New game! plus(completed)

chapter 7 p1:yuki endo

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Chapter 7: Yuki Endo
The three girls stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the next floor, they arrived and walked down the hallway before stopping at the Endos door, Yun knocked and Rukia answered “glad you could make it, you must be Hazuki nice to meet you” Rukia smiled,
“Yes I am, thank you for helping these two” Shizuku smiled. Rukia let the three in and they were shown into the dining room,
“Take a seat food won’t be too much longer” Rukia said going into the kitchen to help Yuki, the three sat down and Yun turned to Hazuki
“What’s with the nice dress by the way?” Yun asked,
“Oh this, I bought this a couple months back, I thought it would look good on a larger figure but I guess as you’ve noticed it’s a little tight” Shizuku grinned. It wasn’t long before the food was brought out and Rukia and Yuki joined them, after the large meal the five of them sat back and were rubbing their bellies and a few belches were let loose here and there,
“you really…..know how to cook…Yuki” Yun said as she stifled a belch, Aoba was led back with her skirt undone (well more like it popped open) with her shirt buttons strained to the point where one more bite would cause the buttons around the belly to blow. Shizuku rubbed her belly as she moaned in pleasure, her dress looking painfully tight around her middle now as she was trying not to make any sudden movements for fear (and part pleasure) of ripping out of her dress then and there, Shizuku belched and placed her hand over her mouth
“Excuse me, but that was great, best home cooking I’ve had in ages” Shizuku smiled,
“Thank you, I had time to work on it during my last year of high school” Yuki grinned. Shizuku grinned and went to move forward slightly before a loud RRIIIPPPPPP was heard,
“whoops, I was hoping this dress would last until I got home” Shizuku sheepishly smiled, Yuki smiled and Rukia went to get something for Shizuku to wear over her torn dress, Yun stared as Aoba leaned forward and picked up the last piece of cake,
“Are you really going to eat that?” Yun asked
“Yeah can’t let her out do me” Aoba beamed as she scoffed the cake and after swallowing was happy at the sound of her shirt buttons popping off around her belly.
Shizuku looked over and grinned “wow really wanted to join in huh Suzukaze?” Shizuku asked and Aoba nodded with a large content smile, Rukia returned and handed Shizuku a large hoodie
“Here this should fit, it’s Yukis and she’s bigger” Rukia smiled,
“Thank you Rukia, I’ll give it back to Suzukaze to give back” Shizuku said.

Shizuku was the first to leave and Aoba and Yun stayed back to chat with the Endos a little more, “so you two decided to do this only a few months ago?” Rukia asked,
“Yeah Shizuku showed us a video of a plus sized woman and it triggered something in us” Aoba said as she took a cup of tea, she was no wearing a spare grey sweater of Yuki’s to cover her belly up,
“Wow I mean I know I’ve put on a few but I’ve never thought about getting that big” Rukia said,
“You know sis I’ve been saying you might look good as a fat girl” Yuki beamed
“I know Yuki” Rukia sighed “it’s just….well………you know mom” Rukia added,
Yukis face dropped “yeah I know better than you when it comes to mom, I can’t believe you still talk to her after what she did” Yuki said in a harsh tone,
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bring that up” Rukia apologised, Yuki took a deep breath and looked over at Yun and Aoba,
“I may as well tell you what happened” Yuki sighed,
“Only if you’re sure you don’t mind” Yun said and Aoba nodded,
“It’s okay, we’re friends now so it’s fine” Yuki smiled. Yuki went over and pulled a photo album out and pulled out a picture, the girl in the picture was a slim athletic build with a large chest, she was holding a soccer trophy in her arms and was beaming at the camera, her long dark brown hair tied back in a ponytail with a red ribbon,
“Is this who I think it is?” Aoba asked,
“Yep…me a few couple years back” Yuki said sitting back down,
Yun and Aoba stared at the photo and gawked, “I never thought someone like that would…..” Yun began,
“Get so fat right? Yeah it is odd” Yuki finished,
“Sorry” Yun said with a guilty bow,
Yuki sighed “let me start from the beginning” Yuki sat down.

