New game! plus(completed)

chapter 16:one year on (epilogue)

The spring air was warm and the winter chill was gone. It had been just over a year since Eagle Jump had released the last game and were now hiring again. In front of the building a girl was stood psyching herself up to start her first day. Momiji Mochizuki aged 19. She was 5 ft. 2 with shoulder length reddish pink hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a black ribbon in her hair. She was small and petite minus one thing; she was very busty for her height. She was a very serious girl who was a fan of eagle jumps work and of Kou Yagami too. She had an old article in her hands about Kou with a picture. One that she didn’t know was way out of date.
“Hey Momo, you okay?” asked another girl who showed up and waved.

Tsubame Narumi aged 20. She too was joining the Eagle jump team today. She stood at 5 ft. 3 and had black hair tied up in a ponytail on her right side with a blue ribbon. She had yellow eyes as she hugged her friend.
“Can’t believe you got in” Tsubame beamed.
“Yeah, I’m officially on the Art team today” Momiji grinned as she looked up at the sign.
“Yeah lucky you, you got hired full time, I’m only on an internship whilst I’m at college” Tsubame sighed but she was happy for her friend. They saw there were a few notices up on the doors and saw they were a few months old at least, they said something about work being done inside the building.
“Guess they expanded their floor I guess” Tsubame said.

The two were childhood friends and had roomed together too. Tsubame was the cook out of the two; Momiji was food lover and ate a lot despite tying thin but wasn’t good at cooking and could be somewhat lazy. Tsubame had always warned her about blowing up in size if she wasn’t careful. Momiji was saved by the fact they didn’t have much food money per month and had to eat less filing meals as a result. They walked through the doors and pressed the elevator button before it pinged and they entered as they were both feeling with excitement over meeting their teams.

They arrived on the second floor and used their temp passes on the doors and saw the sea of booths that were on the floor filled with various teams. Momiji jumped as she felt a furry thing wrap around her legs and looked down to see a cat there. The large cat looked up and meowed at her gently wanting attention.
“Sorry Mozuku likes to meet new people” a voice called from behind them. They turned and saw one of the biggest women they had ever seen. Her arms were crossed over a very large set of breasts and her arms looked like giant pillows. Her face was round and had a thick double chin and no neck. She was at least as wide as two or three people too with a very thick bottom and thick thighs that looked to rub constantly. Her belly was hanging half way down her thighs and was doubled in the middle with two distinct rolls.
“Hello there, we are the two new employees” Tsubame said a little apprehensive.
“Ah yes. I am Shizuku Hazuki, the director here at Eagle Jump” Shizuku grinned at them and her puffy cheeks pushed her glasses up a little.

The two were led to the interview room and were still trying to get passed the fact that she was so huge. Momiji wracked her brain and remembered seeing a picture of her a few years back, and she was stick thin then. She was curious as to how and why she had blown up. Tsubame was just thinking that Momiji had to be doubly careful now about her eating habits if she wanted to stay thin. They were talked through their induction and told what to expect and who their team leaders would be.
“Right. So” Hazuki said shifting in her giant chair “Tsubame Narumi, you are interning on the programming team, your team leader will be Umiko” Hazuki smiled and Tsubame nodded. Hazuki grinned over at Momiji and cleared her throat,
“And Momiji Mochizuki, you are now on the art team, so your team leader is Kou Yagami” Hazuki chuckled as Momiji looked super excited as she was going to be working with the person who’s work she was a fan of.

There was a knock at the door and Hazuki beamed.
“Come in you two” Hazuki said as the door opened and two large women stepped in to Tsubame and Momiji’s shock. Neither were as big as Hazuki but were definitely around the 300 pound mark,
“So which one of you is Narumi?” Umiko spoke and Tsubame put her hand up and gulped. She seemed more stern that the other two she’d met so far.
“So that means you are Mochizuki?” the other woman asked and Momiji nodded and looked over the woman who asked. She seemed familiar to her, like she had seen her before.
“Ah good, Umiko, Yagami I leave them to you two” Hazuki said as Momiji suddenly felt shock at seeing that this 300 odd pound woman was the Kou Yagami. She was confused. What had happened to her?

