New game! plus(completed)

chapter 4:long time no see

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A month had passed at Eagle Jump, the game was on track and Aoba had even been given a character to design from scratch, Aoba took a bite out of snack and put a slightly chubbier hand to her cheeks as she thought about the design specs and what to draw for this character, the past month had been kind to both Yun and Aoba, Aoba lent back and stretched causing her shirt to ride up slightly over her new pot belly, she had taken on a light pear shape as she had gained over the past month and had slightly rounded cheeks and small layer forming under her chin, her arms had lost their definition and were now filled with fat adding mostly to her upper arms and slightly to her forearms and hands. Her breasts had filled out to C cups, her belly was a small but noticeable rounded ball sticking out by about 8 inches with her sides puffing out over her waistband, her hips and butt had taken slightly more than the rest of her and were widened and rounded and jiggled slightly now along with her belly, her legs had now thick thighs and had started losing their thigh gap, her calves and feet also notably chubbier. Aoba had weighed in that morning at 152 pounds which looked bigger on her smaller frame, apart from taking the appetite enhancers for the past months Shizuku had also introduced Yun and Aoba to gainer shakes along with the high calorie snacks that were worth about 2000 calories a shake and 600 per snack bar, they were having about two shakes a day and more than a few bars hence why they were blowing up quickly resulting in them needing to buy new stretchy clothes, Aoba was wearing a pale blue blouse with a dark blue skirt that dug into her belly just a bit. Aoba patted her belly and giggled a little as her tummy rumbled with hunger,
“Well guess you know when it’s lunch hour Huh” she said,
Hajime turned and tapped Aoba on the shoulder “Hey wanna grab lunch as usual?” she asked Aoba who was nodding a yes as Yun returned from the bathroom, Yun much like Aoba had filled out and had blown up to 156 pounds but unlike Aoba had gained everywhere equally instead of taking a defined shape, her arms were chubbier, her face rounded with a small layer under her chin and her belly was like Aobas was, her hips were not as wide and her ass not as big but still jiggled. Her breasts had grown to high c cups as well and her legs and feet had thickened up too with Yun now wearing sandals on a regular basis for comfort along with a pale yellow maternity dress with a brown belt snug around her belly.
“Where we going for lunch today?” asked Yun,
Hajime grinned “the new WcDonalds that just open up nearby of course I know how you two growing girls need he extra calories” Hajime teased and Yun blushed along with Aoba who just laughed a little. The three turned to Hifumi who had just saved her work before setting out for lunch “Yo Hajime you wanna tag along?” Hajime asked beaming,
“Sure” Hifumi answered weakly.

The four girls headed to the new WcDonalds and entered and were met by the sight of Shizuku already sitting there,
Shizuku turned and beamed “Oh hey guy, here take a seat with me” Shizuku patted a chair next to her, the past month saw Shizuku balloon up to 164, her face was rounded with a layer of fat under her chin, her breasts now a D cup, her arms were flabby in the upper arms with chubby forearms and hands, her belly was round with thick love handles, her hips had widened and her butt had rounded out almost giving her a bubble butt which connected to her thick thighs and chubby calves and feet. Shizuku adjust her glasses and pulled down at her pink t-shirt that was riding up over her belly which was stuffed and had pushed the waistband of her brown leggings down, the girls ordered with Yun and Aoba ordering a massive amount as their appetite was getting huge with them as a natural effect of their plan. Shizuku gave a small belch and patted her distended belly,
“Good Lunch Hazuki?” Yun said as she sat down,
“Very good thank you” Shizuku responded and looked over at Aoba who was tucking into her food, Hajime and Hifumi came back from the counter with a small meal each, “So how have you two adjusted to their new selves?” Shizuku asked to Hajime and Hifumi,
“well I mean Yun asked for my advice at the start so I guessed what was coming a little, It’s mainly Aoba I was surprised by, but hey they’re less stressed and up tight and more relaxed and happy so it’s all good” Hajime beamed and sat down
“I agree with Hajime” said Hifumi as she took a bite out of her sandwich,
Shizuku looked at Hifumi closely, “maybe she’d be more confident if she…” was all Shizuku could think before Yun and Aoba began belching every now and then, the lunch went quickly with Aoba and Yun stuffing their faces with food, they all chatted about the work so far and were joking and laughing which made Shizuku, Aoba and Yun’s bellies all jiggle slightly, Hifumi gave a glance at Aoba every now and then and smiled, she was defiantly happier now, they wrapped up lunch and wandered back to work, Shizuku, Yun and Aoba all lagging slightly with overly stuffed bellies and looking a few months pregnant each.

