Attack of the blobwoman

chapter 4: an evil within us

Despite the increased ballast slowing her down, Carole had made it out of her apartment building with little problem. Helped further by the fact that because it was 2 in the morning, no one was up to see her. It was only when she got out that she discovered more changes to her body.

As well as her plumper build Carole had also gained a bit of height as the blob dissolved the food in her body. She was now well into the 6-foot range, and it wouldn’t be long before she got into the 7’s. All of this continued to fuel Carole’s happiness, and she was going to savour every second of eating and transforming while she could.

“Got any ideas about where we’ll find some food?” Asked the blob

“As a matter of fact I do”. “There’s a massive food court just 10 minutes down the street which is home to some of the biggest food supplies in the city”

“Then what are we waiting for? Our need to consume grows with every bite, To the food court”

And with that Carole put her feet in motion and lumbered into action. Each step she took was more like a stomp because her body had almost taken the shape of a bowling ball with limbs, and she had her arms stretched out to keep balance and avoid toppling over. She let out a grunt with each stomp and it wasn’t long before she started feeling tired.

“I’ll take over for a bit” The blob offered as it sensed it’s host feeling the strain. “You direct where I’m going”.

“You’re a real help, I’m still getting used to my new timber” “just keep walking straight for now” Carole assured her friend.

As they made their way further down the street, a bright light suddenly caught Carole’s eye.

“It’s a newsagents shop, that building contains all sorts of food”. “Let’s make a stop in here before we attack the food court”.

“Sounds good to me Caz”

Just about squeezing her monstrous girth through the tiny door, Carole saw that there was no one at the counter or indeed in the shop at all.

“Quick no one’s around, let’s get eating”

Carole tore her way through the aisle which contained big bars of Cadbury’s chocolate as well as the bags of sweets such as Haribo. As her need for food grew stronger, she was feeling frustrated that she couldn’t fit more stuff inside her mouth and speed up the process.

As she grabbed another large Cadbury bar, she tried to fit the whole thing into her mouth. She pushed as hard as she could when suddenly it fit perfectly in one go. Carole’s eyes rolled down to her mouth and she almost screamed as it had stretched wide and long enough for the bar to achieve this.

“What happened here?”

“Oh come on Caz do you really think I don’t listen to what you’re thinking?” The blob retorted

“You wanted to fit more food in your mouth, so I granted your wish”. You could fit a whole watermelon inside because the stretchiness extends to your neck and windpipe”

Carole decided to try it with an ordinary melon, and it worked exactly how the blob had arranged it. She was just about to do it again when a loud voice froze her in her tracks

“HEY YOU!!!”

It was the shopkeeper. An angry bald man who was around Carole’s original height of 5,7. His eyes were gleaming with fury at the mess she had caused to his shop which was now littered with chocolate and sweet wrappers as well as half-drunk bottles of pop.

“What have you done to my shop!!?”

“Err, I was hungry, me and my friend were hunting for food”

“You know what I don’t care what the reason is, I’m calling the police”

Just as he was about to pick up the phone however the shopkeeper looked at her again in a puzzled manner

“You and your friend?, “I only see one of you, where’s the other one hiding?

“Would you like to meet her?”

“Yes because she’ll be going to jail with you”

“Ok friend it’s time for you to come out now” Carole smirked

And to the shopkeepers horror her eyes turned into the pupil less glowing green that indicated that the blob was now in charge

“Hello handsome” it laughed evilly. “Let’s have some fun”

Using its monstrous arms the possessed Carole grabbed the shopkeeper and smothered him until he was blue in the face. The man screamed and tried to run but he was stuck to Carole’s stomach as her entire body was getting increasingly more gelatinous. He tried to snap the braces on Carole’s pants in hope the elastic would hit her in the eye but it was useless

“Tug them all you want, their extra stretchy and can’t be snapped”

Then Carole sucked her stomach in before exhaling and the extra rubber bounced into the shopkeeper and sent him flying across the room.

As he lay on the ground, Carole approached him and his face was paralysed with fear.

“What are you?”

With one eye now normal and the other still glowing green the 2 entities cried simultaneously…


And she picked him up, stretched her mouth out and started to force him down her throat. His screams of terror and mercy fell on deaf ears. Carole put both hands on his head and the weight of them crushed his skull rendering his last moments motionless as she forced him inside and ingested him.


Carole then noticed that the whole thing had been caught on CCTV. She wanted to keep her new body away from the police as long as possible. She stood eyeball to eyeball with the camera and smooched the camera lens with her big red lips. Then she chewed the camera up using her metallic like teeth and left it crumpled in a heap in the corner before popping herself out of the door.

As soon as she got outside Carole suddenly felt a tingling throughout her body. The blob had just finished processing what she’d eaten in the corner shop and turned it into fat which meant only one thing. Carole started expanding in size and girth again. Her height pushed into the top end of 7 foot and was pushing 8 feet. Her belly continued to grow bigger and was getting softer thanks to the gelatinous life form inside her. Suddenly her expanding feet bust out of her shoes like a knife through butter revealing her shiny red toenails and the back of her blazer split open forcing her to take it off. When the expansion stopped Carole looked at herself and felt less like a human and more like a waterbed because she was jiggling everywhere.

“HA HA HA HA What amazing power”

“It feels good doesn’t it Caz?”. “Your almost ready to conquer the planet but first I believe we have a food court to ravage”

Getting back onto the Main Street Carole realised she was now big enough to walk on the road without taking damage from a car and she suspected that this wasn’t her final form yet either. The remainder of the journey was just as frightening as Carole caught and ate an actual Cat as well as sucking up a whole flock of pigeons which were fighting over scraps of bread. All the while the blob pumped her body with artificial pleasure to reward her for the good job she was doing.

Eventually they reached their destination: Happy go lucky food court which was a huge rectangle complex with a big smiling emoji as the sign on top. Carole squeezed her way through the doors and went inside….
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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SpecFicScribe 2 years
I like the premise, but the pacing could be improved. This first chapter feels like it could be greatly condensed, there's a lot of fluff before we reach the actual meat of the story.
FilmFetishist 2 years
I absolutely love the passion and dedication behind this story, seeing anything slime related on a site dedicated to fat and weight gain is a blessing to me.