New game! plus(completed)

chapter 6:the new couple

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Rin took a sip of tea and took a deep breath, “Hey …. If a female friend said that she liked you like romantically but said she liked it if you would get fat…like over 400 pounds….what would you do?” Rin sobbed slightly, Aoba and Yun looked at each other and sighed, Yun looked at Rin
“Yagami right?” Yun asked.
Rin went red and looked at Yun and Aoba warmly smiling at her, “How…..How obvious….” Rin asked
“To everyone but Yagami” Yun said. Aoba thought for a moment before realising the biggest part of the question,
“Wait did you actually say it to her?” Aoba asked, Rin nodded guiltily
“when we got drunk on Friday I may have said something about Kou looking good as a 400 pounder…….then this morning she brought it up and I confessed everything and now it’s completely awkward” Rin started to tear up slightly, Aoba sighed before smiling at Rin
“If you were serious, it would be wise to try and talk about it with her openly and honestly again” Aoba stated,
“You think so?” Rin asked suddenly taking on the look of a love struck teen,
“Yes, you need to try talking to her to discuss this properly or this may not stop and get worse” Aoba gave Rin a kind smile. Aoba nodded at Yun and sat up to go to the kitchen to get a snack, Yun rose and went to her room,
“I’m going to go see Yagami to see how she’s doing, she’s probably freaked out too knowing her” Yun said, Rin buried her head in her hands again, Aoba sat back down and started munching on snacks as Yun now dressed in a pale yellow low cut t-shirt and maroon hoodie with dark blue leggings went out.

After a 40 minute train journey Yun arrived at Kous and knocked, she saw the door open slowly,
“Oh it’s you Yun, I thought it was….”
“Toyama right?” Yun said, Kou let Yun in and went to her living room and sat down,
“I’m guessing Rin came to see you and Aoba then?” Kou asked,
“Yep and she’s really freaked out right now, she was practically in tears when she turned up” Yun said. Kou felt guilty, she did leave very abruptly and said barley anything,
“I want to talk about it it’s just……….I don’t know how” Kou said,
“You mean you’re confused?” Yun said,
“Yeah, so I don’t know what to do or make of it, we’re friends and I don’t want that to stop but if she feels that way what am I going to do? the whole into fat girls thing” Kou finished, Yun sat there and sighed,
“Then you need to talk to her soon” Yun said
“I haven’t found the courage to, what if it changes everything?” Kou said blushing,
Yun sighed again “Yagami it already has, she’s been honest which is hard for her in this situation, put yourself in her shoes”,
“What’s that mean?” Kou retorted, Yun stood up and sat right next to Kou,
“Kou I’ll let you in on a secret, everyone knew Rin liked you except you, it was obvious” Yun poked Kou in the shoulder, Kou was taken aback,
“Wait really?” Kou asked,
“Yes so what I mean is think if you were in her position, how would you feel if you confessed like that and got the cold shoulder in response?” Yun sat back, Kou thought about it and realised she was right, Rin really liked her like that for a while and had now been honest and acted on it,
“I’ll try talking to her” Kou said calmly.