“Well with the weekend coming up and pay day coming before got any plans guys” Kou asked her team,
“I’ll be visiting my mom as I haven’t seen her in a month so it will be good to catch up” Yun said,
“I’ll be seeing my friend Nenecchi from school, she went off to college so we haven’t seen each other in a while” Aoba added,
“Is she gonna be okay with the whole you getting fat thing?” Hajime asked
“Oh yeah totally I asked her about it before I started, she was my go to friend while you were Yuns” Aoba said and Hajime beamed at her,
“Really how’d she take it?” Hifumi asked,
“She basically said I would still be me fat or not, plus she said it would be nice to hug my large squishy pillow like body when I’m that big” Aoba grinned Hifumi stared for a little before nodding and turning around to carry on with her work. The work day went on with Rin handing out pay stubs for the girls, Aoba and Yun headed toward the train station and took a seat waiting for the train,
“How’s your moms’ job going by the way?” Aoba asked,
”Very well from what she’s told me, she loves her new job at that very well-known bakery and gets paid well and has more time for Ren and Miu” Yun said checking her watch,
“Around a lot of fattening treats then” Aoba smiled,
“How’s your mom doing with the whole getting fat thing?” Yun asked,
“Very well she’s enjoying herself and dads been very encouraging to it, they’ve become Feeder and Feedee” Aoba said. The train pull in and the two boarded, when they arrived at the apartment building they saw a moving van outside and saw Miss Endo stood outside in more casual clothes, her dark hair down and wearing a sweat pant hoodie combo, “Hey Miss Endo, are you moving?” Aoba asked,
“oh hey you two, no my little sister is moving in with me as she wanted to move closer to her job and her commute to college is shorter from here, by the way you can call me Rukia you know as there are going to be two Miss Endos now” she smiled and went over to give some instructions to the moving men, then Yun and Aoba saw a large girl exit the van, who turned and looked at the two,
“Oh hey, my name is Yuki Endo, I’ll be living with my big sister as of today” Yuki smiled and Aoba and Yun recognized her,
“You’re the one who worked at that store with the snacks we bought last month” Yun said, Yuki looked at the two closely,
“Oh yeah, I see those snacks are treating you well then” Yuki beamed. The three talked for a while and discussed the girls changes, Yuki had also put on around 15 pounds over the last month, “So you two are trying to get fat, I called it” Yuki said,
“Yeah I mean it’s not like we hid it” Yun said,
Aoba giggled “so what about you? I guess your fat on purpose judging by your sister” Aoba asked, Yuki contemplated for a moment before responding
“At first no but now yes but it’s no big deal I like being fat” Yuki smiled and Aoba could tell there was more to that story.

