hey Umiko how long have you been there?” Shizuku smiled trying to play down the situation, Umikos eyebrow twitched
“Long enough to know you three seem to be deliberately fattening yourselves up” she said as she crossed her arms. After a long and lengthy explanation Umiko shrugged and sighed heavily, “Your reasons are your own I suppose, but don’t let this get in the way of work or else” she scowled and the three nodded in agreement. Yun and Aoba took the bottles and thanked Shizuku, they returned to their desks to save their work finishing up for the day, the two left and headed towards the train station, sitting down on the train they both looked at each other and grinned
“Well what do we do about these, it’s a large leap of faith?” Yun said holding the bottle up re-reading the label,
“Maybe we should take them and get started after all we do want to get big and fat” Aoba said and Yun agreed. By the time each had gotten home they were ready to take the plunge, Aoba pulled out the bottle of pills
“What you got there?” Aobas mom said and looked at the bottle, “Wow Appetite enhancers, this brings me back” she said as she paused in thought, “if you’re gonna take these I can cook ton of food if you’d like?” her mom asked and Aoba smiled and nodded a definitive yes. Yun walked in the door and was immediately hugged by Miu,
“Welcome home Yun” she said and Yun returned the hug
“Thank you Miu” Yun said and walked to the living room,
“What are these?” Miu asked holding up the bottle,
“Adult things so don’t touch okay” Yun said smiling softly retrieving the pills from Miu,
“Appetite enhancer Huh, oh yeah sis used these too” Yuns mother said appearing behind her daughter,
“Oh Really, I guess that makes sense” Yun asked,
“Yep thankfully I ended up bringing a ton of spare cakes back from work today so if you take them you’ll have a lot of fattening treats to snack on” her mom said and walked back to the kitchen,
“Wait cakes, from work?” Yun asked confused for a minute
“Yep I got the job and did a couple of hours there today” Yun’s mother said with a massive grin, Yun smiled and walked to the kitchen too.

Aoba grabbed a milkshake from the fridge and went to her room, she changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a burgundy sweatshirt untying her hair and letting it loose, she opened the pills and removed 3, they were plain enough and small enough, she put them in her mouth and took a swig of milkshake and swallowed,
“Well no turning back now” she said to herself looking in the mirror, she puffed her cheeks out and then giggled, “one day” she said. Yun had done the same as Aoba had and now in her red school tracksuit that still fit her from her high school days, sat down and heard her mom finishing up the dinner, just as her mom yelled that the food was ready he stomach growled loudly and Yun griped her stomach in slight pain. True to her moms word Aoba had a huge amount of food in front of her, she was thankful as her hunger had just kicked in and was stuffing her face with whatever she could to satisfy her new hunger, her mon smiled and Aoba noticed her mom had a large amount too,
“Hey…chew chew chew……Mom…….Gulp…..why do you have so much food as well?” Aoba asked before stuffing more food in her mouth, her mom grinned and said
“I talked to your father and I decided to start gaining again” her mother smiled,
Yun slumped back in her desk chair her tummy swollen by 4 inches, she rubbed her belly and let out a slight belch, her mom knocked and brought in a few boxes from her new job, “here in case you’re still hungry” her mom put the boxes down on the desk and left, Yuns nose perked up as she smelled the delicious sweet scent of the pastries and cakes, her tummy growled again, and she tore open the first box and rammed the jam filed doughnut in her mouth, “oh….chew……..chew…..god….chew….s o ghud…”
The week passed by quickly and the weekend had come, Aoba looked at her old room one last time, it was now empty, she gave a weak smile, “well this is it I guess”, she walked past the bathroom and decided to weigh herself, she had been on those pills for a whole week taking a break very couple of days for now and had been stuffing her face constantly, she thought back “I weight about 120 before so let’s see” she stepped on the scales and the readout bleeped, “wow 124, I gained 4 pounds this week” she looked in the mirror, still she couldn’t tell any difference yet but that was the exciting part for her, the day she would visually start to be able to tell. Her mom was waiting outside with the van as Aobas dad put the last few boxes in, they hugged with Aobas mother smiling at her and her father still crying a little before Aoba got in the car and her dad pulled out of the drive way heading towards Yuns place. They pulled up to Yuns house and saw her mom helping Yun move her boxes outside,
“Oh hey Aoba” Yun waved and smiled, Aoba and her dad got out of the van and helped Yun and her mom with the boxes, within an hour they were done and ready to go, Yun was comforting Miu and Ren, Miu being the more upset over her big sis leaving, “you’re going to see me again you know, I’ll visit when I can” Yun said giving Miu a big hug, Aoba smirked a little, she imagined a reunion with a 400 pound Yun and Miu being buried under all that flab. The three got into the van and set out towards their new apartment, they arrived in good time and pulled up outside the building with Miss Endo waiting for them with the keys, it took them an hour to get all the boxes up the elevator and say goodbye to Aobas dad who gave his daughter on last big hug and went off to return the van. The three women moved to the kitchen and began finalizing some of the paperwork, this was done within an hour and Miss Endo waved them goodbye
“By the way I live on the floor above you two so if you have any further questions you know where to find me” she said as she headed towards the elevator. Yun and Aoba began sorting through the boxes when they heard a knock at their door, Hajime, Hifumi, Kou and Rin were stood there
“We decided to come and help you guys” Hajime beamed. With their friends help they had the sorting and unpacking done quickly before there was another knock at the door, it was the delivery of the new TV and furniture they had ordered as Yun only had a futon. Hajime helped assemble and set the new furniture up, aside Aobas things the place was largely unfurnished. The evening came and everything was assembled and put in its pace for the most part with Aoba and Yun being able to sort the rest and organise it, the girls all said their goodbyes and left Yun and Aoba for the evening, the two sat on the new couch and sat in silence for a moment before sighing and slumping into the couch,
“Well this is it now, we are officially living away from our parents and are roommates” Yun said as she stared up at the ceiling, Aoba looked at the TV and picked up her mobile phone,
“What you doing Aoba?” Yun asked,
“ordering Pizza, and a lot of it” Aoba placed the order and went to the kitchen and retrieved two glasses of water and placed one in front of Yun on the new coffee table, Aoba took out the pills and took three in her hand and smiled at Yun, Yun did the same and the at the same time took the pills and waited for their food to arrive.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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