New game! plus(completed)

chapter 5:health check-up and realisations

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Another month passed and Aoba was finishing the final details on the character she was working on who was another important NPC she’d been given, Aoba and Yun had continued using the pills along with Shizuku and had blown up accordingly, Aoba sat there at 196 pounds and had visibly expanded over the month along with Yun and Shizuku, Aoba had really started filling into her pear shape with her wide hips, rounder butt and thighs thicker with no thigh gap, her arms were full on flabby now and hung a little over her elbows and her shoulders had puffed up along with her now D cup breasts, her hands and feet were noticeably fat now with pudgy wrists and ankles, Yun had filled out with her breasts now fuller CC cups that were starting to get a little tight, her face just as round and puffy as Aobas, unlike Aoba she had continued gaining everywhere equally, her belly now sat on her lap a little and was bigger than Aobas, her butt cheeks like soft marshmallow soccer balls, her love handles straining her belt and her thighs thick with puffy calves and ankles now weighing 202 pounds thanks to her snacking with her mother. Umiko walked in and saw the two and sighed,
“Hey are Toyama and Yagami still here?” she asked, Aoba looked up and looked at Yun,
“I think they’re still here” Aoba said as she apologised,
Umiko sighed and looked at Kou who had just walked in, “Yagami you’re going to be late for the meeting” Umiko said,
“Whoops sorry Ahagon” Kou said with a grin, Umiko produced an airsoft pistol and shot at Kou, “Woah you could shoot somebodies eye out Ahagon”,
“I told you never call me by my last name” Umiko fumed as she continued firing at Kou,
“Oh really, come on we have a meeting to attend” Rin said walking in and the other two walked out with her. Yun tapped Aoba on the shoulder and smiled
“How about we take a break and have some tea and snacks?”
After the meeting Umiko sat in her booth and thought back to her conversation with Aoba, although Umiko didn’t understand Aoba, Yun and Shizukus decision to gain weight, she couldn’t deny they all looked happier and being on the larger side suited them all better to her somehow, Umiko sighed and returned to her work, she looked over the schedule for bringing in some part-timers for de bugging.