Back at the apartment Rin sat there talking to Aoba and was seemingly in a slightly cheerier mood, “so that’s how you two found out about it” Rin said, Aoba placed her finished glass of gainer shake down and rubbed her belly,
“Yeah it was so confusing at first, but we are happier and it’s fun getting to pig out on such good food and sweets” Aoba grinned. Yun returned home with Kou following behind,
“We’ll leave you two to talk” Yun said as she took Aoba into her room, Yun sat down and turned her computer on, “we can watch the next episode whilst they chat” Yun smiled at Aoba who also sat down. Back in the living room Kou sat there with a red blush across her face with Rin looking nervous,
“So, we need to talk about this” Kou said, Rin shifted in her seat and was still panicking a little, Kou smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder “You can relax you know, it’s not gonna be that bad” Kou reassured Rin,
Rin took a deep breath and said “Yeah you’re right we do”,
“So start from the beginning okay” Kou said,
“It began when we started at Eagle Jump at around the same time, I felt gravitated to you, you went through some hardships and lent on me and over time I….fell for you….” Rin looked at Kou who was still looking at her, Rin continued “I didn’t act on it because I was afraid of losing you as a friend……..then the whole thing with Shizuku, Aoba and Yun started, then I heard you make a comment about blowing up to 400 pounds and I felt weird, that night I had a dream of us together and, you were fat and I was feeding you, we were happy and then I woke up panicking, I looked online for similar situations and stumbled upon something, I realised that night when I dreamt that I was in a relationship with you, but you were…you know…….and I realised I liked larger woman as well as the idea of fattening a partner up” Rin buried her hands in her face and went red, it was all out now, no going back. Kou closed her eyes for a second and thought, she thought back to their times together and went over them in her head with what she knew now, she was struck when she realised that deep down, she liked Rin that way too, but was so focused on her work that she didn’t realise, she blushed and opened he eyes, Rin was still sat here with her knees up and face in hands, she walked over and hugged Rin, Rin looked up and was taken aback when Kou kissed her. ”Uhh…Kou” Rin quietly looked into Kous eyes and Kou looked back,
“I just realised going back over everything, I always focused on work and didn’t realised I had feelings for you too” Kou smiled gently and kissed Rin again and Rin kissed back and relaxed her body as the two started making out on the sofa. In Yuns room she and Aoba were halfway through their show when their bellies rumbled and demanded snacks,
“Yun do you have anything in here so we don’t disturb those two?” Aoba asked,
“I think so but not enough for both our appetites” Yun replied, Yun looked at the door and sighed, she stood up and walked towards the door when she heard a commotion and opened the door slightly to see the two kissing and hugging, Yun shut the door quietly and turned to Aoba with a blush across her cheeks, “we may need to try and ignore our bellies for now” she smiled. After they had finished Kou sat back and realised they still had one thing to talk about,
“Just out of curiosity, how fat would you want me anyway?” Kou asked, Rin went red and looked up at Kou
“Well that depends, are you actually okay with it Kou?” Rin asked with hope in her eyes,
”Not sure yet that’s why we’re discussing it” Kou replied,
Rin thought for a moment “Honestly Kou I don’t blame you if you don’t wanna be 400 pounds right now, but what about we get to 200 first and see how you like it?” Rin asked, Kou looked down at herself and shrugged,
“Can’t harm me right, plus what if I said I wanted you to fatten up with me?” Kou grinned and Rin blushed and looked shocked
“Wait really Kou? You want me to get fat too?” Rin asked,
“hey I am giving up my figure so I think it’s only fair you do too even if the goal is for me to end up the bigger of us, any way I guess we’ll be asking for some advice” Kou smiled. Kou stood up and walked over to Yuns door and knocked “hey Yun you and Aoba can come out now” Kou said, Yun opened the door and she and Aoba rushed past Kou to the Kitchen
“Thank god we’re really hungry and didn’t have enough in there with us” Aoba said as she went to the fridge,
Kou smiled and turned to Rin who smiled warmly, “yeah we talked it out and need your input” Kou said, Yun and Aoba looked at each other and smiled, they finished grabbing snacks and placed a massive stack of food on the table, “Woah Hungry much?” Kou smiled,
“The extra food is just in case” Yun said with a smile. They both sat down on the sofa as Kou sat back next to Rin,
“Well we talked like you said and turns out we both felt the same way about each other so I’m gonna put on some weight for Rin with her doing so to” Kou blushed and looked at Rin who gently smiled,
“So we thought we’d ask you two, no way are we going to Hazuki for this” Rin added, Yun and Aoba grinned at each other and nodded,
“We figured, so that’s what the food is for” Yun handed Kou 3 pills,
“What are these?” Rin asked,
“Appetite enhancers, and powerful ones, that’s why we managed to gain quickly and stuff ourselves” Aoba said,
“so that’s how your appetites increased so fast” Rin exclaimed looking at the pills closely, Kou stared at the pills in her hand and Rin smiled, this was a big step and one they had to make, “you ready Kou?” Rin asked, Kou sighed and nodded before she was handed a milkshake to take the pills with, Kou and Rin nodded at each other and Kou swallowed the pills. They looked at each other and smiled before Kou’s stomach growled loudly with Kou clutching her abdomen in discomfort
“wow those are fast acting” Kou said going over to the kitchen table to sit and eat, Rin followed and smiled as she joined Kou, Kou began shoving food in her mouth like a starved woman, Rin smiled and picked up a piece of cake before turning to Yun and Aoba,
“Do you two mind giving us some privacy again?” Rin smiled apologetically. Yun and Aoba nodded and took their stuff back to Yun room and closed the door, Rin took one of Kous hands and shoved the cake in her mouth,