Momiji and Tsubame split as Kou stopped at a very large set of booths and showed her in as Umiko took Tsubame on further down.
“Here we are the art teams’ booth” Kou said as she stepped in and Momiji followed. She saw there were four desks in each corner of the booth with only one girl in there at the moment.
“This is Hajime, she’s actually on the motion team but they don’t have any room” Kou explained.
“But the booths look massive” Momiji asked and Kou grinned.
“Well only the art team and Programming teams were extended in the past few months” Kou explained as Momiji nodded. She saw the other two desks next to each other were paired with huge chairs and she thought they looked ridiculous.

“This is your desk, Hifumi used to be here but she got promoted to co-lead of the art team with me so she’s next door now” Kou beamed as Momiji set her bag down on the desk. It was at that moment they heard panting and huffing as they turned and Momiji looked gobsmacked at the sight of the two massive girls who had just come in. They were both wide, wider than three people each. They were short so each looked overstuffed and couldn’t put their arms down properly as they each were stuck at a 45 degree angle. The shortest girl was the worst, she was the widest and more pear shaped out of the two and was the one Momiji couldn’t believe was still up and walking.

The girl next to her was huge too but more even all over. She too was very wide but not as wide as the former; her belt was tight around her big belly and it fell perfectly into her belly crease. Her face was perfectly round and her neck was non-existent.
“Oh Yagami…….pant….sorry…..we’re late” panted Aoba as she sat down heavily on the obscenely large chair.
“Yeah….Sorry Yagami” Yun said as she too landed with a loud thud in her own chair that creaked.
“Well I’m not going to hold it against you two, at your heights its hard being over 400 pounds” Kou beamed and they chuckled slightly. Momiji was stunned, they were how heavy? She thought.

“Oh this is Mochizuki, the new team member joining us today” Kou introduced her as Momiji bowed slightly as she was still a little out of sorts at the environment.
“Oh the new girl is here?” Momiji heard a voice call and looked behind Kou. She saw a large woman who looked to be clearing her desk; she was below Kou’s weight Momiji guessed but not by far.
“I’m going to miss you Rin, but you deserve this promotion” Kou grinned as she kissed Rin and Momiji went flush.
“You get used to it” Yun teased her and Momiji went redder still.
“The other member is Hifumi, she was the original owner of this desk but she too got promoted and is sitting in with Kou now” Aoba said as Momiji looked at her new desk.

At this another girl she assumed to be Hifumi entered and Momiji just sighed. Of course, she thought to herself. Hifumi was on the verge of fat from chubby now as she sighed and moved in before spotting Momiji and going red herself.
“H…He…..Hell….Hello” Hifumi stumbled with a shaking voice as Aoba chuckled and tuned to a confused Momiji.
“This is Hifumi; she’s a tad bit shy around new people” Aoba explained and Momiji nodded.
“So how are things these days?” Kou asked Hifumi who had headed to her new desk as Rin had finished and was stood next to Kou.
“Oh well, it’s going great” Hifumi said with a bit more confidence as Yun grinned.
“Well I’m just glad things worked out with that old friend of yours, even if it has had a bit of backfire on you” Aoba grinned and Hifumi went red again but smiled at her.
“Well you seemed to enjoy my food too miss 450 pounds” Hifumi said and Aoba flushed red.

Momiji sat down and Kou took her through the basics as Rin left to head to her new office. Momiji couldn’t help but think that aside from Hajime, the art team were nothing but fatties who loved food. She did too but was now frightened of their influence as she was a big eater and had always been teased by Tsubame about getting fat herself. She placed a hand absentmindedly over her stomach and imagined being as fat as them and sighed before Kou noticed.
“You okay Mochizuki?” Kou asked as Momiji jumped and straitened,
“Yes Ma’am” Momiji said.

Tsubame was in shock too as she saw the other new programming team member. Nene Sakura was huge and was in a giant chair next to Umiko as she smiled and shook hands with her as Umiko too sat down. Tsubame wondered if any of the art team outside of Yagami was fat like this too, if so Momiji was going to blow up like a balloon she thought to herself and blushed at the thought. She couldn’t believe how big Nene was either. She was as wide as three or four people and had a huge double belly that pushed her breasts up and her neck was gone under her pumpkin like face.
“So how did you get this job?” Tsubame asked out of curiosity.
“Oh I was a test player here for the last game, I took an interest and proved I could do it, programmed my own mini game too” Nene beamed.
“Nice, I’ll have to take a look at some time” Tsubame said genuinely interested.

