All you can eat

chapter 3

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Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain building up deep inside of me. I began to panic as fears of rupturing took over my mind. “This is it.” I thought to myself, “this is how I’m going to go!”

My entire body began to blow up like a balloon, filling up with air until I was so big and round I could see little else in front of me other than my gargantuan gut.

“He’s filling up with gas,” said one of the girls, who curiously enough looked a lot like the hostess, just in different clothing.

“I think he’s going to blow!” cried out another of the waitresses.

“Don’t worry, girls,” said the hostess, “he’s going to be just fine. He just needs a nice belly-rub.”

She began stroking and massaging my tummy, providing an instant ease of relief. I still seemed to be growing larger, but the pain wasn’t nearly as intense. In fact, it actually started to feel kind of nice. Even though I was clearly fatter than an entire herd of elephants, inside I began to feel lighter than air, almost as though I were becoming a human-blimp.

It was then that I let out a massive belch that seemed to shake the entire building.


The force from the blast of air seemed to push everyone back, knocking some of the girls to the ground. I looked over and saw the mysterious hostess clinging tightly to my side.

“There, there, honey,” she cooed, patting me on my big balloon-belly, “now doesn’t that feel better?”

“Uhh, yes, ma’am — *hiccup!* — It kind of does.”

“Why don’t you try to let out a few more,” she said softly in my ear, her tongue again lapping softly against my skin.

She started drumming on my abdomen, a deep thumping sound reverberating throughout the room. My tongue came hanging out over my lower lip as a series of long and loud burps erupted from my gut.

“Oh my,” she giggled with a big tooth grin, little bits of spittle spewing out from the tip of her tongue, “you are a big, fat pig, aren’t you?”

“*Hiccup!* — Yes, ma’am.”

“Such a big, fat piggy!” she repeated, bouncing her hand up and down on my large over-inflated stomach. “You’re my chunky little piggy, aren’t you?”

It was at that moment I began to feel a strange sensation taking over my body. My nose suddenly began to turn upward and form the shape of a snout, and from somewhere deep inside of me I began to emit some low guttural grunts, just like an actual pig.

“Oink! Oink!”

“Mmm, such a good piggy!”

“Oink! Oink! Oink!”

“Show me what a good piggy you can be!”

The mysterious woman held a massive sheet cake up in front of my face, and I crammed my entire head directly through the surface of it, spewing bits of crumbs and frosting everywhere. I began gobbling up the cake at an inhuman rate, scarfing it down like it was water, and all the while grunting.

“Oink! Oink!”

“Oh my,” said the woman, “you are so greedy! Such a fat, greedy pig!”

“Oink! Oink!”

“That’s it,” she said, stroking her long fingernails against my ever-expanding abdomen, “keep eating, fatso! It’s all for you!”

When the cake was all gone, I leaned back in the great golden throne that now seemed to be straining under my overwhelming weight, rubbing my giant belly, and I let out another great big belch.


“Have you had enough now?” asked the woman in a cool-sounding tone.

“Yes, ma’am — *hiccup!*”

“Are you sure?” she asked. “The sign outside says ‘All you can eat.’ Have you really eaten all that you can — or do you think you have room for more?”
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