“RiMMHMHMM” Kou tried to speak with a now mouthful of cake, Rin smiled and placed a finger over Kou’s mouth and Kou chewed and swallowed, Kou smiled and put her hands on her belly as Rin continued shoving various food and sweets into her mouth. The stuffing went on for almost an hour with Kou gradually filling up and her stomach growing rounder and tighter, she had to undo her pants button after 10minutes and now had no chance of buttoning them back up, she sat back and rubbed her belly and Rin smiled putting the used plates over in the sink, she came back over and kissed Kou on the cheek as Kou was taking laboured breaths, “Uhh…….Wow I have….bUrP…..never…..nnnnn,……Eaten so much” Kou said, Rin took over belly rubbing duties as Kou let her arms slump down as she gave out a loud belch that even Yun and Aoba heard from the other room. Rin smiled again and took out a handkerchief to wipe around Kou’s mouth which was littered with crumbs and various sauces and jams, Kou smiled and took Rins hand as Rin looked up into her eyes, “well I guess this is off to a good start” Kou grinned.

Rin knocked on Yuns door and Apologised again, she went over to help Kou stand as Yun and Aoba stepped out to see a very stuffed Kou waddle slightly with Rins help, “thank you for this” Rin smiled and Yun grinned back,
“You two also may want to consider moving in together as well” Yun advised Rin who nodded,
“Yeah I guess that would make things easier” Kou said holding her gut in both hands to steady herself. The two left after Yun gave over the information for the appetite enhancers as they had found out how to get them so they could stop going through Hazuki, Aoba and Yun sat down on the sofa and sighed,
“Well that’s done, have you ever thought about finding a feeder Yun?” Aoba asked, Yun smiled and giggled,
“I mean a little bit, but I think we’re good for now, besides how many boys do we know who are into our weird interest” Yun chuckled. The two saw it was getting late and Yun went over to wash the dishes before heading to bed, Aoba was cleaning up in the living room when her phone buzzed and she saw a text from Rukia that asked if they wanted to come over tomorrow to hang out with her and Yuki and to taste her cooking, Aoba grinned,
“Hey Yun you got any plans for tomorrow?” Aoba shouted,
Yun thought for a moment and shouted back “No I don’t why?”
“Rukia invited us over tomorrow to taste Yukis cooking” Aoba said walking into the kitchen,
“Sure why not, we can get to know Yuki as well” Yun said. Yun finished washing whilst Aoba helped dry up and put things away before they both had quick showers and headed off to bed, that night they both dreamt of having feeders and having loving boyfriends to love them for their size. The morning came and Yun yawned with a stretch accompanied by a ripping sound, “ugh I’ve been meaning to get new pyjamas” Yun giggled looking at the rip down her left side, Aoba was already in the shower when she stepped out and headed to the kitchen to start breakfast, however she remembered they had used a lot of the food for Kou last night so they needed to go grocery shopping again today before heading over to Rukias. “Well I guess we’ll go out for breakfast” Yun chuckled, she stepped into the bathroom and knocked on the shower door “we’re going to go out for breakfast okay Aoba?” Yun shouted,
“Sure thing” Aoba responded, Yun undressed ready to step in after Aoba was done and decided to weight herself, she turned the scales on and waited for it to set itself before stepping on, she waited and the scale beeped so she looked down
“210, not bad,” Yun said, she looked in the mirror and smiled a little trying to imagine her thinner self “wow I can’t even imagine being thin despite once being so” Yun mused.
Aoba stepped out and looked at Yun “showers free Yun, You okay?” Aoba asked,
“Hey Aoba can you imagine yourself thinner?” Yun asked,
Aoba looked confused before turning to the mirror and trying, “well……I mean…..I should as I was…..but I can’t seem to” Aoba said confused,
“me neither, it’s weird isn’t it, I can’t see myself as anything but fat now, imagine when we’re around 300+, will we be able to imagine ourselves like this at just over 200?” Yun asked, Yun stepped into the shower and Aoba headed to her room to get ready, she thought about her conversation with Yun, she smiled a little and patted her belly
“Well we knew there would be no going back”.