Yuki began by telling them about her parents, their mother was a soccer star who wanted her daughters to follow in her footsteps after she went professional, their father was a normal business man and was content with his life, their mother was strict and had high standards but as their father had told them was very different back in school and had been more relaxed and laid back like he was and still is, the two had met in high school and quickly gotten married and had children together, however Rukia was more into business and got her fathers permission to study it as he was a business man himself who loved his daughters deeply, Yuki was a chubby child and was more interested in sweets and cooking, however their mom put her foot down and made Yuki leave that behind and made her slim down over time, after years Yuki gradually forgot about it and soccer ended up becoming her own priority, now at 15 Yuki was a well know soccer star herself around her school, she was popular with the girls and many boys tried to ask her out but she declined, but today was special, Yuki walked through the locker room of the school soccer team, she looked into the mirror and smiled, she tied her hair up in a ponytail with her lucky red ribbon and put on her soccer uniform, today was the day, the finals of the soccer tournament her team had entered,
“Yo Yuki you’re gonna miss the kick offs if you admire yourself in the mirror any longer” another girls said, she had neck length light brown hair and blue eyes, she was toned and fit looking and was slightly taller than Yuki was. Yuki smiled “alright Kaguya I’m coming now” Yuki said as she jogged over to her team mate, these two were close and had been very good friends since childhood,
“I hope things go well today” Yuki said as they walked onto the pitch,
“Yeah I hope so too girl” Kaguya responded with a smile. The game was going well for their team, Yuki was on fire, she was one goal away from taking the lead, she ran like the wind with the ball and was close, closer about to kick the ball into the goal, then the pain hit her, a member of the other team had tackled her but had accidently hit her in the knee badly causing Yuki to hear a snap, Yuki rolled on the ground in agony as the officials and other players crowded round,
“Oh my god I’m so sorry” the tackler sobbed.
Yuki was rushed to the hospital and her mother arrived an hour later after the doctors had finished checking her over,
“Will she still be able to play?” her mother asked,
Yuki was angry, “of course she only cares about soccer” Yuki thought, Rukia had already gone off to college to get away from this and Yuki had come to enjoy playing but hated her mother’s strict attitude towards it,
“No she will not be able to” the doctor said sternly,
“But is there nothing…” her mother tried protesting,
“No there isn’t, I know she was a good player but that is over now, she needs rest and time to heal and recover” the doctor said, he looked at his notes and smiled at Yuki, “plus we sticking her on three month bed rest and steroids to help heal the muscles, this will of course lead to appetite increase, fat intake and of course by extension dramatic weight gain” the doctor finished, Yuki’s mother went pale, Yuki looked at the doctor who smiled gently at her.

Later that night after Yuki was discharged after having a cast put on, her mother fumed at her husband, “I am not giving her these if they’re gonna turn her into a fatty, we’ll find another doctor who…” she began,
“Hun we need to do what’s best for her, I know you’ve placed high standards on her, but if this is what she needs then we need to support her” her husband said. Over the next week Yukis mother went to various doctors who all agreed with the first doctor’s verdict, this only angered her more, this led to more arguments over Yuki between her parents over the month, Yuki now stress eating on top of everything had caused her to gain 20 pounds in a month, she was crying alone and eating junk food to feel better, this was also made worse by the fact her team had lost and no one had come to see her at all due to the soccer team being on a very busy training schedule. By the end of the three months Yuki was going with her father to see the doctor, Yuki looked in the mirror, she remembered her former 120 pound self and looked down now seeing a very overweight 173pound girl, she put on a pair of black stretch leggings and a plain white t-shirt with a baggy grey hoodie over it, she looked at the rounded face and saw the barely recognizable face and pulled her hood up and left her room. She sat in her fathers car as he drove her to the hospital, and was surprised when they arrived he hugged her closely and said,
“No matter what happens I still support you in whatever makes you happy” he let go and exited the car. She was called and entered the office and the doctor from before smiled gently at the sight of her, they sat down with the doctor doing various checks before finally taking the cast off,
“Just take it easy for another month and I’ll extend the prescribed steroids for another month as well” he said, Yukis eyes started to tear up and the doctor noticed this
“This is nothing to worry about honestly,” he began before Yuki began to yell,
“my mum is making this hell on top of the fact I’m piling on the pounds, she tried getting other doctors to overrule you just to get her little soccer star back” Yuki let out a lot of pent up anger and the Doctor just sighed before smiling gently,
“oh I see, that isn’t really ideal for someone going through this, Miss Endo, do you have any friends you can talk to or another family member?” he asked, Yuki nodded,
“I have my dad since my sister is away at college right now” she said. The doctor stood up and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder
“Then try talking to him more, maybe you have friends who may be able to help” he smiled warmly. Yuki returned to the lobby when Yuki heard a shout,
“Yuki is that you?” Yuki turned and saw Kaguya sat there looking awestruck,
“I recognized your dad and….” Was all Kaguya said before Yuki stared tearing up, Kaguya panicked and hugged Yuki who was surprised,
“Tell me what happened, I’m here for you” Kaguya said with a warm smile. Yuki Told Kaguya about everything and Kaguya sat there for and sighed before responding,
“Yeah I mean your mom is kinda……pushy...if that’s the right word” Kaguya said,
“More like controlling” Yuki said,
“true, but if it’s any consolation I think you look fine Yuki, so what if you’re gonna be a little larger you’re still you” Kaguya said smiling,
“Thank you Kaguya I think I needed that, what were you doing her anyway?” Yuki asked,
“Oh my little brothers in here, nothing serious, he just came off his bike doing silly stunts” Kaguya chuckled a little.