“So you two ready for the annual health check-up?” Hajime asked,
“I mean I guess, but I already know me and Yun will be scolded for how much weight we’ve packed on” Aoba grinned,
“True, I mean my mom had a check-up recently and was told to watch her weight” Yun said,
“Same with my mom, ever since she decided to start gaining again she’s been getting the same from her usual doctor” Aoba added,
“Well you two did decide to get fat so I guess it comes with it” Hajime said. That Friday the girls made their way to the hospital, Aoba, Yun and Shizuku walked together whilst munching away on a couple of WcDonalds burgers, they arrived and checked in with the girls heading to the changing rooms.
“Wow these robes are really thin and show off a lot more than you’d think” Yun said holding one up,
“they’re are made of very thin material Yun and would probably look fine on thinner people” Aoba added poking her belly and grinning, her and Yun had stuffed themselves silly to make sure they hit a goal by today, “Ready Yun?” Aoba said,
“Ready” Yun responded, the girls walked in and first up was blood work, this went okay as there was a trainee nurse who had made several attempts at Kou’s veins which led to her fainting,
“you know there’s a rumour going around that last year they took so long taking Umikos blood she tries taking it herself” Hajime said,
“Yeah right I doubt it” Aoba said with a smile
“Actually knowing Umiko, it’s probably true” Hifumi said,
“I agree with Takimoto, it’s most probably true” Shizuku interjected. They found out this was in fact true when the trainee nurse got Umiko and she took too long so Umiko actually grabbed the needle and went to do it herself, five minutes after they a had chance to rest the nurse came out to take their measurements, first up was height and Aoba and Yun found themselves a little taller by about an inch each which they put down to their chubbier feet, they then moved over to weight,
“Okay, here we go” Aoba said and slapped her hands to her cheeks, Aoba was called and stepped on, the air hung for a moment before the nurse called out
“202 pounds”, Aoba beamed and went off to the next nurse for measuring their waists, Yun stepped up and took a breath, she stepped on and let out her breath,
“208 pounds” the nurse called, Yun walked over to join Aoba and they sat and grinned at each other.
“Anyone for lunch, it may be the blood loss but I’m hungry” Kou said and turned to the group with a grin,
“I’ll pass I have work to do” Rin said
“I have to get going too, but I’ll come to get take out to bring back with me” Shizuku said,
“I’ll be heading back too” Umiko said and followed Rin,
“Oh yeah she’s gotta sort out the schedule for the part timers we’ll be taking on soon” Kou said,
“Part-Timers?” Aoba asked,
“Oh yeah you weren’t here last year were you? We get Part Timers in to do de bugging and test play the game” Yun said with a smile. Yun and Aoba joined Kou for lunch, they were chatting about how the game was coming along when they saw a familiar face,
“Oh hey you two, how’s it going” Rukia walked over and smiled, Yun and Aoba looked down at Rukias middle, she had a small muffin top which they knew wasn’t there last time they has seen her a month ago,
“Great how’s it going with you and Yuki?” Yun responded,
“Oh its fine, I’ve put on a few pounds though as you can probably tell, Yuki is a very good cook” Rukias mouth was drooling slightly at the thought,
“Oh really, I mean given her….large appetite I guess that makes sense” Aoba said,
Rukia grinned and nodded “Yep, she really is, it’s no wonder she was so much bigger than the last time I saw her when she moved in” Rukia said,
“I could tell she loved her food very much” Yun said,
Rukia nodded with a sigh, “yeah she’s in college for baking classes, anyway I have to get back to the office, see you later” Rukia waved and headed out of the doors.
“Who was that? Asked Kou,
“she’s the estate lady that helped us pick out our apartment, she happens to live in the same building with her younger sister who works at a convenience store just down the street from it” Aoba said and took a massive bite out of her king sized burger,
“Oh really, sounds like you two have something in common with her sister” Kou asked,
“Yeah she also likes being fat as well” Yun said,
Kou thought for a moment before finally asking “Why did you guys do this by the way, what made you want to get fat?” Yun and Aoba thought for a second before responding
“well for me I was sick of dieting and when Hazuki showed me that side of things, something just clicked, it felt right, so after talking about it with Hajime and my mom I decided that it was for me, no more diets and all the tasty food I had denied myself for years and it’s fun being big and soft, plus my aunt and mom are like this too” Yun said and looked at Aoba,
“after I saw that video Hazuki sent me, I began having dreams where I was fat and happy, and like Yun said it felt right, but I was confused, my friend Nenecchi helped me in the end and when I spoke to my mom she understood, well she was like this too and is back to gaining herself” Aoba added,
Kou sat and thought for a while about what they had said, she sighed and smiled at them, “well I guess if it feels right then it is, plus you so look happier as a couple of fatties” Kou beamed.

Back at Eagle Jump Rin, Umiko and Shizuku were sat around a table looking at the games schedule and were discussing the schedule, “Are we on schedule to bring in the Part Timers in a couple of weeks?” Shizuku asked, Rin nodded and made a note,
“So far looks like we should be, anything on your end Umiko?” asked Rin,
Umiko looked over her work notes, “no the programmers are on schedule so it should be fine” Umiko responded. The three finished up and Umiko was the first to leave, Rin lent back in her chair and sighed, Shizuku was finishing off her last burger and threw the remains in the trash bin,
“So how are you doing these days?” Shizuku asked,
“I mean fine I guess?” Rin responded confused, Shizuku grinned and placed her elbows on the table,
“Not curious as to Iijima and Suzukaze?” Shizuku beamed,
Rin paused and thought for a moment, “I mean….what is there to say or ask, I mean sure I’m curious but…..” Rin blushed thinking about it, Shizuku smiled and stood patting Rin on the shoulder as she left. They both went off to their offices and Rin passed Aoba and Yun, who were continuing with their work, Rin stopped and sighed, she had accepted their decision but had not actually talked about it with them like the others had, Rin continued and sat down in a slump, Kou turned and smiled,
“Rough meeting?” Kou asked,
“Not particularly, just….something Hazuki asked” Rin said, Kou looked at her for a moment and sighed,
“Let me guess she asked about how you feel about Yun and Aoba?” Kou asked with a sly grin, Rin went a bit red in the face,