The two arrived at the local café and sat down, Yun was wearing a cream coloured stretch dress that went down to her thighs, she had a brown waist belt and brown bottoms that looked a little snug on with sandals, she had her hair in her lose bun and had a red cardigan on. Aoba was clad in a pair of dark lavender leggings with sandals, she had a pale blue medium length summer dress on that had strapped shoulders leaving her meaty arms on display. They ordered a large breakfast and ate quickly within the hour, Yuns belt looked tight around her middle “Yun how come you’re wearing a belt at the moment?” Aoba asked,
“It makes may belly stand out” Yun smiled, the two finished up and made their way over to the supermarket and filled their trolley with various foods, sweets, deserts and fattening treats. They found the health section and picked up the gainer powder they’d been using which was meant for body building but added enough extra calories to help gain weight too, they just reached the check-out when they spotted Rukia and Yuki shopping for later,
“Oh hey you two” Aoba beamed and waved at them, they smiled back and waved
“Oh hey, hope you’re ready for later my food can be very filling” Yuki beamed
“You aren’t kidding sis, I have seriously packed on the pounds with your cooking” Rukia chuckled. Shizuku was sat at home watching through a new show she had found and was surrounded by empty wrappers and boxes of snacks and sweets, she was wearing a pair of pale pink sweat pants with a white t-shirt and light grey hoodie her fringe held back by a pale pink headband, her shirt was riding over her stuffed belly that she was rubbing with her left hand as she shoved snacks in her mouth with her right, She belched and gave her belly a slap and winced a little
“Wow I’m getting so big” she giggled. Shizuku looked out of her window and thought about visiting Aoba and Yun as she hadn’t hung out with them much even though they were gaining together, she took her phone out and texted Yun about coming over later. Yun saw the text and smiled
“Hey Yuki do you mind if one more joins tonight?” Yun asked,
“Who?” Yuki asked
“Our boss Hazuki wants to come over, she’s the reason we found out about this and started gaining, plus she’s gaining herself” Yun explained,
“Sure we can grab extra no worries” Yuki beamed and Rukia nodded, the pairs parted and Yun and Aoba made their way home and Yun texted Shizuku back. Shizuku smiled and thought about an outfit for the evening and struggled to stand to go to her wardrobe, she huffed and puffed as she slowly rose before eventually with one last push which tired her out she stood fully
“uuuuhhh…trying to stand on a full belly is getting harder” she mused to herself, she laboured over to her room and opened the wardrobe, she looked over various pieces of clothing and spotted something she had bought at the start of her gain, “Hmmmmm I think you will do nicely” she giggled. The evening came and Yun and Aoba were getting ready, Yun had changed into a dark brown skirt that was stretchy and topped it off with a pale yellow low cut top with long sleeves, she readjusted her bra
“I need to get some new ones soon” she giggled, Aoba stepped in soon after and was dressed in a dark blue skirt that was similar to the one she used to wear in her thinner days over a pair of tights, she had a tucked in lavender button shirt on and had left the top buttons undone to show off her cleavage,
“Looking good Yun” Aoba smiled
“Not bad yourself Aoba” Yun responded. They heard a knock at the door and Aoba turned
“I’ll get it, it’s probably Hazuki” Aoba said as she went to the door and opened it, Hazuki was stood there dressed in a red party dress that looked a bit tight on her, she had her hair up in a ponytail and had her usual shawl around her shoulders, “Hey Suzukaze”, Aoba smiled and let Shizuku inside.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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