Trivia night!

Chapter 2 - part 2/2

6 more cycles have passed since then. With 4 turns per cycle, that's 24 turns. That means, between the two girls, they've consumed 120 menu items since then. Almost everyone in the diner is staring now. Angela is only barely shorter than Megan now, and both of them are taller than any human has ever been. But more importantly, they've become really, really, really fat. They've both outgrown their shirts, their fat bellies laying atop the table, soft jiggly flesh exposed to the world. Their tummies stick out so far, now, that only a few millimeters separate them from smushing against each other from opposite ends of the table. Unlike their shirts, though, their bras are still holding on, despite their boobs being absolutely massive now.

"Okay, what's the largest city in Washington?" asks Victor. "SEATTLE!" both girls reply simultaneously. "That's correct!" "Huh, I guess that means we both win," Angela says, tilting her head down so she can look Zack in the eyes, "I guess you're buying for both of us." He blushes. "[MMMH] Worksh for me!," Megan says, "either way, I'm getting 5 more steak supremes!"

Just then, Victor falls out of the booth. His girlfriend's butt has literally grown so massive it knocked him out of his seat, now filling up the entirety of their half of the booth. As he lays on the floor, he notices the table's legs aren't touching the ground anymore. Both ladies' thighs are so huge now that they can't help but lift the table. "You're so clumsy," Megan teases him, "C'mon, get back up here!" He climbs atop Megan's fat thigh and sits on it, situated right next to her fat, fat belly.

Zack, realizing he's soon to meet the same fate with his own girlfriend and her widening butt, climbs atop Angela's thighs. As he sits, the seam on the side of her pants rips open, exposing soft thigh flesh. She pays no mind to this, though, and keeps on eating.

"Alright," Zack says, "what social media platform has the most active users?" "Oh, I know this one, it's--" Victor is quickly interrupted by his huge girlfriend, as she literally slaps a hand over his mouth, "YouTube!". "Why'd you interrupt me? You'd get the food either way!" "I know. But this way I don't have to pay for it." "Except you got it wrong," Zack says, snidely. "Ha! Looks you do have to pay after all! Cuz the correct answer is Twitter!" Victor answers. "Nope!" "What?" Victor asks, surprised. "You guys are dopes," Angela says, "It's Facebook". "Yup!" Zack finally says. "What?" Victor asks incredulously. "Who still uses Facebook?" Megan agrees. "Doesn't matter! I win!" Angela gloats, "and I'll be ordering 5 chicken taco supremes!"

Both girls' bellies are now touching.

10 rotations later...

Pretty much everyone else in the diner has left. Likely due to the presence of two unfathomably obese women clothed only in their bras and panties. They were wearing pants, but they've since been ripped to shreds by their fat, fat, fat butts. Their asses are overflowing over the sides of their seats. Their bellies cover up the entire table and then some. At this point, not only do their bellies touch, but even their boobs touch. Their bellies are bigger, of course, but the booth has them tightly pressed together into a fat girl sandwich. To the point their back fat is overflowing over their chairs and their belly fat is forcefully being pushed to the sides in an effort to compete for space.

"Next question," Angela reads, her double chin quivering in the process, "Who played the genie in Disney's animated Aladdin?" "Robbin Williams!", replies Victor. "Correct!" "YES!" Megan exclaims, "Alright, he'll be ordering 10 racks of ribs with extra barbecue sauce!" That's right, they've moved up from 5 menu items to 10. "That actually sounds really good, I'll get the same thing." Angela says, licking her lips in anticipation. "But you didn't answer," her boyfriend argues, chuckling. "I know. I'll pay for this one with my own money." "Fair enough," Zack says.

The waitress wheels over 20 racks of ribs, and sets them atop the girls' giant, jiggling bellies. Apparently, that was the straw to break the camel's back, as both booths finally collapse under the weight of the two gargantuan women sitting atop them. As they come crashing to the ground, their bellies do too, and the net torque causes the table to snap in half between their thighs and bellies. This also damages the structural integrity of the two neighboring booths, causing them to give way as well. And with that, Hooke's law finally takes place and forces the two women to swiftly spring away from each other, disbanding the fat girl sandwich. By some miracle, though, all the plates survived.

"Ah, that feels better," Megan lets out a sigh of relief, her belly no longer being squeezed under immense pressure. "Don't worry, we'll pay for that!" Angela reassures the waitress. "Well, next question I guess," Megan says, "You've been playing for--oh, the app's telling us we've been playing for 4 hours." "Wow, has it really been that long?" Angela asks, making quick work of her first thing of ribs. "Well, we do have work tomorrow, do you think maybe we should start wrapping things up?" Victor asks. "WHAT?!" Both girls exclaim, the looks on their faces comparable to that of someone who just lost their job. "That's not fair! We agreed to stop once everyone was full. And I'm not even close to full," Megan protests, patting her huge belly for emphasis, causing a shockwave to ripple across it.

"Okay, fine," Angela says, "if you wanna go home so bad, how about this? Lightning round! We increase the size to 20 menu items. Then, after 4 rounds, to 30. Then, after another 4 rounds, 40. And so on until everybody finally gets full." "I like the way you think," Megan says, reaching for an attempted high five. Unfortunately, there's way too much belly fat between them for a high five to be possible.


"Hey, what the hell! This is only like 40 plates!" Megan complains to the waitress. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but we're all out of food." the tired worker responds, climbing down the ladder that's situated on Megan's belly. At this point, the girls practically fill the establishment on their own. Megan's butt is squished against the back wall, while Angela's is squished against the front wall. Their heads are inches away from the ceiling. Their boobs are more than twice the size of the table they once sat at. Their bellies are just inches away from touching the wall opposite to the booth, making the waitress's journey down all the more precarious. And both girls are both gobbling up their food like pigs.

"Well, I guess that's the game, then," Megan says, just a hint of sadness in her tone. "It looks like Angela won," Victor says, looking at the scores as he sits atop his girlfriend's gargantuan belly, "with Megan close to her in second place." Looking at both girls, that makes sense. They're both about equally as big, but Angela was much smaller than Megan to begin with. "Hmph," Meg says, "you just wait till next time! I'm gonna whoop your butt at this game!"

The four friends proceed to pay the extremely sizable bill. The girls then proceed to stand up, inadvertently crashing through the ceiling as they do so. As Megan turns slightly to the side, her mammoth sized belly crashes through the wall. Again, on accident, but it's probably for the best, as there's pretty much no other way these girls could've exited the building.

Megan and Angela waddle through their makeshift doorway, inadvertently making the hole even bigger as they try to get through. As they walk out, their every footstep causes the earth to shake beneath them. Several car alarms go off in response to the thuds. Megan looks at her scare-roused boyfriend, taking strong notice of the aroused part. She pulls him close, "Psst," she whispers in his ear, "between you and me, I'm pretty horny, too. What do you say the moment we get back to the apartment, we--" He didn't catch the rest of what she said, over the sound of Angela accidentally knocking over a lamppost, but he could infer from context.

Victor doesn't respond. He's not even sure how Megan could possibly get back in their apartment. There's no way she could fit in the elevator, and she's too wide for the stairway. Hell, she can't even get through the lobby entrance. He's still having trouble figuring out how she even got to her feet!

"You're right," she responds to his silence, "it can't wait that long! Let's do it in an alley!"

The End.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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CorvaxsComputer 1 year
Norway is not in Scandinavia. Denmark is the third Scandinavian country. Norway is a member of the Nordic countries, of which there are five.