Welcome to the family

Chapter 7 - one of the family

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Six months later Brianna awoke one morning surrounded by candy wrappers. She rubbed her eyes and searched for her phone. She found it embedded in her cleavage from the night before, and peeled it out of the hot sticky bra that was housing it. She checked the time. 12:34 PM. This was the first time she'd been awake before 1 PM this week. She noted it as an inconvenience, since she was still incredibly tired and her belly was completely empty. With a heave she pivoted her enormous body towards the edge of the bed, grunting slightly from the strain. She rocked back and lunged to her feet with a wobble. With ponderous thudding steps and creaking floorboards, she lurched her way down the hallway to the bathroom. With a stomp she kicked her scale on with her foot. The digital readout took a while to think about it, and finally settled on 329.3 pounds. She didn't frown, but she didn't smile. She was nowhere near where she wanted to be, but she was making good progress.

Six more months, their first anniversary. Her gain had continued at its breakneck pace, albeit slightly slower than before due to the sheer immense amount of food it now took to simply sustain her basic metabolic rate much less continue to gain fat on top of that. Still, Brianna was undeterred and her eating habits had begun to come into a league of their own. She had outgrown her old scale a few months before, and waddled into the bathroom to stomp on the extra large voice scale Jason had bought for her. “Three hundred ninety-three point five pounds” the machine exclaimed. She looked herself over in the mirror. Gone was all definition. She was a walking heap of blubber from head to toe. Her belly had become a jiggly apron hanging down and resting on top of her plump fupa. She lifted it with all of her strength, and then let it fall. She watched in the mirror as her body shook and reverberated from the disturbance. Looking at herself like this just made her hungry. She waddled down the hall to order herself a breakfast to gorge on.

12 more months go by in a blur of eating, belly rubs, and fucking. Jason eventually had to buy his expanding wife some reinforced furniture after breaking their bed two weeks in a row pounding away at her massive body. Brianna's laziness increased to the point that she felt inconvenienced to walk more than 20 yards at a time without stopping for a break. She noted how winded she felt and what a workout it had become to do simple things like get on her feet and go for a walk. Still, she dutifuly went through the spectacle of cramming herself into the full sized SUV Jason was forced to upgrade to, and driving a few blocks away to waddle up the steps, gasping for air along the way, and shuffle into her inlaws' house for Sunday dinner. On this particular anniversary week, she hobbled out of bed and down the hall for her scale just as she normally did at the start of the month. She turned sideways and heaved her body under pressure to squeeze through the door frame.

“Time to see what I've done to myself...” she said, staring at her mass in the mirror. She was a sight to behold. Rippling cellulite encapsulated her entire body. Her face had been encased in flab. Her neck had disappeared beneath a combination of her enormous chin and a giant roll that outlined where her collar bone once was. Her breasts sat lazily to the left and right of her massive stomach, drooping towards the ground. She marveled at that fact that she had once had very average and perky breasts dotted with small little nipples. These were flat and wide overfilled heaps of fat. There was no perkiness of any kind, simply weight and heft. Her nipples were no longer quarter sized little dots but had stretched out into giant ones from a combination of the immense weight gain and constant sucking from Jason. She grabbed her drooping belly on the side with each stubby fat encased hand and flopped it up and down violently. The resultant jiggling took about 10 seconds to totally die down and in exactly the same amount of time she was gushing in her panties. She bit her bottom lip and slowly released it. She looked like a fat goddess.

She pressed the scale with her foot to activate it, then heaved herself on.

“Five hundred nineteen point eight pounds” it proclaimed proudly.

Brianna squealed with joy. She had been hoping to hit 520 this month, and she was counting this one.

“Time to celebrate...” she said to herself, as she took a picture in the mirror to send to Jason. She made sure to leave room for that evening's activities however.

At 6:00, with the help of Jason, Brianna waddled up the steps of the Costello house and found her way inside.

“I take it I'm not late?” she said, looking around at only familiar faces.

“No, fatty – you almost were though. Holy shit you've gotta work out a LITTLE bit to keep up your strength to get up those steps” April said with a giggle. Just last month Brianna had officially eclipsed the other girls in weight, and April was giddy to engage in some friendly teasing.

“W-*gasp*ho are you calling fatty, fatso?” she wheezed, shaking the house as she made her way to the couch.

“You, big girl!” April shouted, playfully slapping Brianna's enormous ass as it jiggled by.

“Shhh you two, I think they're coming!” whispered Adrianna who had lifted one of the blinds and was peering down the sidewalk out front.

The doorknob turned as Julia waddled out of the kitchen with Lydia. Through the doorway, and home from his extended tour of duty walked Jason's youngest brother Johnny, arm in arm with his svelte and attractive new fiancee who had just moved back to New York with him and was meeting the Costellos for the first time.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the women in the room. Brianna was absolutely the fattest person she had ever seen outside of a TV show. The girls shot each other a glance and a grin that said “one of us!” as they each heaved themselves to their feet to go envelop her in a hug.
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Kyzarburner 2 years
Great writing!
Fluffylove 2 years
Love it please continue
Bruinsean 2 years
Great story
Obese And Gr... 2 years
You are the best.
Your stories are so hot
Jktab 2 years
Mattnagle 2 years
What a wonderful story, loved it ,thanks so much .😁🥧🍰
Mattnagle 2 years
What a wonderful story, loved it ,thanks so much .😁🥧🍰
Mental5125 2 years
Phenomenal story! Loved everything about it.
Bcain 2 years
Great stuff, love the family influence trope as well as the eventual eclipse.
Sneaks88 2 years
you are my favorite writer brotha please don’t stop the great content!!
Fataholic 2 years
After a long time of wanting to hop back on and finish all of my mostly-finished yet unfinished stories, I sat down and instead wrote yet another new one (I know, I know...)