Welcome to the family

Chapter 4 - off the deep end

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Brianna woke up in another stupor, this time even later – around noon on Sunday. She had some foggy memories of the night before, but not too foggy. She remembered having some of the best sex of her life. She remembered being fondled while eating, and most importantly she remembered what Jason had said with regards to the idea of her getting fat. Did he expect her to get fat? Was he saying he'd be okay with it? Did he...want her to get fat? Staggering out of bed and walking awkwardly down the hall, she noticed a note taped to the door which read “Went out to the store and to meet a friend, will be back to go to Sunday dinner”. Next to the words “Sunday dinner” he had drawn a little caricature of a pig, which Brianna found very curious.
Somehow she was starving, but managed to summon every ounce of her willpower to not eat for the next 6 hours. This wasn't because she was starting her diet, it was so she wouldn't spoil her appetite for what was quickly becoming her favorite event of the week. She did some laundry, washed some dishes, tossed out some trash, finished some work for tomorrow, and before she knew it Jason was home to take her to Sunday dinner with his family.
Again Brianna arrived at the Costello household, again the aromas were overpowering. Again Adrianna loaded up a plate for Brianna but this time something different happened. Just shortly after Julia finished her first helping, so did Brianna.
“Bri – I'm glad to see you finally brought an appetite with you!” Lydia said, watching her future daughter in law scrape the last few morsels from her plate. “Would you like some more? I'd hate to see you go hungry...” she said, half expecting the usual protestation from Brianna.
“Yes, PLEASE!” Brianna said “everything is so delicious tonight ma, I just can't get enough of it” she said, picking up her plate and handing it to Adrianna, whose jaw was just about hitting the floor.
“Alright, she thinks she can handle it, huh?” Adrianna said to herself. She loaded Brianna's plate with an identically large helping of everything. Brianna grabbed the plate back with glee and dug straight into the food, surprising everyone with her voraciousness. April, who was normally in a trance shoveling food into her mouth during family dinners slowed down and began watching Brianna eat.
She cleared her plate, slowing down tremendously about halfway through her second helping. There was however room for dessert, which was once again cheesecake and cannoli. She filled her stomach to the bursting point with a slice of cheesecake and two cannoli. When everyone went into the other room after the meal, Brianna sat down on the couch and passed out almost immediately, snoring softly.
“Jason, I had my doubts early on – but it looks like you found a real good woman there” his mom commented.
“Yeah, I thought maybe she was going to be some stuck up skinny girl, but look at her – she's adapting to the family quite nicely” Adrianna added. Julia nodded in agreement, adding that she was impressed with how much she was scarfing down already.
“When April showed up, she didn't even start eating like that until what? Two months worth of these family dinners? Brianna's doing it after just two weeks!” Adrianna exclaimed.
“Yeah, it took me a while to come around” April chuckled, patting her enormous gut “but I've got high hopes for Brianna. I think she'll make a nice addition to the family”.
“Well I'm glad you all approve...” Jason chuckled “I wasn't so sure she'd take to it so well. As far as I can tell she's always been pretty slim, her parents are slim, her sister is a model – must weigh all of 98 pounds”
“Like I said, you found a good one – she's like a duck in water!” Lydia said.
Brianna began to stir slightly, and they changed to a safer topic.
Monday morning Brianna weighed herself. 145.4 she had put on 2 and a half pounds in 3 days. She briefly thought about the gym. Exercise. Strenuous activity. She had been having far more fun lazing on the couch and stuffing her face. Jason didn't seem to mind based on how their Saturday evening had gone. She talked herself out of it. “I was 168 before, it's not even like I'm at my fattest. I could stop if I wanted to...I'm just going to enjoy myself and let go for a little while” she said as she closed the browser tabs for local gyms, and opened her doordash app. “Now what should I order when I get home tonight?”
The week continued in a cycle. Brianna would wake up starving, she would grab some fast food on the way to work. At work she would try a new nearby restaurant for lunch – she even made friends with a hefty office “foodie” named Sarah who was taking her on the grand tour of fatty hot spots. When she arrived home she was starving. She'd order an enormous meal from a nearby takeout place, watch some netflix, and fondle herself. On the odd night where Jason made it home, she'd mindlessly stuff herself while he did the fondling. After a full month of being in NYC she weighed herself – 149 pounds. After another month, 159. The third month, 171. She rocketed past her previous high weight and showed only signs of accelerating rather than slowing down.
The thought of staying thin had been purged from her mind. The thought of exercise was revolting to her. The thought of food made her horny, and the thought of getting fatter at the minimum didn't bother her, but at the maximum had started giving her a bit of a tingle in her stomach and in her crotch when she thought about it.
Four months in New York. 185 pounds. On a Saturday Jason woke up early to start preparing Brianna's breakfast. She had only gotten more and more demanding as the months had passed and her voraciousness increased. She already ate an impressive amount for such a relatively small girl, and was turning into a bottomless pit for food.
“Bri-aaaaaaaaaa-naaaaaaaa” he called down the hall towards the bedroom. No reply.