“Yeah she did” Rin replied, Kou tilted her head slightly,
“Well how’d you answer?” Kou asked,
Rin sighed “I….didn’t really, I mean I am curious but……” Rin shifted in her chair,
Kou smiled “honestly it’s not difficult, I only asked them about it earlier today, I mean the way they explained it made sense to me” Kou said turning back to her work. The end of the work day was approaching, Kou stretched and walked in to find Yun and Aoba snacking whilst working, “having a small snack you two, mind if I have one?” Kou asked, Yun and Aoba looked at each other smiling,
“Uhh…..about these, they’re over 600 calories per bar, very high in calories and very addictive, so I wouldn’t unless you want to blow up like a balloon as well” Yun said with a gentle smile,
“Woah thanks for warning me, I mean can you imagine me ending up as a 400 pounder?” Kou chuckled in jest, Rin heard this comment and blushed, it was widely speculated and known by a few that Rin liked Kou romantically, she had never said anything as she wasn’t sure if Kou swung that way and didn’t want to ruin her friendship if it went wrong, Rin finished putting her things in her bag and turned her computer off,
“Right I’m off for tonight see you on Monday everyone” Rin said,
“Oh Good night Toyama” said Yun and Aoba,
“Yeah night Rin” Kou said and returned to her desk to finish getting her things together.

Later at home Rin sat down on her bed looking at an old photo of her and Kou when they first started at Eagle Jump, she sighed and led back drifting off to sleep, Rin saw her apartment in the dream but something was different, she heard a loud thudding coming from her bathroom, she looked down and saw large sized underwear and cloths scattered across the floor, she instinctively looked down, she was normal like always,
“Hey Rin what are you doing for breakfast” she heard Kou shout from the bathroom, she could tell it was Kou despite the fact her voice seemed a little deeper than normal,
she wanted ask what was going on but instead said “I’ll be doing a bunch of your favourites today so I hope you have room Kou”, Rin said this without thinking like her body wasn’t her own, she heard Kou chuckle and respond
“you know I have room Rin”, Just then the door opened and out stepped Kou, all 400 + pounds of her, Rins eyes went wide, she wanted to ask what had happened to her but what came out was this,
“well you are my lovely fat girlfriend now, and I love every inch and pound of you” Rin said, what the hell did she say?, why did she say that?, the next thing she knew she was kissing Kou passionately and feeling up every flabby inch of her belly , hips and butt, then stopped so Kou could get dressed. Rin went to the kitchen and pulled out a bunch of pre-cooked fattening meals for her large girlfriend, Rin looked over as Kou walked in and sat down heavily clad in a pair of large panties and a tight black top that rolled up over her belly, Rin smiled and began to feed Kou, this went on with Rin increasingly getting more Horny by the literal mouthful, when it was all over Rin woke up gasping for air, why did she dream that?, and why did she enjoy it so much?, Rin got up and looked in the mirror turning the tap on splashing cold water in her face before going over to her laptop, she searched for anything like what she dreamt and very quickly found herself in a world she could never un see. The next day Rin was still sat there looking very tired and drained, she now knew something she hadn’t known about herself, she liked fat girls and the idea of turning a skinny girl into a blimp and that she wanted more than ever to make Kou hers and fatten her up, Rin stood up and looked in the mirror one last time and felt conflicted. Rin walked over and saw a text from Kou saying that she was coming over and Rin panicked and got dressed very quickly “under no circumstances am I telling her any of this” she said.
An hour later Kou knocked on Rins door and Rin let her in, “Hey Rin do you remember what we planned this weekend?” Kou beamed, Rin went blank before remembering that a week ago they had made plans to hang out together, go shopping together,
“Oh I forgot” Rin gasped,
Kou looked at her in bemusement “I’m usually the one who forgets that’s unlike you Rin” Kou smirked, they went out and had a very good time shopping. Rin was able to forget her worries and dreams and just have fun, they had lunch and even went and watched a movie, they ended the night by going to their favourite bar, t eight went on with a few drinks between them with Kou lightly drunk “JEEz yoU’RE sUch A LIghT Weight Rin” Kou slurred being slightly tipsy but aware, Rin was a light weight and it didn’t take much for her to get blind drunk, and this was the case tonight,
“NAH it’s….Hic…Fine KOU” Rin really slurred before downing another glass.
By the end of the night Rin was barely able to stand up after they were finished and Kou had to walk Rin home, “Jesus Rin you really are hopeless aren’t you?” Kou joked,
“Uh Huh, what were you talking about with Suzukaze and Yun earlier anyway?” Rin drunkenly asked,
“Oh that was about some snacks they were eating, apparently they are like super high in calories and very addictive and fattening, I mean I even joked asking if they could imagine me being a 400 pound fat girl” Kou beamed,
“I think you’d look beautiful as a 400 pound fat girl Kou….HIC….” Rin said without thinking. Kou went red and looked at Rin who was now barley conscious,
“Oh I’m gonna get you to explain that but first let’s get you home” Kou said. The morning came and Rin awoke groggily, “Finally awake huh” Kou said her arms crossed and half smiling. Rin slowly rose and stood up as best as she could almost stumbling back onto her bed, Kou handed her a glass of water with headache medicine, Rin drank it and walked to the shower when Kou informed her she had ordered food for them. Kou went over last night’s incident whilst setting up the table, should she bring it up seriously or was it just drunken nonsense? She just finished as Rin walked in wearing a pink t-shirt and white sweatpants, she sat down or rather slumped down and began eating after thanking Kou, she decided now that she should ask, “So, about last night Rin” Kou stammered and looked straight at Rin who looked up from her food,
“Huh what happened last night?” Rin asked confused as she had no recollection of what she had said.
“Really you don’t remember saying I’d look good as a 400 pound fatty?” Kou asked with slight confusion, Rin stiffened and suddenly recalled what she had said and blushed with embarrassment that she couldn’t hide,
“Did I really say that Kou?” Rin pleading her to confirm it was a joke or something,
“Yep and I really want to know why” Kou sat down and looked at Rin, Rin tried her best to calm herself but failed,
“Sorry Kou, it’s just……I have feelings for……you…… and don’t get me wrong I like you for who you are but……I think I’m attracted to…….Fat girls” Rin buried her head in her arms and felt like both a weight had been lifted from her shoulders and that she had just maybe ruined her friendship with Kou. Kou sat and pondered for a minute and just continued eating without saying a word, the silence was deafening making Rin feel so nervous and nauseous that she barely ate anything. When Kou had finished she got her things ready and started to leave, “Uh Kou…” Rin started but was quickly cut off
“I’ll see you at work on Monday Rin” Kou shut the door behind her. Rin collapse to her knees,
“Oh god I’ve ruined it, she’s gonna think I’m weird and she’s gonna distance herself from me…” Rin began sobbing panicking over what she had said made her go into her head and start overthinking, meanwhile on the other side of the door Kou was flushed bright red and was now more distracted than ever,
“Wow, Rin actually has feeling for me………I didn’t know she swung that way……I mean it’s not that I don’t like her it’s just as a friend……..and the whole fat thing” Kou on her way home kept trying to get the image of a 400 pound version of herself being looked after by Rin out of her mind, surely she didn’t swing that way right? And surely she didn’t want to get fat, Right?

