Their special chemistry

chapter 10

From the moment Kelly popped in those two horse pills filled with testosterone, he and his wife's sexual bliss was taken to even new of extreme ecstasy with Kelly's cock now seemingly rock hard twenty four hours a day.

As the horny couple's collective and drug induced libidos grew stronger and stronger, so did Renee and Kelly's use of their "medicines".

Due to fact that Renee loved the feeling of her growing husband sucking the fat right out of her, Renee had easily tripled her intake of lamictal and MD227. AS result, her breasts literally began pouring our fattening and and feminizing milk, the moment she began eating.

And with as insatiable as was their appitite for both sucking and fucking, Kelly was taking more and more of the seditive infused testosterone every day, just to keep up with his horny and somehow more athletic wife in the bedroom.

Kelly was constantly feeding his wife Renee more and more fattening foods everyday. However, the more he fed Renee, the more they fucked and the more he sucked on his wife's chemically feminizing and dripping udders.

Meanwhile, the wanton Kelly was busy shooting his teatosterone filled sperm directly into Renee's bloodstream every time he came. The results of said transfer of reversing hormone's on the couple began to show their dramatic effects after about one month's time.

Kelly for his part was too busy blowing loads and drinking Renee's fattening and feminizing titty milk to truly notice all the changes happening to the two of them. Sure, even in his drug induced state of sexual ecstasy, Kelly was able to note that his wife was definitely slimming down and he was chubbing up a bit, but beyond that all the other details were lost upon him. The same was not true of his wife Renee.

With testosterone pumping freely through her veins, Renee felt amazing both physically and mentally sharper than ever. Where, Kelly simply noted a change in their respective weights, Renee had recorded their changes and reveled in it. She'd grown another two inches and now stood at 5'6, finally less than a foot difference from her husband.
Renee likeeise grew wet thinking of the transfer of another 30lbs from her now 260 pound athletic frame and unto Kelly's now 310 pound fluffy form. Where Renee now sported muscle under her still large frame, Kelly grew wider and softer as the md227 in her body literally sucked all the remaining testosterone out of his body.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Inthecourt 11 months
Would love to see this finished!
Inthecourt 2 years
Really great chapter. Great visit to Dr. Wu in general.
Inthecourt 2 years
Very nice addition! Can't wait to see how this keeps developing.
Growingsofter 2 years
Hey on the court. Kik me at gaetano2733 if you want to fat and maybe i can write you your own story with yout own kinks.
Inthecourt 2 years
Interesting dynamic w/ Dr. Wu here!
Growingsofter 2 years
"In the court", I'm glad you like
Inthecourt 2 years
No, thank YOU! Just trying to show support. You're the only reason Ive got a premium membership on ff.
Inthecourt 2 years
Kelly has become such a pathetic fat bitch in no time at all. Excellent stuff.
Inthecourt 2 years
Just awesome additions
Inthecourt 2 years
Oh that's too good! He's already taking to wearing her clothes. Can't wait for the visit with Dr. Wu!
Inthecourt 2 years
Keep it coming!
Inthecourt 2 years
This is just too good!
Inthecourt 2 years
Another great addition!
Inthecourt 2 years
30 pounds of blubber in a month-could you imagine? Love seeing you updating consistently. Keep up the good work!
Inthecourt 2 years
Why do I think Kelly isn't the one that's going to be taking the testosterone? Interesting dyanmic you've set up here.
Inthecourt 2 years
Delicious. Hanging on every word.
Inthecourt 2 years
Can't wait to hear the news!
Inthecourt 2 years
Oh Kelly, how naive. Excellent as always.
Inthecourt 2 years
Don't make me guess the name of the doctor.