“Breakfaaaaaast!” he shouted. “Get it while it's hot babe!”
Finally the sounds of his fiancee stirring. Then a thud as her feet hit the floor. The thump of her increasingly heavy body waddling towards the door. She emerged from the bedroom in all of her glory. She was wearing bikini panties two sizes too small that dug into her thick love handles and over which her flabby stretch-mark covered belly flopped. Her thighs pressed snugly against each other as she waddled ever so slightly, giving an extra shimmy as they broke free of each other's friction with each step. Her breasts, like her lower body – stuffed into underwear that was clearly too small. This time it was a sports bra, since none of her normal bras fit anymore. Her breast flab spilled over the sides as the elastic fabric strained to lay flat against her blubbery body. Her arms had grown fat and plump. Previously they were fairly thin and well chiseled, but they were now totally rounded on the front and back, and she was developing a minor crease around her elbow. Her face was not spared the effects of her indulgence. She was sporting a clear double chin that seemed to be spreading beyond the confines of just under the center of her jaw, connecting with some fat that was building on the sides of her cheeks as her face widened and softened. As she waddled heavily and sleepily down the hallway, her entire form jiggled slightly – up and down, side to side, circular motions, she was getting soft and blubbery.
“Hey there sexy!” Jason said, pausing his hungry woman in the hall and cradling her head for a kiss. Her neck fat had really been thickening lately, he felt the softness in his hand while his other hand groped her now sizable ass cheek.
“Hey, are those pancakes I smell?” she said, a giddy anticipation building on her face.
“Yep, and eggs, and bacon, and sausage, AND last night after you fell asleep I made you a large cheese danish casserole that I hope came out okay” Jason replied.
Brianna's eyes started almost glimmering
“You made all of that just for little ole' me?” she said playfully, shifting slightly side to side and rubbing her fat belly against Jason's growing erection.
“Well you ARE a growing girl, and I just want to keep you well fed and happy” he said with a grin, letting her waddle past him and giving her a hard slap on the ass as she did.
In the month since she passed 168, they had managed to finally gained the courage to address what was going on. Neither one had wanted to broach the topic – why are we fattening you up like a blimp and enjoying it. It had been made evident that they were both enjoying it, and the reasoning and logistics of it all didn't really matter at first. Once Brianna had eclipsed her previous high weight and knew deep down that not only did she not want to go back but she was enjoying pressing on, she felt it was important that she clear the air with Jason.
What followed was essentially a charged conversation where she admitted she had been a little bit fat before, that she found it amazingly liberating to gorge herself, and that she was beginning to enjoy how her body looked and felt the fatter she was getting. Jason confessed that the men in his family had a long history of attraction to fat women, and that any women who ever came within reaching distance of them ended up getting porky. He told her of his high school girlfriend who gained 50 pounds in a semester of dating before freaking out and breaking up with him to lose the weight. He showed her pictures of April – an unrecognizable skinny waif that Vince had met 15 years ago who his mom and sister had immediately taken on as a pet project to turn into a cow. He mentioned that his sisters had always been fat – that his mom had always overindulged them as kids, how his brother in law Mark had met Adrianna on a website for people with fat fetishes, and how even his mom used to be rail thin – before meeting his dad and grandmother.
Brianna had accepted that she was just becoming part of the family – turning into a walking and gluttonous blob of fat like the rest of the women. This wasn't hard for her to do – she loved eating, and the fatter she got the closer she felt with Adrianna, Julia, and April. Her only apprehension was what her fit and thin family would think seeing her getting so pudgy. Their wedding date was 6 months away, and there was absolutely no way that she was going to be under 200 pounds by the time her family was in town to attend. Still – that was in the future, and her hunger was NOW. At least that's what she continued to tell herself as she ate and ate and ate.
Five months – 198lbs. Six months – 210. Seven months in New York – 218 pounds of hefty fat girl. The wedding was 3 months away, she had already returned a dress she had picked out months ago before any of this started, and was having a hard time explaining while shopping for a new one that she needed something with a huge amount of room to grow. 224. 230. 236. Brianna was an eating machine. In 10 months, she had gained 101 pounds. Her appetite had increased to immense proportions. She looked nothing like her former self. Driving down to JFK to pick her parents up at the airport, the gravity of what she'd done and what was about to happen finally hit her.
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Kyzarburner 2 years
Great writing!
Fluffylove 2 years
Love it please continue
Bruinsean 2 years
Great story
Obese And Gr... 2 years
You are the best.
Your stories are so hot
Jktab 2 years
Mattnagle 2 years
What a wonderful story, loved it ,thanks so much .😁🥧🍰
Mattnagle 2 years
What a wonderful story, loved it ,thanks so much .😁🥧🍰
Mental5125 2 years
Phenomenal story! Loved everything about it.
Bcain 2 years
Great stuff, love the family influence trope as well as the eventual eclipse.
Sneaks88 2 years
you are my favorite writer brotha please don’t stop the great content!!
Fataholic 2 years
After a long time of wanting to hop back on and finish all of my mostly-finished yet unfinished stories, I sat down and instead wrote yet another new one (I know, I know...)