Welcome to the family

Chapter 3 - slippery slope

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The next week at work passed quickly. Brianna and Jason were so busy getting acquainted to their new offices and responsibilities that neither one had very much time to do anything. Since Sunday dinner, Brianna had felt her appetite couldn't be quelled so easily. She was thinking about all of that delicious food all week, and had spent her lunch breaks at a work trying out nearby restaurants, as well as her evenings – most of which were alone as Jason worked late, getting acquainted with the many delicious restaurants near their apartment. She had been overeating a bit and was feeling hungrier than usual. She hadn't settled on where she wanted to work out since her gym chain from the west coast wasn't nearby anymore, so she decided to spend her down time that week relaxing and stuffing her face – she'd get back on track with everything next week.
Sunday came around, and it was more of the same – a gigantic spread laid out on the table, Brianna's plate filled to the brim for her to her dismay, and the same insistence from her mother in law to be that she clear her plate. At the end of it all this week they had a very rich tiramisu which melted in her mouth and which she surprised herself by going back for seconds on – something which raised an eyebrow with Adrianna, who dutifully sliced her another piece with a smile. She felt bloated, but not sick this time – sleepy still, after an hour or two digesting, she and Jason returned back to their apartment where she passed out.
The week after that, she broke her promise to herself and couldn't muster the energy in the evenings after work to figure out her gym situation. “That's okay...” she thought to herself “there's always next week”. She continued sampling the local cuisine, and continued to almost subconsciously expand the amount of food she was ordering. If she was trying a new pizza place, well how could she get a feel for it off just their pizza? She had to see if their subs were any good also. If she was trying a new Chinese place, why order just one dinner when she could sample a couple and see if they cover a good range? Burger and fries place? Nice, but how were their milkshakes? By this logic Brianna began to overeat at every meal. By Friday, after essentially two straight weeks of stuffing herself at every meal, she noticed that her bra was digging into her a bit harder than usual. Her jeans felt a little snug in the thighs and waist.
In a slight panic, she stepped on the scale. 142.9 pounds. She had been somewhere around 135 before they left L.A. In just two weeks, she had managed to gain almost 8 pounds. That was a huge amount of weight for her in such a short span of time. “Fuck” she said to herself. “I shouldn't be surprised, I've been eating like a hog...” she said aloud.
She resolved to go cold turkey. This was just like when she had spiked up to 168, she would correct hard. On Monday she'd go out and find a gym finally, and for the next 24 hours she would fast...right after she had dinner that Friday night. It was already late and she was very hungry, what would one more day of eating like a fat girl hurt? In fact, it would be like a last hurrah – a send off. Jason wouldn't be home again until after 11 or so. She ordered herself two large pizzas, a 12 inch sub, and onion rings from the pizza place that had become her favorite so far in the past two weeks. As if she were at a Sunday dinner, she began scarfing the food down when it arrived. She ate voraciously, like a hungry wild animal. At one point she felt like slowing down, and said out loud to herself with a chuckle “now Brianna, you're skin and bones, c'mon and finish the sub, you've got more pizza to eat after that!”
Jason walked into his apartment later than expected – about midnight. As his new job put him in charge of operations for some major NYC restaurants, he had spent the last week observing and commenting on the function of several different businesses during their peak week night hours. He was exhausted from a full day, tossing his suit jacket in the front hall closet. As he made his way towards the kitchen and living room, he noticed several food containers strewn about messily. Then he saw his bloated fiancee. Brianna had fallen asleep laying on the couch in just her bra and panties. Two empty boxes of pizza, an empty sub container, and another empty container stained with grease littered the room around her. Her belly was distended and she had passed out cradling it with one hand.
“Man...” he said to himself. “They're really doing a number on you...”
Saturday came, and Brianna awoke in a stupor on the couch with a delicious scent in the air. Jason had cleaned up her mess, and it was almost noon she had slept so long. She felt a little bit embarrassed that he walked in to see how much she had stuffed herself. From the nearby kitchen she could hear the sound of something being fried, and her mouth immediately began to water.
She stood up from the couch and stumbled into the kitchen to find Jason hard at work on a rather large brunch.
