Their special chemistry

chapter 9

On the way home Renee insisted upon getting a huge to go order from a fastfood drive through. Kelly, as horny as he was from the meds he'd just talen didn't argue with her. With all the new fluff, he'd added to his own form, Kelly found himself quite hungry almost all the time now. This was no exception. And although Kelly was indeed quite peckish, that wasn't the main reason he'd readily agreed to get fast food.

No, it was the fact that is 330 pounds wife, well now 300 pound wife, had always grown really hotny after a good stuffing. Not to mention that for the past few weeks that Renee's breast began leaking everytime she overstuffed herself.

As Kelly watched burger after burger discend into his wifes belly, he swore he could see her breast swelling as she ate. And when they got home, Renee gave her rock hard husband all that he could handle for hours.

Usually Renee's growing spouse was drinking nearly a gallon of fattening and feminizing breast milk from her dripping udders daily. However, hopped up on Testosterone, MD227, and lamictal Kelly was supercharged sexually and wound up drinking nearly two gallons as they made sex for hours before passing out, stuffed to the max in a food and milk coma.

As Renee looked over her own somewhat deflated breasts and her husband's pregnant looking belly, Renee was sure where all the weight she'd been losing was being collected.

Feeling great from the testosterone linking itself to the MD227 running through her veins, Renee headed off to the gym for an intense workout while her chubby hubby only grew fatter in his sleep.

This pattern continued to repeat itself daily and within a week's time Renee's three hundred pound figure had shrunk to under 290 pounds. The change in her body's make up and physique was dramatic this time, drawing even the attention of the highly sated and even chubbier Renee. Renee had grown an inch taller, streching out her 290 pounds over a slightly longer frame and her breasts were somehow even bigger than before. Renee, seemingly overnight had gone from a SSBBW to looking like a very chubby milf with giant breasts. The transformation of her hubby was equally startling, with the now 280 pound Kelly now sporting a sizeable doubled chin and big full looking moobs that poked through his shirts.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Inthecourt 11 months
Would love to see this finished!
Inthecourt 2 years
Really great chapter. Great visit to Dr. Wu in general.
Inthecourt 2 years
Very nice addition! Can't wait to see how this keeps developing.
Growingsofter 2 years
Hey on the court. Kik me at gaetano2733 if you want to fat and maybe i can write you your own story with yout own kinks.
Inthecourt 2 years
Interesting dynamic w/ Dr. Wu here!
Growingsofter 2 years
"In the court", I'm glad you like
Inthecourt 2 years
No, thank YOU! Just trying to show support. You're the only reason Ive got a premium membership on ff.
Inthecourt 2 years
Kelly has become such a pathetic fat bitch in no time at all. Excellent stuff.
Inthecourt 2 years
Just awesome additions
Inthecourt 2 years
Oh that's too good! He's already taking to wearing her clothes. Can't wait for the visit with Dr. Wu!
Inthecourt 2 years
Keep it coming!
Inthecourt 2 years
This is just too good!
Inthecourt 2 years
Another great addition!
Inthecourt 2 years
30 pounds of blubber in a month-could you imagine? Love seeing you updating consistently. Keep up the good work!
Inthecourt 2 years
Why do I think Kelly isn't the one that's going to be taking the testosterone? Interesting dyanmic you've set up here.
Inthecourt 2 years
Delicious. Hanging on every word.
Inthecourt 2 years
Can't wait to hear the news!
Inthecourt 2 years
Oh Kelly, how naive. Excellent as always.
Inthecourt 2 years
Don't make me guess the name of the doctor.