When the moving van pulled away the four girls went up and Rukia and Yuki waved goodbye at the elevator as Yun and Aoba got off a couple floors below them, the two entered their apartment and proceeded to take their shoes off and headed to the couch. “Are we ordering our usual?” Aoba asked as she took her phone out of her pocket,
“yep” was all Yun said as she got up and went to the kitchen, Yun opened the fridge and took out two tall glasses of milkshake, only these were topped with gainer powder, she brought them back and placed them on the coffee table, they both went to their rooms after Aoba had ordered and got the last of the appetite enhancers, they returned to the living room,
“We only have 3 left each huh, we’ll need to ask Hazuki to get us more” Aoba said as she texted Shizuku. Shizuku sat there at her kitchen table stuffing her face with various foods and cakes, she heard a buzzing on the table and saw her phone screen light up, she paused her eating and picked the phone up and saw Aobas text and grinned and texted a yes back to Aoba, Shizuku rubbed her belly and continued eating, her belly was swollen and distended as she was stuffing herself for the second time today, she moaned and rubbed more as she let out a massive belch and continued, after finishing the cake she reached down and undid the clasp of her skirt and her belly surged forward a little, she let out a sigh of relief as the pressure on her bely had eased for now, Shizuku picked up a burger and began scarfing it down. An hour later the food was gone and Shizuku couldn’t stand up she was so stuffed, she was gasping for breath and was rubbing her belly and moaning,
“So…Full……So…..much……….U UUURRRPPPPPP” she put her head back trying not to vomit and took deep breaths “UHH…It’s…..gonna…….beUURRPP….Worth it when I’m faUUURRRRPPPPPt”. Yun and Aoba were in a similar predicament, Yun was spread on the floor and Aoba was led back on the couch,
“So……Stuffed” Yun moaned as she turned on her side
“BBBBUUUURRRPPPPPP oh yeah” Aoba added. They both rubbed their bellies and Aoba attempted to stand up but found it difficult whilst taking laboured breaths, she waddled over to her bedroom and collapsed down the bed moaning with slight discomfort, she heard Yun attempt the same and eventually her room door shutting, Aobas phone buzzed and Aoba looked over painfully shifting to her side, it was Nene calling her, Aoba sighed and answered “HelBBUUURRPPlo” Aoba burped mid-sentence,
“Woah Aocchi did I catch you after a stuffing again?” Nene asked
“Yeah you always do Nenecchi, I’m so stuffed it’s actually both painful and nice” Aoba said rubbing her belly and trying not to moan over the phone,
“Okay….we still on this Saturday for the movie?” Nene asked
“Of course we are, don’t be surprised if I come out of the move stuffed though, I eat a lot lately” Aoba giggled and winced as her belly gurgled in protest trying to digest all the food,
“I guessed it’s already been a month since you started trying to get fat so I expect you’ve filled out some huh?” Nene said and giggled,
“You’ve no idea Nenecchi, I’ve put on 35 pounds already” Aoba beamed at herself
“Wait really that’s a lot for a month isn’t it?” Nene asked
“Yeah but it’s great I feel so good with every pound making me jiggle more and making me softer” Aoba rubbed her belly and accidentally let out a pleasure moan before realising and getting embarrassed,
“Sounds like someone’s getting excited” Nene teased,
“Of course I am I can’t wait to be huge” Aoba responded.

