Katrina's just desserts

chapter 2: playing with the pig

As Kat was being stuffed she became increasingly aware of that her ass was squishing her into the chair trapping her in it as she continued to grow larger. Her hands picked up a plate of Chinese food and a fork they proceeded to begin shoveling it into her mouth as she did she could feel the cellulite accumulating on her ass. her now ripped pants sliding down further reveling the top half of her expanding rear to the world along with a pair of pink lacy panties that had since turned into a thong her ass was now filling most of the chair her thighs starting to touch the sides of it to wedge her in a tear rolled down her face as she realized that she now was bigger than the girl that she had picked on earlier. She cheeks bulging and bits of noodle sticking out of her force full luscious lips. Her eyes glanced down at herself her shirt was now grease stained and filthy covered in a mix of tomato and soy sauces. her breast which her shirt barely covered now had swelled to magnificent sizes acting as a catch for all the food that didn’t make it to her mouth, but it was her belly that truly was the jewel, sticking out loud and proud tight and taut covering nearly all the way to her knees with its size it was a sight to see. Presently Kat heard another sound, of metal creaking
Lilly started to giggle. “don’t worry piggy once you break out of that chair of yours then the fun can really begin” Kat’s butt continued to expand along with the rest of her but her ass gave her the most trouble due to the pressure as it tightened itself farther into the chair Kat could feel the chair legs start to bend moments before It finally collapse under her weight, she fell to the floor with a loud crash that quickly got the attention of everyone in the food court Kat’s cheeks were on fire as people starts to come over to see what the noise was, the only good thing was that she seemed to have control over her arms again as they were no longer trying to shove food down her throat. She started to struggle to get to her feet her muscles were not yet used to this much weigh on her person and quickly were fatigued. Kat soon found another problem her ass was still stuck inside the chair and it was now acting like a ball and chain preventing her from rising Vana and April walked over along with several other people they formed a tight circle around Kat watching her struggle
“Kat what happen?” April asked “and how did you get so…” she pinched a roll of blubber on Kats belly watching it with curiosity as it jiggled “fat?”
“It was that little brat named Lilly that was sitting next to me! She made eat and eat and eat turning me into this fat hog” Kat sobbed
What are you talking about was nobody sitting with you just the three of us, you got up, got all that food April and I though you must have been really hungry so we just let you eat but there was no one there” Vana interjected
What are you talking about you bimbo! She is standing right next to you! Kat cried pointing at Lilly who was leaning on April’s shoulder Lilly giggled again
“Silly bitch you’re the only one that can see me” with that she leaned over to Vana and whispered something into her ear Vana’s eyes glazed over that quickly changed to anger
“That is it! I am sick of you always berating me just because I’m not a total prude like you! Vana raged she picked up a bit of cake from Kat’s tray that still held a large amount of food “it’s time someone gave you your just desserts” with that she took the cake and shoved it into Kat’s mouth April looked on in shock for a moment but ever a follower she grabbed food and started to shove into Kat’s moth as well. She could feel the weight piling on her ass again as her two best friends started shoving food into her mouth. Her ass was growing again slowly filling the chair as she felt herself raise up higher and more pressure was placed on her hips and thighs as they tried to break the side of the chair she tried to wave them off but her arms were too slow to put up much of a fight all she could do was moan as she grew her belly on it trip down to her knees in her current sitting position. Then she her the tearing of screws from metal and a slight release of pressure her thigh has finally broken the arms of the chair bending them out of the way as she grew larger still. After a great deal of struggling Vana’s fire burned down and she backed off.
Kat sat on the remains of her chair surrounded by the debris. Her lips cheeks and shirt all slathered in various sauces lard and grease adding to her now overly tight belly shirt and ripping jeans she looked exactly like as she always feared like a hog. She guess that she weigh 300 pounds from her former 120 She had to get out of here, she rocked herself off of her ass and onto her hands and knees and was starting to get up when she felt a slap on her ass making it jiggle a bit, then with a rip her skin tight paints ripped right along her butt crack.
Kat blushed a bright red then heard a giggle behind her she turned around and saw Lilly siting on her ass she played with the rip in her pant “What? No tail piggy? She jumped off and looked Kat full in the face “Not so much fun when it’s you huh fatso?”
Tears streamed down Kat’s face “please please she blubbered I’ll be good! I promise just make it stop”
“Stop? But we have only just begun the fun! You have a lot more to pay for then just that one girl you hurt. Which reminds me…” she trailed off then let out a loud Moooo that grew steadily louder than as Kat got shakily to her feet her legs straining all the new weigh on her body. As she steadied herself she saw she was surrounded by people, in a tight circle with no way to escape and no way that she could turn that didn’t expose her ripped pants she reached her arms around to try and cover it but was astonished that her arms didn’t reach the rip but instead drew lazy circle on her ass. Some of the men in the circle laughed at her others joined Vana in mooing. One came over with a donut that he shoved into her mouth with such force she nearly fell back to the ground
“What’s a matter? Don’t like the food fatty? Taunted Lilly from her comfortable seat on Kat’s ass
“I’m not fat, I swear I’m skinny!” cried Kat
“That’s not what your big fat ass says” Lilly teased giggle as she patted Kat’s impressive rear end Kat tried to get the girl off of her butt but she was both too slow and too big to either reach her with her arms or to gather enough momentum to throw her off. Eventfully Lilly hopped of herself she jumped into the air again and pulled out her sticks she moved Kat’s hands all over her body doing the equivalent of a strip tease showing off her fat body “ come on Kat” Lilly taunted “we all know that’s a lie you’re a fat girl and you are proud of it that’s why your showing yourself off for all of these people” and that’s what Lilly made Kat do pinching a roll of fat or lifting her belly for the shock of the on lookers. All Kat could do was whimper at the size of the roll she pitched and the weight of her belly as she lifted it as she ran her hand along her ass she could feel all of the cellulite jiggle it horrified her to no end.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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