Attack of the blobwoman

chapter 2: the blob strikes

As Carole reached her apartment building and parked her car, the blob in the lunch container was the only thing on her mind. She made her way straight up to her apartment, not stopping for anyone or anything. Once inside, she locked the door and sealed the windows. She was feeling very excited and giddy at the jelly substance in the container, and she could think of nothing else.

Firstly, Carole decided to compose herself by having a relaxing shower. She took the blob of goo into the bathroom with her just in case it ran amok and caused havoc in one of her other rooms while unsupervised.

“I wonder if the discovery of this strange goo was influenced by the wish I made” Carole thought to herself as she showered. “It’s plausible but surely nothing more than circumstance as I just happened to be in that place at that moment”

Once out of the shower she looked at the blob again and realised it was quite similar to the one she’d watched in a Simpson’s Halloween episode. Carole’s heart beat a little faster at this thought, and she was wondering if this goo could potentially do for her now what it had done to Homer there. Carole then put her Pyjamas on, a plain red top with some white shorts and spent the next half an hour just studying the Blob’s behaviour. It hadn’t moved out of the container in that time, but it was moving eagerly like it was trying to tell her something. Carole felt like it was trying to tell her something so maybe speaking to it about her woes would help her.

“Oh strange blob life form you have no idea how difficult my life is. All I’ve ever wanted in my life was to have some form of success and I’ve always felt impeded by so many stupid and arrogant people getting in my way”

“Well now I’ve found you those days are over”. Whatever amazing science you’ve brought here I am determined to create something that will make me something greater in this world. You relax in that container tonight my slimy ally because I will have great uses for you”

And with that speech Carole decided it was time for bed. As she lay her head down on the pillow she drifted off into her dreams of showing everyone her discovery

Although it couldn’t talk the blob had grown fond of Carole for rescuing it from its crash site and while she had been ranting about her dreams of becoming something more and ruling the world, the blob had just sat there watching her behaviour and listening to her words and the more it heard the more interested it became in Carole who didn’t know that the alien life form had actually come to earth to try and achieve this very goal and having listened to everything she had to say, it had made up its mind.

“You my dear are very ambitious and will make a great partner”. What you don’t realise is that i have plenty of uses for you too” it thought to itself

The alien goo decided it was time to strike so it bashed against the container repeatedly until it finally fell to the floor. As it did so the lid broke off and the blob was free to move around. Luckily, Carole was snoring so loudly, so she didn’t hear anything it was doing. It then proceeded into the bedroom.

The blob slithered its way across Carole’s bed all while making sure it didn’t touch her body as the cold feeling would surely wake her up. It made its way up to her mouth and it was a wise choice as Carole not only snored loudly but also with her mouth wide open. The blob waited for the opportunity and jumped into the wide hole presented to it. The blob had done it, it had got itself inside Carole’s body.

The blob flew down the neck and windpipe, passed by the rib cage protecting the heart and didn’t stop until it reached Carole’s stomach. It then merged itself into the stomach acids and became a part of Carole’s very DNA. This meant that it took on her persona and could feel everything that she did. In its actions it felt that this was going to be a deadly combination.

As the clock struck midnight the blob was ready. Carole’s stomach suddenly grumbled loudly, and her eyes shot open wide eyed and hungry…
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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SpecFicScribe 2 years
I like the premise, but the pacing could be improved. This first chapter feels like it could be greatly condensed, there's a lot of fluff before we reach the actual meat of the story.
FilmFetishist 2 years
I absolutely love the passion and dedication behind this story, seeing anything slime related on a site dedicated to fat and weight gain is a blessing to me.