The weekend had arrived, Aoba stood in the bathroom after coming out of the shower and slipped her towel off and stepped on the scales, they beeped and Aoba looked down as best she could “wow 161 pounds, I managed to put on 5 pounds this week” Aoba looked in the mirror and beamed before putting her towel back on and walking to her bedroom, she opened her wardrobe and looked through her clothes and brought out a few outfits to try on, she settled on dark blue stretch jeans and simple black shoes, she slipped on a pale violet button up shirt that was a little snug but not too tight yet and showed off her softer belly and larger breasts, she topped the ensemble off with a dark purple cardigan that was slightly tight around her shoulders and upper arms. She walked into the living room and saw Yun drying her hair and still wearing a towel having just got out of the shower herself,
“What time is your movie at Aoba?” Yun asked putting the hair dryer down
“it’s at 12:30 but we’re meeting up a little before that to grab lunch and catch up” Aoba said grabbing her bag and putting a few of the snacks in it, “do you want me to stop off and get another few boxes of these on the way home as we are running low?” Aoba asked as she checked she had everything,
“Okay thanks Aoba I was going too but you’ll be back first so it works out better” Yun said, Aoba waved and set out, she arrived at the station and smiled when her train was only a couple minutes off arriving,
“Hey mommy is that girl pregnant” she heard a young boys voice shout before his mother told him off for being rude and waved and apology, Aoba looked down, everything had gotten chubbier but this was the first time she had been confused for looking pregnant but most could tell she was just fat, her train arrived and she boarded. Back at the apartment Yun was finishing up, she had settled on a pale yellow button up shirt and light brown stretch leggings with sandals, she also wore her old red high school tracksuit top which now looked to fit her a little better over the arms, she left her hair in a lose bun low down on her head and checked in the mirror and beamed before grabbing her bag and set out locking the door, she arrived at the station just in time as her train pulled in and boarded proceeding to sit down, she thought back to the last time she had seen her mother and siblings and smiled a little at the thought of her siblings reaction.
Aoba arrived at the café she was meant to meet Nene at and sat down, she waited only a couple minutes before Nene stood in front of her and gawked, standing at 4 foot 8, Nene had light blond hair tied in low pigtails and had a straight fringe with blue eyes. Even though she was petite like Aoba she had a slightly larger bust than Aoba used to have at B cup, though she was far less mature, despite being the same age as Aoba she often still acted like a middle school student and at college that hadn’t changed often being treated as such by some of the other girls, Nene was wearing a light blue strapped dress with a white under shirt. “Wow you weren’t kidding when you said you’d gained a lot” Nene beamed but with shock in her eyes,
“If you think this is a lot then wait till you see me a few months from now” Aoba deviously grinned, the two sat and chatted and Nene was taken aback slightly by how much Aoba could eat, Aobas buttons on her shirt began to strain a little around her belly by the time she finished leading to the buttons to pull apart and show a little bely poking through,
“Wow you sure can eat Aocchi” Nene said
“Of course I can, can’t get nice and big otherwise” Aoba retorted, the two left and made their way to the movie theatre and paid for their admission tickets. Yun arrived at her moms door and knocked, Miu answered and stared at Yun before Yun grinned
“Hey Miu I said I’d come visit, and I know I’ve put on weight” Yun said and Miu moved forward and hugged Yun tightly,
“Is that Yun Miu?” Yun heard her moms’ voice call,
“Yeah it is mom” Miu responded and Yun went into the living room, Yun saw her mom and paused before chuckling slightly, Yun remembered her mothers’ appearance the last time they saw each other, her mother looked like her daughter except with dark brown hair that Ren inherited, and was a thin built woman as well like Yun used to be, but what she saw wasn’t that, the dark hair was still there but was now on an undeniably chubby woman.
“Well as you can see my job is going a little too well” her mother joked, Yun started laughing a little and her mom joined in with a small giggle,
“I can see that, how many leftover cakes are you eating?” Yun asked still smiling,
“A lot, but I’m not complaining I actually like the extra weight after all” her mom said and hugged Yun,
“Be careful mom or you’ll end up as big as Aunt Ayame” Yun joked.

Aoba and Nene came out of the movie theatre and were laughing, Aobas shirt was strained a little more as she had snacked constantly throughout the movie on popcorn and other sweets, “well that as actually good” Aoba said
“You doubted me” Nene retorted, both went to the nearby WcDonalds and Nene ordered a milkshake whereas Aoba ordered a large meal and shake, “You still hungry Aocchi?” Nene asked in awe, before sighing knowing the answer
“Of course” Aoba said and began stuffing her face,
“How’d you manage to get so big so quickly anyway?” Nene asked,
“I used appetite enhancers” Aoba said pausing before continuing, Nene looked on in awe before they both heard a pop, one of Aobas button had flown off, “Woops, but that’s the price for getting fat” Aoba beamed and carried on which made more buttons ping, pop and fly off in a few different directions with her pants button flying off to finish. The two left the restaurant and Aoba was partially waddling and had her stuffed belly exposed
“You gonna be okay Aocchi?” Nene asked a tad concerned,
“I’ll be fine Nenecchi, this isn’t the first time I’ve been this stuffed and had to waddle home” Aoba smiled and rubbed her belly which was making gurgling noises every now and then. The two arrived at the station and boarded their trains waving goodbye, Aoba sat down and a young girl pointed and went to ask her mom something but was silenced quickly. Aoba arrived at the store and entered, Yuki was on checkout and looked at Aoba and waved with a smile,
“Hello Aoba, usual? I see you had fun today” she asked and leant her elbows the counter with her round cheeks in both hands,
“Hi Yuki, yes and yes” Aoba said and also leant on the counter to steady herself,
“If you want I can drop these by later if you’re too stuffed to do it?” Yuki asked,
“Thank you that would be helpful”, just then Aoba heard shouting behind the door to the staff room. Yuki looked back at it and smiled,
“Don’t worry it’s just the manager fuming about going up a couple dress sizes”, Yun and her mom were on the couch stuffed with cakes and pastries,
“You know mom, you’re defiantly going to end up as big as Aunt Ayame at this rate” Yun said and rubbed her belly,
“You know that might not be a bad thing” her mom said and beamed at Yun.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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