“Hey there!” he said cheerfully. “Glad to see you're finally up, sunshine!”
“Hey, yeah I guess I slept pretty hard...” Brianna answered, staring deeply at a pan of sizzling bacon, a plate of steaming scrambled eggs, and the best of all – a giant plate piled with French toast.
“Is all of that for you?” she asked rhetorically – since it obviously wasn't.
“Hah, no – it's mostly for you, I figured you must have been up late, and you might wake up with a bit of an appetite today.” Jason said.
Brianna suddenly remembered regretfully her proclamation of the day before. The 142, almost 143 pounds. Her last hurrah feast. Fasting all weekend and finding a gym. Her stomach rumbled, urging her onward. She didn't want to upset Jason after he went to the trouble of cooking such a delicious looking breakfast. She also was nervous about her increasing weight, and even mentioning to her fiancee that she was planning on dieting. Hell, she didn’t want to admit that she had experienced a weight problem before. She felt it played into stereotypes about women getting fat after marriage and it might give him some reservations. Without too much difficulty she had convinced herself that it would probably be easiest to eat the breakfast and join a gym in secret. “Fasting might have to wait” she thought.
Brianna sat down at the table and waited for Jason to bring the food. It looked great – she didn't realize what a good cook he really was, since she had done a lot of cooking out in L.A. Before she knew it, she began eating greedily again. Her pace quickened, her bites got larger, the chewing got shorter, her breathing got heavier. Jason watched in astonishment as his fiancee, who had just stuffed herself silly the night before, shoveled the food he had made into her face like she was a starving castaway on a desert island. She finished 3 slices of French toast, then grabbed another three, then another three. Crunchy bacon slices disappeared past her lips inbetween. She likely didn't realize but she ate a full pack of bacon, an entire loaf of bread, and half a dozen eggs before she shook herself out of her trance.
“Aren't you going to eat any?” she said to Jason, who was sitting next to her with an empty plate just watching.
“I was thinking about it, but then you ate it all!” he chuckled.
Brianna's face started turning deep red again. In a frenzy she realized that she had eaten the entire breakfast herself. She had made a pig of herself in front of Jason. She felt an incredible amount of embarrassment.
“I...I...I'm so sorry Jason, I didn't mean t-” she began
“No, no don't worry at all babe, I made it for you and I'm glad you enjoyed it” he smiled, reaching out for her hand.
“I've just been getting so hungry lately, everything here is so delicious...do you think I'm overdoing it?” she asked.
“Not really, I think it's good – I want you to enjoy yourself, it's a big adjustment coming to New York for the first time, so I'm glad that you're taking to all the great local food so well.” he said, skirting the subtext of their conversation.
Brianna felt a little better at least. Jason seemed to give her some encouragement to enjoy herself a bit. She was still resolute – she was definitely going to get back to the gym on Monday, but she supposed there wasn't any harm in enjoying herself until then. For the first time in the past two weeks, Jason and Brianna managed to spend the day together. They went to see some of the local sights she hadn't had a chance to visit already, and he took her to one of the restaurants he oversaw where she again made a total pig of herself dining on gourmet food. She went home and napped a couple of hours afterwards and woke up starving – ready for dinner.
Jason said he had a favorite place nearby for burgers and ice cream – Brianna had already been there three times in the past week, but didn't want to spoil his fun “introducing” her to one of his spots in their neighborhood. She ordered two burgers, a large fry, a large soda, and a large vanilla shake. After downing all of that food, she was shocked to find that she still had room for some more. Jason had been enjoying the spectacle and wasn't super hungry to begin with. He offered Brianna half of his burger and fries which she accepted with delight, devouring very quickly like she was still starved. Afterwards, they went over to one of Jason's favorite bars to get some drinks. Brianna's overindulgence spilled over into alcohol and she wound up ordering three manhattans, a cosmopolitan and a long island iced tea and guzzling them in a fairly short span of time. Though she had a ton of food sloshing around in her stomach still, and wasn't super thin anymore, the sheer amount of alcohol made it through her system rapidly and before she knew it she was fairly drunk.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself quite a bit – I think that New York suits you” he said to Brianna, grinning from ear to ear.
