Thanksgiving at grandma's

chapter 2: will power

The next morning Lauren did not go for her daily run or her 30 minute fat burning ab workout. Instead she was sprawled out in her bed at 11:30 in the morning, fast asleep. After her binge the previous night Lauren had stripped out of her tight fitting jeans and top, throwing them on the floor next to her packed suit cases before promptly falling into a food coma. "Lauren, breakfast!" Her mom yelled from downstairs, loud enough for everybody to hear. The irresistible aroma of waffles and bacon had wafted its way into her room, and Lauren could feel her stomach begin to growl. She turned over in bed not wanting to get up. 'How can I be hungry after last night' she thought. Nevertheless the thought of a delicious breakfast cooked by her grandma was just too appetizing, and Lauren soon forced herself out from under her covers. Wearing nothing but her under wear she caught a glimpse herself in the mirror. Lauren flexed her stomach, admiring the definition she had worked so hard to achieve; there was no sign of her food baby from the night before. 'I'll be back in the gym in no time' she reassured herself as she grabbed a pair of pj's and a baggy sweatshirt off the ground. 'And besides, two meals won't kill me.'

Lauren's grandma was a loving woman. She was from the south, and was the epitome of southern hospilitality. After seeing her granddaughter skinny as a stick for the first time she made sure she was going to keep her well-fed. When Lauren finally came down from her room around noon - wearing her loose fitting pj's and baggy sweatshirt- an already loaded plate was waiting for her at the table. "Thanks grandmom, I'm starving" Lauren said while taking her seat. Her food looked worthy of a TV commercial for Perkins. A waffle with a generous amount of syrup and a nice little cube of butter, a side of crispy bacon, and some savory potatoes now sat in front of her. Lauren was quick to dig in, moaning in delight at her first bite. Imagin forgetting what breakfast food tasted like. She was in absolute heaven, with any thoughts of her diet or fitting into a size 2 miles away from her head. Lauren's Grandma watched happily as her granddaughter ate with joy, taking bite after bite. It was then Lauren's mom walked in. "Hey mom" Lauren said with a mouthful of food, "What times the flight?" Her mom walked over to the coffee machine. "Bad news" she answered "flight was delayed. Were stuck here till the snow storms gone." Lauren was heartbroken at the news. How could she be stuck here? There was literally nothing to do already not to mention if there were about to be snowed in. Upset at the idea, she groaned and took another bite of her waffle. It was just then she realized they weren't making it to the hotel by tonight, which meant no gym until further notice. Lauren slowly reared her head down, catching a glance at her stomach. She could feel her once loose fitting pj's stretching at the waist. Her hands and mouth were sticky with syrup. A twinge of guilt came over her. Once again Lauren had pigged out, and she felt gross.

Later in the day and Lauren found herself back in her room, lounging around in her bed and watching the snow start to fall. With nothing else to do she spent her time messaging her boyfriend, Jason. She had such a huge crush on him - one that she had had since elementary school - and was still in awe to be dating him. It was actually their 6 month anniversary that day and Lauren had been surfing through her gallery to find the right photo to post on instragram. She found one of them looking cute together on the beach. Lauren was so proud to see how fit she looked in her little black bikini, and how good her boyfriend looked. She promised herself she would look that good again at the hotel pool. Even Lauren was loyal to Jason, she loved the feeling of other guys checking her out

"Are you sure you don't want any desert?" Asked her grandma for a second time. Once again Lauren turned her down. Having shown some restraint at dinner time she was still hungry, though. Lauren's mouth salivated every time she caught a glimpse of her grandma's brownies sitting a few feet away from her. Not to mention the pumpkin pie and the chocolate chip cookies. It took every bit of Lauren's will power to not just say screw it and indulge as her mom and relatives all ate their fill. She had thought about doing so many times, but quickly reminded herself of her little black bikini and how she desperately wanted to fit into it. Lauren instead put her focus into listening to her drunk relatives talk, which was always a fun thing and the only thing she could do to take her mind off the food. Seeing as how everybody was snowed in Lauren wasn't at all surprised to see her family go all out on the wine tonight; it was the only way for them to entertain themselves. Things took an interesting turn when her mom (who was especially drunk at this point) poured Lauren her own glass. She wasn't much of a drinker but decided what the heck. Over the next hour one glass turned into two and two into three. For the first time ever she was drunk at a family gathering. As her inhibitions dropped so did her will power. Soon after her first glass Lauren found herself sneaking what she promised herself would be her only chocolate chip cookie. Not long after she grabbed another before moving on to the brownies. Being drunk only added to Lauren's hunger, and by the end of the night she had failed in her mission to not over indulge. She felt bloated and sick in the stomach after drinking so much wine and eating so much sugar.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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