Attack of the blobwoman

chapter 6: the monster is born

Carole was just about to reach the last couple of cakes that were on the highest shelf when she suddenly felt a strange and slightly painful sensation from her stomach downwards. It was like her organs were dissipating inside of her and her lower physical structure was collapsing. Before she knew it Carole suddenly felt like she was shrinking because the top shelf seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. She looked down and saw that her feet and legs were melting away into a pool of sludge and her lovely bubble butt was deflating too. Eventually it stopped at her round dome of a stomach leaving Carole sitting on the floor like some overstuffed beanbag

“What’s happening to me!!?” Carole cried in a state of panic

“Calm down” the blob assured her “this is all just part of the final stage”

“What final stage?”

“I’m afraid the time has come where I can no longer help you”. I am being fully absorbed by your body and you are going to take over from me”

“No… you…can’t mean…. what I think you mean”

But before Carole could say anymore, she suddenly felt herself stretching higher and wider until her head crashed through the ceiling. She then felt the same sharp pain in her torso like her rib cage, heart and spine were all just melting away. Her skin was now close to breaking point, and Carole knew it wasn’t long before her old human life would be no more.

“I guess this is goodbye”. “I’m so grateful that I found you and I can’t thank you enough for changing my life for the better” Carole said almost tearfully

“It was my pleasure, thank you for giving me the platform to achieve our dream”. “Now go out there and finish what we started”. “Farewell Carole” came the reply

Then 2 seconds later there was a mighty POP and Carole Williams was no more. Not in the flesh anyway...

Carole realised she was still alive, and she was still feeling hungry. She opened her eyes to discover that she was now a 15-foot tall, 1000-pound blob of light green jelly. The stretching she had felt was her gaining her size and width while her organs and skeleton had been dissolved to make her living tissue out of jelly. The bursting of her skin finally created the mould.

“This feels so incredible, I can do whatever I want like this” Carole said excitedly

She gazed around the remains of the cake shop and saw her old human skin splattered across the walls. Then she noticed an incredible sight developing next to her. The main reception desk was pressing against her new blob like form before it was then sucked into the gelatinous mass and assimilated. Another huge grin spread across Carole’s face, and she made her vow

“I will make you proud slimy, I will take over this planet, people will scream and run from me, but they won’t escape my wrath, they won’t refer to me as Carole Williams, they will instead refer to me as….

6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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SpecFicScribe 2 years
I like the premise, but the pacing could be improved. This first chapter feels like it could be greatly condensed, there's a lot of fluff before we reach the actual meat of the story.
FilmFetishist 2 years
I absolutely love the passion and dedication behind this story, seeing anything slime related on a site dedicated to fat and weight gain is a blessing to me.