Kaguya and Yuki chatted a while before Yuki was called by her dad,
“Thank you Kaguya I mean it when I say I needed this, the whole getting big thing is….well”,
“No problem girl, besides I remember when you were chubby as a kid, you looked happier and I think it suited you better” Kaguya said turning and running off, Yuki was confused for a moment before her dad called again, Yuki got back into the car and Yuki was not looking forward to the coming months, her mother was unhappy she was still on the steroids, she even tried to hide Yukis medication but her father found it and made sure she took it which led to more arguments, the month passed and Yuki was About to return to school, she placed a hand on her stomach, at the appointment she had weighed in at 192 pounds,
“Wow if I’m not careful I’m gonna weigh over 200” Yuki moaned
“It’s not that bad dear” her dad tried to cheer her up,
Yuki went into her room and pulled out her old uniform, “what the hell….may as well try it on” Yuki said, she struggled and pulled but all she managed to accomplish was breaking her old skirt and pooping her shirt buttons off, she sighed heavily and looked into the mirror “mom is gonna be so mad” she frowned,
Just then her dad knocked and gave her a new larger uniform, “I thought you would need it so I got it a week ago” he smiled
“Thanks dad” she hugged him and smiled. The next day she woke up to a bare meal her mother had made,
“Now your off those meds I’ll be putting you on a diet young lady” her mom said coldly, Yuki looked over at her dad who was about to start trying to reason with her,
“I’ll skip breakfast thank you” Yuki went quickly and grabbed her shoes and was out of the house when she heard the argument start. Yuki was to return to school as a now third year having missed the first couple months, of course the whole school knew about her accident but she wasn’t prepared for what would happen when she turned up, her uniform was a little snug on her and it made her gain known, she was now nearly 200 pounds and couldn’t hide it, she worried what her classmates would think.

She arrived at school and met up with Kaguya at the entrance, “morning Yuki” she beamed, Yuki heard gossip already as people began to stare,
“Wait wasn’t she the good looking soccer player”,
“Yeah she was I heard she had an accident”,
“Wow she really packed it on”,
Yuki looked down and was embarrassed further when her stomach rumbled loudly,
“Come with me” Kaguya dragged Yuki by the arm and took her to a quiet side room and handed her a sandwich,
“But that’s your lunch” Yuki said, her stomach rumbled again in protest,
“Your stomach disagrees with you, here I have enough to buy something anyway” Kaguya beamed again,
“Th…thank you” Yuki stammered as she tore into the sandwich. Yuki arrived in class and was thankfully sat next to Kaguya, her whole class stared at her as if they didn’t know her until roll was called, some people in her class snickered and smirked about her weight, especially the second well now most popular girl who now had no rival. Yuki went to lunch with Kaguya and sat down outside under a tree,
“You know if your hot you can take your blazer off you know” Kaguya said,
“But my boobs really show if I do, the shirts a little tight around me to” Yuki said blushing when a bag of cookies was thrown at her by a couple of girls from her class who were passing,
“You need all the fat you can get piggy oink oink” they laughed, Yuki began to cry as Kaguya stood up before they heard the girls whimpering,
“she can’t help it and you know it, so stop bullying others to make yourselves feel good or you’ll regret it” the new captain Lilian said brushing a hand though her short-ish blond hair, she could easily intimidate if you didn’t know her, she stood at 5 ft 11, Lilian came over and sat next to Kaguya and Yuki as did the two other girls from the soccer team,
“Hey Yuki just ignore them, they’re not worth it, besides they gave us free cookies so it’s all good” Lilian chuckled, Yuki smiled a little and Lilian pated her on the shoulder,
“Kaguya told us what happened, it sucks but you can’t help it and you are still you after all, you’re sweet and kind so that’s all that matters to us” Lilian said and hugged Yuki. After they finished lunch Lilian took Yuki aside “hey we should hang out after school okay?” Lilian said with a smile, Yuki nodded and went back to class, after the incident with the team the girls didn’t dare touch Yuki, she heard most of the others in her class say that the girls had it coming for being so mean. After school Yuki met up with Lilian outside the school Library, “hey there Yuki we’re just waiting on a few more people” Lilian smiled,
“Well who am I meeting?” Yuki asked a little nervous,
“some friends of mine and hopefully some new friends for you too” Lilian smiled as the door to the library opened and out stepped a girl standing about the same height as Yuki with light brown hair tied back in a ponytail and had thin framed glasses, only one thing was different between them, she was big, bigger than she was, her round chubby cheeks framed by her bangs and glasses, she must have been over 300 pounds Yuki thought, “hey Yuki I’d like you to meet Motoko” Lilian beamed, Motoko smiled and waved at Yuki.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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