“I have to admit, at first I was pretty nervous about it all...but I love it here. I love all the food, I love your family, and I love YOU!” she said with a drunken cackle at herself.
Jason helped his fiancee stumble home and she waddled her bloated form inside their apartment plopping herself down on the couch and flipping on the TV. It was maybe 11 PM, and she picked up her phone and started fiddling with it.
“What are you up to over there?” Jason asked.
“O-Ordering myself some food.” she responded, dropping her phone on her distended belly.
Jason concealed the smile spreading across his face. “Food? You're still hungry?”
“Hehe – n-not really, but I'm bored” she answered with a grin.
“So you're just going to stuff your face for fun then?” he asked.
“I can't t-think of anyb-*urp*-better reason, can you?” she said, flopping her arm on the couch and smiling widely.
Jason stood up and walked over, sitting down next to his fiancee. He leaned up against her and poked at her round and hard belly.
“Looks like you've been overdoing it” he said as he started to rub her belly.
“Maybe a little...” she said coyly.
“Well I don't think it's so bad for a girl to...indulge...herself from time to time, do you?” he asked, lowering his hand towards her groin.
“h-ha, no...no I don't” she said smiling as her fiancee worked his hand underneath her panties and began rubbing her clit. The pair began breathing a bit heavier.
“Good. Because I want you to indulge yourself. I'm glad you're finally eating something, you're just skin and bones, you know” he said jokingly, slipping his fingers inside of Brianna.
Brianna let out a soft moan and began gyrating her hips ever so slightly. She leaned in and gave Jason a long and sloppy kiss before laying back down and enjoying what he was doing to her. After a few seconds she said in a breathy whisper “aren't you afraid that I'll end up getting fat though?”
Jason seized the moment of clarity.
“Bri, every woman in my life is 300 or 400 pounds. I'd think it's weird if you DIDN'T get fat” he said, shoving a second finger inside of her and intensifying his fondling.
She simply let out a clearer moan and started breathing heavier and heavier. Her gyrating got more energetic, she started to unbutton Jason's shirt, and then they heard a loud knock at their door.
“Ah fuck, the pizza!” she exclaimed hopping off the couch and straightening herself out enough to waddle to the door.
It wasn't just a pizza, it was a pizza, 6 buffalo wings with cheese sauce, and an order of mozzarella sticks. Brianna plopped on the couch and grabbed a slice out of a box. “Now....where were we?” she said, turning to Jason with a sultry look. He reached under her t-shirt and unhooked her bra, letting her tits flop out the bottom. She grabbed another slice of pizza out of the box, rested it on a plate on the arm of the couch, and lay back, spreading her legs. Jason slipped his hand back under her panties and began working her soaking wet pussy again while sliding her shirt up high enough to suck on her tits. All the while, Brianna breathed heavily, moaned softly, and shoved food in her face. She ate quickly, and when she was done she tossed the boxes aside grabbed Jason's face with both hands and in a delirium uttered “fuck me right now” to Jason, who obliged – with a grunt, now realizing her slightly elevated weight, he picked her up and walked her into the bedroom, tossing her down on the bed, ripping her clothes off and penetrating her forcefully. Jason was not like himself. It was his turn to be a bit animalistic. Rough. Brianna had never seen him like this, but couldn't help wondering where this side of her fiance had been all this time.
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Kyzarburner 2 years
Great writing!
Fluffylove 2 years
Love it please continue
Bruinsean 2 years
Great story
Obese And Gr... 2 years
You are the best.
Your stories are so hot
Jktab 2 years
Mattnagle 2 years
What a wonderful story, loved it ,thanks so much .😁🥧🍰
Mattnagle 2 years
What a wonderful story, loved it ,thanks so much .😁🥧🍰
Mental5125 2 years
Phenomenal story! Loved everything about it.
Bcain 2 years
Great stuff, love the family influence trope as well as the eventual eclipse.
Sneaks88 2 years
you are my favorite writer brotha please don’t stop the great content!!
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After a long time of wanting to hop back on and finish all of my mostly-finished yet unfinished stories, I sat down and instead wrote yet another new one (I know, I know...)