Aoba and Yun were sat at home stuffing their mouths with various treats and topping them off with gainer shakes, Aoba rubbed her belly and belched loudly, Yun was not far behind her in doing the same, “Uhh do think the way this is going we’re gonna end up bigger then we planned?” Aoba asked Yun, Yun did something she hadn’t done in a while, she gave a loud fart into the sponge of the sofa,
“Maybe, I think we need to be careful after we reach a certain weight to not blow up to quickly” Yun said and finished her shake with one last massive chug. The afternoon went by with them stuffing themselves and watching TV they sat rubbing their bellies and were watching a new anime that had been released recently that actually featured a fat character that was like them and were curious as Hifumi had suggested it, they were enjoying it and it actually had a good story too it as well, they were just coming to the end of the episode when they heard a knock at the door,
“I’ll get it” Aoba said as she rose slowly off the couch, she opened the door and saw Rin stood there almost in tears, “Toyama, What’s wrong?” Aoba asked concerned,
Yun sat up and looked surprised, “can I come in to talk to you two?” Rin asked softly, Aoba let Rin in and went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea as Rin sat down on the sofa next to Yun,
“You look upset, what happened?” Yun asked as Aoba returned and placed the tea in front of Rin on the coffee table,
“I think I may have ruined things with Kou”. Kou sat at home and was sat down on her couch curled up into herself, he couldn’t get the thought out of her head, Rin had feelings for her and now like fat woman?, what was she going to do on Monday at work, she walked over to the mirror and looked at herself, she tried imagining herself fatter at around 400 pounds and she sighed loudly,
“what the hell am I thinking, am I actually considering this?” she asked herself, she sat back down and slumped back into her chair letting out a loud sigh again, she looked over at an old picture of the first game they had worked on together when they were new.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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