Their special chemistry

chapter 5

The weight in the patient's lounge took forever as the receptionist made both Renee and Kelly get blood drawn before weighting to see Dr Wu. It didn't make much sense to Kelly as he wasn't her patient, but Kelly didn't interfere or say anything as he didn't want to upset the milk train the Dr had set up in his wife Renee.

Immediately upon the door swinging open to Dr Wu's office, Kelly noticed that the tall and buxom Asian doctors eyes were upon his soft belly. And it was definitely a belly now. Kelly's once vaunted and ripped abdominals were now coated within a thick and growing layer of fat. Said chunk had ripened to the point where it struggled to escape the confines of his now skin tight shirt.

Instinctively Kelly awkardly tried to adjust his larger and more plush bulk, only causing the front of his shirt to become untucked from its panted confines thus causing a bit of puffy belly flesh to become exposed. Noted by the doctor, she grinned wolfishly before forcibly removing her peepers from her patient's hubby's cute and chubby belly. Dr Wu then greeted the couple, while wondering to herself if this chubster had always been so plump, or had he recently chubbed up due to the drugs she prescribed to Renee.

"Welcome back, Renee. You look amazing!", exclaimed the doctor while helping to lift up the still heavy Renee to her feet. Kelly then stood up with grunt and even more of his soft midsection briefly became exposed before Kelly pulled down his shirt over his slight belly hang.

"Well, come on in the two of you said the Amazon doctor manuevring her extremly tall yet firm, muscular, and sexy body around the two if them. Then placing one large palm upon Renee's wide haunches and the other gropping somewhat firmly upon Kelly's left love handle, the doctor gently yet firmly ushered the two into her office. Vivian Wu could tell from their reactions to her touch the neither opposed her intimate and definitely inappropriate physical exchange. Thus, she let her hands linger and then trailed her long and manicured fingers over both of their fatty flanks.

"So, I have to tell you that there is good news and well not such great news", said Vivian strutting her long legs back around to the front of her desk.

"So, what's the bad news?", asked Renee with great trepidation.

"Oh relax, its not that bad hun, and there's lots of good news too."
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Inthecourt 11 months
Would love to see this finished!
Inthecourt 2 years
Really great chapter. Great visit to Dr. Wu in general.
Inthecourt 2 years
Very nice addition! Can't wait to see how this keeps developing.
Growingsofter 2 years
Hey on the court. Kik me at gaetano2733 if you want to fat and maybe i can write you your own story with yout own kinks.
Inthecourt 2 years
Interesting dynamic w/ Dr. Wu here!
Growingsofter 2 years
"In the court", I'm glad you like
Inthecourt 2 years
No, thank YOU! Just trying to show support. You're the only reason Ive got a premium membership on ff.
Inthecourt 2 years
Kelly has become such a pathetic fat bitch in no time at all. Excellent stuff.
Inthecourt 2 years
Just awesome additions
Inthecourt 2 years
Oh that's too good! He's already taking to wearing her clothes. Can't wait for the visit with Dr. Wu!
Inthecourt 2 years
Keep it coming!
Inthecourt 2 years
This is just too good!
Inthecourt 2 years
Another great addition!
Inthecourt 2 years
30 pounds of blubber in a month-could you imagine? Love seeing you updating consistently. Keep up the good work!
Inthecourt 2 years
Why do I think Kelly isn't the one that's going to be taking the testosterone? Interesting dyanmic you've set up here.
Inthecourt 2 years
Delicious. Hanging on every word.
Inthecourt 2 years
Can't wait to hear the news!
Inthecourt 2 years
Oh Kelly, how naive. Excellent as always.
Inthecourt 2 years
Don't make me guess the name of the doctor.