“You know we’ll have to meet up with Yuki again soon, been a while” Yun said as she snacked as she looked over the new game proposals for upcoming potential projects.
“Yeah, shame she moved out a few months back, but she and Dustin are happy and living together now, but looking at Rukia it’s like Yuki never left” Aoba chuckled. Rukia was slim when they first met but after Yuki had moved in and began cooking for Rukia and then converted her to a feedee, now Rukia was the spitting image of Yuki a year ago at 310 pounds. Momiji was keeping her head down but was unaware of the pair of eyes watching her, Shizuku was looking at her and had a devious grin on her face. Yun and Aoba noticed her and sighed,
“Here she goes again” they both said and Hajime sighed knowing what they were on about.

Everyone was packing up when Yun spotted Aoba watching a video on her computer, Yun smiled at the sight as it was the video that had started it all, Yun remembering being a thin girl turned by this video to confusion before decided to get fat and be happy. Aoba spotted this and smiled,
“It’s been a long time it feels like but it’s only been a couple of years” Aoba said and Yun agreed.
“How about we grab a snack before we leave?” Yun offered and Aoba agreed as they couldn’t go hungry for long these days. Everyone had left except for them and Momiji who was just finishing up her test model she was doing to get a handle on things when she saw the video still pulled up on Aoba’s screen and curiosity got the better of her as she picked up Aobas headphones, put them on and pressed play in the video from the start.

Aoba and Yun returned and saw Momiji staring at the screen with a look on her face they knew all too well as they looked at each other and smiled. The same face they had had when they had first seen it. As they just tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped a mile almost.
“Uhhhh……..Suzukaze…..Ijima” Momiji stuttered. She was trying to look normal like she has seen nothing, Aoba just shut the computer down as they grabbed their things and said goodnight to Momiji who did the same and then grabbed her stuff and left for the night with Tsubame.
“You okay, you seem quiet?” Tsubame asked and Momiji just smiled weakly
“I’m good Naru” Momiji said as they stayed in silence all the way home.

Momiji was quiet throughout dinner and didn’t eat as much as she usually did which made Tsubame more worried about her. Momiji settled into her bed and dreamt that night of working in the Eagle jump offices, she was sat and looking around as she watched Suzukaze, Ijima and Yagami were eating a seemingly never ending tin of sweets.
“Here you look like you could use it” Suzukaze grinned and Momiji took the sweet and swallowed, it was delicious. She took one after the other and didn’t notice that in her dream she herself was changing. She was visibly growing fatter and rounder with each sweet she ate and was blowing up as she was blissfully eating away as the girls in the booth all encouraged her and forced more sweets onto her. She grew and grew as she was filling out her chair before her hips and butt made contact with the arms and they began to bend outwards as she visibly began to hang over the sides.

Her already large breasts were now huge and were almost a foot in front of her as they perched upon her round belly that was the size of a basketball and growing bigger now taking on more of a bean bag shape. Her face was round and she had a full double chin that was gradually by the mouth full swallowing her neck as her shoulders were puffing up too. She was still unware of her massive weight gain until she heard a snap and a crack as the chair armrests broke off and she looked down at herself. Her eyes went wide and she saw she was now as big as Kou was and looked up panicking. She looked up to see everyone was smiling at her and then by instinct opened her mouth when Aoba offered another sweet and wondered what the hell as going on.
“You know you want this Mochizuki” Aoba said as Momiji couldn’t resist as she ate more and more and blew up bigger and bigger.

This continued as all the girls fed her as she ballooned up to 300……400….540…….and she was actually enjoying it too and this scared her. What was happening to her and why was it making her feel good to just let go and eat and eat and be big and fat and……happy.
“You know why Momiji” her own voice called to her as the video she watched earlier at work ran through her mind again. She…wanted this…she knew it now and what had happened to all the other girls. Was the video cursed or was it just like this for people who already had a deep inner want of being fat and happy.
“You just need to say it and accept it….so say it” her own voice said as she felt her shirt and skirt rip and tear.
“I…..Want….To…….TO…..” she began,
“Say it”

Momiji awoke with a start and sat up sweating as she recalled the dream vividly. She got up and tried not to wake Tsubame as they had bunk beds and went to the bathroom to splash water on her face. What the hell was going on she thought as she looked at her reflection and imagined herself fatter like the other art team girls? She knew she had always been worried and teased about eating too much and getting fat. But if she just did it, she could eat all she wanted couldn’t she? And being fat might be fun, well that was a thought she asked herself. Again she didn’t eat much of her breakfast as she and Tsubame arrived at work and headed in and began their work, Momiji sat in silence as she tried to focus on her work but kept imaging the fat version of her sat there. This wasn’t lost on Yun or Aoba who knew that look as they had been there too.

