All you can eat

chapter 2

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“Would you like that?” she said in a near whisper as she leaned forward and put her soft and moist lips directly next to my right ear. “Wouldn’t you like to see how much bigger and rounder we can make you, big boy?”

“Yes, ma’am — *hiccup* — I think I would.”

Her tongue came poking out through her front teeth, lapping me ver so lightly on my earlobe. Rising to her feet, she turned toward the kitchen and loudly clapped her hands twice in succession. Just as she did, an army of voluptuous waitresses in skin-high uniforms came marching out, each holding a tower of serving trays in each hand. There must have been enough food there to feed the entire city.

“Is this — *hic* — all for me?” I asked.

“All for you, fatso,” she panted as she gave me a firm slap on my gut, causing it to ripple and wiggle about like a massive gelatinous blob. “Now eat up before it all gets cold.”

I almost didn’t even know where to begin. There was so much! Fortunately I didn’t haver to think about it, because the sexy waitresses started shoving forkfuls of food in my mouth, force-feeding me at an exhaustive tempo.

My whole body started swelling up, bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter until my whole body was almost entirely spherical. Looking down at my belly, it almost seemed to resemble a gigantic flesh-colored basketball, so taut and smooth, my skin shining in the dim light of the diner. Tighter and tighter the pressure grew inside of me, getting so intense that my heart began to race with a mix of nervous anxiety and sheer morbid curiosity, excited to see just how much I could allow myself to be pushed beyond my limits.

“More! More!” the dark and mysterious woman commanded her staff as the relentlessly shoved copious amounts of food in my face. “Faster! I want to see him get bigger! As big and fat as we can possibly make him!”

After a while it was like I couldn’t even taste the food or discern the texture of one thing from the other; it was all just a steady stream of fat and calories getting sucked down into me as though my insides were an unending vortex.

“Mmm, you really are a bottomless pit! Aren’t you, big boy?” The mysterious vixen came cuddling up next to me, tickling my plump double chin with her long nails. I couldn’t answer her this time as my mouth was completely full, the bevy of food-peddling beauties cramming more and more inside of me. “I bet we could keep this up all night and you still wouldn’t be satisfied. Would you, fatso?”
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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