It was lunch time when Aoba and Yun decided to move and Aoba tapped her on the shoulder.
“Want to get lunch with us?” Yun asked and Momiji went red thinking of the dream again but nodded as she had forgotten to bring lunch in with her today. She was quiet as they made their way to the small café that Yun and Aoba had suggested and went in before sitting down at a small table in the corner and Yun and Aoba had to ask for extra chairs as they couldn’t fit on just one.
“We haven’t been here for a long time, think we were still thin back then” Aoba said as she waved the waitress over. Momiji blushed at this too and looked at them; Yun just grinned and smiled gently as she sighed.
“Yes we were thin once, until….we saw that video too” Yun said and Momiji went bright red before looking down trying to hide her face.

Momiji wanted to ask them about it but she was too embarrassed, but then again they’d seen it and grown fat, so….what was there to be embarrassed bout.
“So……..what happened to you two after you saw it?” Momiji asked still a bit red in the face.
“Well first was the weird dreams; I’m assuming that’s where you are at?” Aoba said and Momiji nodded in the affirmative.
“Then comes the considering it and then talking to your friends and family about it, final step is a deciding whether you actually do it or not” Yun said and Momiji looked down again.
“I think I’m at the considering part” Momiji said weakly.
“Ah I see, well then next step is talking to Narumi about it, you live with her right?” Aoba asked and Momiji nodded.

Momiji asked them more about the process and the changes they went through, they were a wealth of information having gone through with gaining weight and fattening up. They told her the things they did and how they began to increase their appetites but Momiji already had a big appetite as is. They told her about the snacks and the pills that no one could get anymore it seemed. Momiji was intrigued and wondered about those snacks as she walked beside the two waddling whales as they made their way back to Eagle Jump. She sat back down and was in deep thought when she imagined herself at Yun and Aobas size again, it was appealing, not having to worry about how much she was eating and her weight. She decided she would talk to Tsubame tonight at home about this to get her take on it.

It felt like a long day after that decision for Momiji. She was trudging home with Tsubame and was stealing herself to talk to her about no matter the outcome. Tsubame was about to begin prep for dinner when Momiji decided it was time.
“Hey Naru, you know you used to tease me about getting fat cause the way I eat?” Momiji said and if she could see Tsubame’s face she would have seen her go bright red. Tsubame had always teased her about that but secretly wanted to see her like that, it was why she had gotten on with Nene and Umiko so quickly, she wasn’t into girls but liked to fatten people up.
“Yeah why?” Tsubame answered stiffly but Momiji didn’t notice.

Momiji began to explain herself and Tsubame’s jaw dropped, was she dreaming Momiji actually wanted to get fat. She was silent for a minute as Momiji was thinking Tsubame was trying to mull things over.
“Well Naru….” Momiji began but was surprised when Tsubame hugged her tightly.
“Momo Go for it” Tsubame said and Momiji was surprised.
“Naru….?” Momiji asked and Tsubame backed off and smiled widely at her.
“I’ve wanted to do that for ages, I love to cook and I like seeing girls get fat from eating my cooking” Tsubame said and Momiji was shocked, just how long had Naru been into this she asked herself. But it didn’t matter, it meant that her plan was a go and had the support behind her as she smiled and then told Tsubame all the stuff Yun and Aoba had told her.

Momiji felt good as she arrived at work in the morning and smiled greeting Yun, Aoba, Kou, Hajime and Hifumi. Aoba and Yun knew that grin and knew she had made her choice and gave her the info for the snacks and the other stuff they had used as Tsubame also asked Umiko for advice as a feeder as Umiko was Nene’s feeder and she knew this as Umiko and Nene had her pegged after the first day. Tsubame and Momiji set about their plans and knew that a huge shopping trip was in order on the way home from work. Momiji and Tsubame dreamt of the days to come with a 400 pound Momiji.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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